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New Coach?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:First thing you will have to do, is find somebody that would take the job.

May not be so easy.

for 3.5 million you can get just about anybody to want the job.
I've been one of the biggest BCG supporters, but it hasn't worked and I think that he will resign after the season. People say it will set the program back, well IMO it can't get much worse. Here is the top 5 guys I think should be looked at for the job.

1. John Calipari
2. Jay Wright
3. Mark Few
4. Thad Matta
5. Travis Ford
cougarpride08 Wrote:The coach from South Carolina.

Horn is in the same boat as John and Travis. Came from a smaller school to a bigger D-1 school and hasnt proved himself yet. Like a few said most of his talent is left over from coach Dave Odom.
sstack Wrote:for 3.5 million you can get just about anybody to want the job.

Lute Olson proved that all you have to do is let your present employer have the chance to match, and you are back at square one again.
-STAT- Wrote:Horn is in the same boat as John and Travis. Came from a smaller school to a bigger D-1 school and hasnt proved himself yet. Like a few said most of his talent is left over from coach Dave Odom.

He's seems like a very solid coach and gets the most out of his players. Very intense and he represents himself well. I mean, he can speak in sentences at least. I think Horn would be an excellent choice.
I would have to agree with Darrin Horn being the next coach of UK, provided this dip**** gets out of here first. But honestly I think they should go after someone with a bit of a bigger name like maybe Izzo or Calipari, but I cant see either one of those guys leaving their current positions. Horn would ultimately be the best fit and the right guy for the job, I could care less if he doesnt recruit as well, what matters is his coaching, and from what I have seen, he can **** sure coach.
Maybe we should clean house. New coach and new AD. Barnhart isnt much of an AD...
Yesss lets go ahead and fire Gillespie after 2years, that way we can hire a new coach and fire him after 2years, come on people has no one looked at what kind of team we got next year????? looks to me like a pretty darn good one. So lets stop making these threads about looking for a new coach we did the same thing with Tubby and now were just going to get a reputation of running out good coaches. Next year Kentucky will be back, and I still think we will make the big dance this year you all act like the season is over last time I checked we still have to play the sec tournament.
Does anyone see it strange that Bobby Knight and Georgia never went anywhere? I think that he is holding out hope for Kentucky. He could handle the crazy fans and he would make sure discipline was at UK, Something that i think the Program is lacking example(Liggins refuses to enter game, Stewart quits and comes back) He would put fire back into the job and would be just what UK needs for a coach Pitino will never be back! Coach K Or williams Never!
Maybe Callipari
Ford is not a UK coach he would just be another Billy G
Pelfrey has a hard enough time at Arkansas

So Bobby Knight is IMO the best available for the head job at UK... BUT Gillispie is staying at UK
I like the idea of Bobby Knight. The thing about Georgia and him never going anywhere brings up an interesting point.

Now, I saw a couple names on this thread that were mentioned when Tubby left. Mark Few and Tom Izzo. I don't think either would leave where they are. Izzo is having success at Mich. St. year in and year out, and Mark Few and Gonzaga just seem like one of those relationships where the coach and the team are both better than they really are because of each other. If they were to part ways, then they would both struggle.

I don't think Dixon or Calipari would leave their respective schools. IMO, I don't think money is enough to sway them. They are having plenty of success where they are.

You don't really want Pelphry or Ford. This time around Billy Donovan might be more willing to part with Florida. They aren't so hot right now. A name I saw that was interesting, Thad Matta. Might be a good chance. I thought that with Billy G though.

Also, IMHO, Billy G is back next year. If they suck it up again, then there can't be any excuses...and then he's out.
Bobby Knight as UK coach is C R A Z Y!:yikes: :thatsfunn :HitWall:
I would love to see Knight finish his career at UK.. Ford and Pelphrey are not ready for a job like UK. Izzo can stay in michigan. Calipari should be gone after hard imo.

As for discipline problems, they started way back with tubby. Remember Joe Crawford, Randolph Morris, and Gerald Fitch??
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
According to Matt Jones at KSR (who has some pretty good sources inside the UK program) Billy G coming back next season is still 50/50. One thing is the contract issue; if Billy G dont sign the contract, he will be gone. According to Matt here are the possible replacements if a coaching change were to take place.....

1. Billy D
2. John Calipari
3. Jay Wright
4. Jamie Dixon
5. Tom Izzo (doubtful but a possibility)

I would love to have John Calipari, the man is hands down the best recruiter in basketball (besides Scott County's coach lol) but he has has issues with the NCAA. Billy D is a great coach as well, and he knows what the UK tradition is all about. The only thing that stopped him from coming in 2007 was the fact that he was coming off back to back national championships, and the fact that he would be replacing Tubby, in which he was an assistant behind. I liked Billy G at first, but I will take either of these guys any day.
BCF4L Wrote:Hopefully John Calipari. There shouldn't be anyone else involved in the discussion. This talk about Pelphrey and Ford is ridiculous in my opinion. Neither coach has proved anything. ****, Pelphrey's Hawgs are last in the SEC West right now.

smart man. look at cals recruits the past few years.

derrick rose, tyreke evans, xavier henry. wow. kentucky could use those caliber players.
memphistiger Wrote:smart man. look at cals recruits the past few years.

derrick rose, tyreke evans, xavier henry. wow. kentucky could use those caliber players.
True, and he is at the top of the list as far as getting his players to graduate.
I'd LOVE to see Pat Riley finish his career at UK.
I'd love to see Billy Donavon at Kentucky.
Brittany0121 Wrote:I'd LOVE to see Pat Riley finish his career at UK.

