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Fishing Trip
Today My buddy and I went fishing at the river in my spot.....Well we was using chicken livers and I was wanting to get some night crawlers but WALMART was sold out of them and wont have any back til next year, and the bait store was closed til 330...well we had to do with what we had....Well we started fishing around 1 PM, and my buddy caught 2 cat's about 3 pounds and 4 pounds.....I hadnt caught anything...I was waiting for the bait store to open to go get night crawlers....Well 330 rolled around and I sent my buddy to go get us summin to drink and some night crawlers.....I was using my ZEBCO 33 my smallest reel I had with 17 pound test line on it.......Well when he got back with the night crawlers I put one on there and threw it out there and laid my pole down grabbed my Diet Pepsi and walked over about 10 feet where he was standing to talk to him...Well I turned around and Looked my LINE ON MY POLE straightened out and my reel took off and went into the river...well i was like SHI T this is the 1st time I had this happen to me lol....I knew it had to be a pretty good size fish so My buddy said here give me your Bait caster and Ill try to hook your line...I said NO WAY you will hook my line...well sure enough he hooked my line on 1st try...well it slipped off....well me and him both took off running down the side of the river bank and he casted again and got my line again with the fish still on there....I said grab the line and pull the reel to you not the fish....SO he did and we got my reel back and I reeled the fish in....It was a 12-15 pound carp, and that was the highlight of my pole getting pulled in by a fish us fishing my pole out and still catching the fish......This is one of these stories IF IT WASNT YOU, you wouldnt beleive it lol.....:lmao:
I put this post in here b/c QQ told me to so we all could talk about it not many people goes into Hunting/Fishing forum
Man.. Sounds like your buddy has some good casting skills. Too bad it was a nasty ass carp on the other end. THose things are impossible to clean. Ive heard though they are tasty if you can clean them right.
Thanks for asking me to go fishing with you football:Sad04:
Next thing you know FB05 will have his own fishing show.
my dad lost a pole in Dewey lake last year
if i didnt see the pic, i wouldnt believe it.....yeah QQ they are nasty, but man they are fun to catch
wow thts pretty cool
u all should put the picture on here if u get a chance..

lol maybe next time go for the alligator in the pikeville pond...thatd be crazy if u caught it
Congratulations there football.
Sounds like that was a very exciting day.
I hate carps.
I haven't been fishing since I was a kid! My dad use to take me but he doesn't anymore...BallaBaby is suppose to take me but I doubt she ever will...she's lazy!
How could I get the pic off of my phone onto here and Ill post it......Well QQ my buddy does have good casting skills but it wasnt thatfar from the bank where I caught it and he casted it about 50 foot I guess......But yea you all might see me on TV with ole BILL DANCE except Ill have a UK hat would be fishing bloopers.......Nah I do fish alot tho....Honestly if I would of told some of you all that HOW many people would of beleived me if I didnt have anyone to back me up?.......I told you 15th that Josh called me at 12 and we went at 1 and fished til 615...

QQ carps are nasty BUT i wouldnt eat anything from the river no joke....heck when that thing pulled my pole in I was expecting to catch something with 14 eyes and 5 legs walking out of the
That is hilarious football. I know the feeling of not wanting to eat any of that crap. We fish out of the Upper Levisa River and the Big Sandy all of the time and why they aren't genetically mutated is beyond me. You never know how many people' s sewage is running into the river and god only knows what kind of crap is dumped in there.

One time my grandfather was talking to members of the Corp of Engineers when they drained some of the water down at the Lickcreek branch of Fishtrap and the man told him that they had found bags of blood transfusions that had the hospital from Grundy, Virginia's label on them.....
One time my grandfather told me they saw Big Foot walking the railroad bridge in Elkhorn City.
Maybe he just said that to scare you?!

I would think that there could be ghost at the railroad bridge because the train that derailed and stuff. Was anyone killed during that? I know that the train is so far down in the river that divers cannot get to it because of their ears, even the professionals that were brought in could not get to it. They will have to use small one person submarines or something if they ever make it down to it.
He may have...he didn't like my fascination with the bridge.
So the river is that deep??
Well apparently through there it is because I mean, if a train can go down that far that professional drivers cannot get to it..River depths varies and all but through there, it is really far down. For the train to disappear, people be able to jump from the bridge, and all of that you know that it HAS to be a VERY depth spot.
I had been white water rafting and kayaking through there a number of times and no matter how clear the water is, near the bridge is gets very dark down in the water which of course means that it is pretty dang deep.

I could understand where your grandfather would not want you playing on the bridge or jumping like most people. Maybe it was for your safety and then again, maybe not....
Yea I say your grandfather told you that to scare you so you wouldnt go over there I dont blame him....
You better call me next time football lol..

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