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The Miniature Earth
Definitely a video everyone needs to watch. It will open your eyes to a number of different things.

No one? Really?
That is crazy!!!
The statistics are startling, I wish that everyone would take the time to watch it. I would probably never seen the video had it not been for a class I took this semester.
This really would open a persons eyes if they watched this.
Wow amazing video glad you posted it.
Yes, Thank You for making this thread.
That is amazing!
Thanks for posting!


Morehead State Eagle!
That really makes you think about how much we are balessed here in america. Thank you for posting that.
Great video. Some people fail to realize people in other countries still live in huts and have never heard of the internet or a computer.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Great video. Some people fail to realize people in other countries still live in huts and have never heard of the internet or a computer.

Very Good Point!
I would also like to point out that America thinks that we are a huge world power but if you noticed in the video, there would be very few of us in that group of 100. We would know what it was like to be a minority then.

And 6 people in that community of 100 would account for 59% of the wealth.

Think about it.
wow. just wow. makes you think
thanks for sharing tribe. I honestly was touched. Very telling story of the plight of the rest of the world. Makes the bantering over UK basketball quite trivial
At least one number is a bit off- Muslims make up between 25 and [email=24$#@%]24%[/email] of the world's population, not 13 (I forget if it said 13 or 14).

Said that 9 are disabled, which seems high, unless there's a lot of disabled people in other countries, or if they count everything like not being able to smell or small things like that a disability.

Europe's population seems too big, and North America too small, but, like I said, I don't know that one for sure either and I'm too lazy to look it up.

Nice video, though, and it does open your eyes.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Statistics could have changed since the time the video was made.

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