Pat Riley's career is already finished. I highly doubt he would come out of retirement to go back to coach NCAA.
i would also love to see billy donovan at uk but i doubt that will happen unless uk offer's him a better contract than what they offered him before
I love how people are saying Pelphrey and Ford are inexperienced, what experience did Billy G have before he came to UK, UTEP? Texas A&M? LOL.
Thank you, someone else thinks the way I do. Pelphrey has more experience in than gillispie could ever have. He was an assistant under Donovan at Florida and played for Pitino, what more could you want from a coach. Yeah sure, he coached South Alabama and thats no better than A&M or UTEP, but he is still a better coach than gillispie will ever be.
Sports_Fan28 Wrote:Thank you, someone else thinks the way I do. Pelphrey has more experience in than gillispie could ever have. He was an assistant under Donovan at Florida and played for Pitino, what more could you want from a coach. Yeah sure, he coached South Alabama and thats no better than A&M or UTEP, but he is still a better coach than gillispie will ever be.

Well, If Gillispie is gone at the end of the season. Pelphrey is the guy that I would want to replace Gillispie.Pelphrey hasnt had a very good year at Arkansas going 14-16 but he has got wins over Oklahoma and Texas this season. Hes from Eastern Kentucky, he played at UK so he knows what UK Basketball is all about! He knows what the fans except and he knows that the standards are high and I think he would be the man but of course I wouldnt be sad if UK got Callipari,Few, Ford, or Izzo. I personally dont think we'll even have to worry about this because I think Gillispie WILL be back and SHOULD be back next season. Go Cats!
gish_7 Wrote:According to Matt Jones at KSR (who has some pretty good sources inside the UK program) Billy G coming back next season is still 50/50. One thing is the contract issue; if Billy G dont sign the contract, he will be gone. According to Matt here are the possible replacements if a coaching change were to take place.....

1. Billy D
2. John Calipari
3. Jay Wright
4. Jamie Dixon
5. Tom Izzo (doubtful but a possibility)

I would love to have John Calipari, the man is hands down the best recruiter in basketball (besides Scott County's coach lol) but he has has issues with the NCAA. Billy D is a great coach as well, and he knows what the UK tradition is all about. The only thing that stopped him from coming in 2007 was the fact that he was coming off back to back national championships, and the fact that he would be replacing Tubby, in which he was an assistant behind. I liked Billy G at first, but I will take either of these guys any day.

Calipari will never be considered for the UK job. After the Sutton fiasco with Fedex, UK can't afford someone who has already responsible for getting a program sanctions from NCAA. ( UMAS 1996, money going to players like Camby and a couple other's) That's the reason he left college for the pro's for a couple years before coming back. Donavan had his chance and blew it. Dixon and Izzo wouldn't fit in, imo. UK is to basketball like Notre Dame is to football, considered the premire programs in the nation. As far as I'm conserned UK could have about anyone they wanted as coach. Money and prestige will get what you want, although Barnhardt isn't the right person making the decisions. You must have a search commitee and a understanding of what you need. All this aside BG will be back next year. You don't give anyone only 2 seasons to try and right a program that has been in trouble for 7 years.JMO
The only coaches I would replace BCG with would be

1. Pitino
2. Billy Donavan
3. Calipari
4. Izzo
NYY10 Wrote:Booher from Shelby Valley... just playing lol.

Bill Mike would get it before him. He already has Landon there. But, it would help get Justice!
I would love to see Pitino come back, but if that happened some stupid fans that cant get over him leaving after 1997 and then returning to coach UK's hated rival Louisville would be booing him the entire time like idiots. He is the BEST coach UK ever had, I dont care what anyone says. Yes he is better than Rupp was, also Joe B. "SELLOUT" Hall and the drunk Eddie Sutton. Tubby is the second best in UK history. The only way UK will get back to what it is supposed to be is to bring in someone of Pitino or Tubby's caliber. Calipari would be nice, but apparently some people dont think so, but what do they know. Pelphrey, Ford, two guys that know about UK tradition firsthand. Izzo who coaches alot like Tubby. Bobby Knight, who could bring some much needed discipline and actual coaching knowledge to the team. Basically, anyone besides what UK has now. I would rather see a high school coach get the job than to sit through another season of this guy.
Might as well let Rich Brooks coach basketball. <---Joking!

Seriously I think if someone was going to replace BCG, then I think it needs to be someone with UK ties who know what UK is and will take the job seriously. I think Travis Ford has earned it. He has been successful everywhere he has gone.

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