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What Really Grinds Your Gears?
Midee1 Wrote:A wore out clutch??????
Know it alls, high - feeling people, those who abuse welfare, anti-hunters, ppl that talk crap knowing they can't back it up.............I could go on with this list for days.............
idiots; to make it plain and simple. lol
ok lets see

people who lie and then when u catch them up in it they lie about it still

Pike Central Fans

Do nothing Government

Republicans with no new ideas

George Bush


rosie o'donnell



starving kids in africa

and just tom make my self clear on the last 3 it makes me mad that it happens they dont make me mad...
1. Fake people
2. Not cleaning up after yourself
3. Sissys
People who say "Happy Holidays"
Real Badman Wrote:People who say "Happy Holidays"

Amen to that brother!!!
People who block traffic in parking lots waiting for other people to load their car so they can take their spot.
Emo People!!!!!!
people who think they know everything but don't!
You know what really grinds my gears? People in the 19th century. Why don't they get with the freakin program? It's called an automobile, folks. It's much faster than a horse!
I have a new one- people who post every basketball score that they found off ESPN when they have no interest in the game, they just post for the sake of posting and make the subject the score and then the body just says "final."
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
stupid people haha
Billy G
When people know better, but don't do better.
Random UK fans.
People who can't keep a secret.
Being lied to probably gets me more than anything.
My teachers!
Jshort5 Wrote:Somebody that talks like that they are smart but actually know nothing of the topic they are speaking on.

BFritz, I'm with you, Mike Brown make me mad as heck!!



Amen (both comments)
BFritz Wrote:I hate when people try to make assumptions about what I can/can't do or underestimate my mental state. I'd rather people just talk to me normal or ask me about what happened to me or anything.

Mike Brown really chaps my ***

BFritz, I'm with you. I have a teenager that I have been trying to teach that very lesson. He has a friend that he plays football with who is losing his father to cancer. My son has had a very difficult time talking to him, because 'he doesn't know what to say'. I've tried to get through to him that if the shoe was on the other foot, how would he want his friends to be with him. It's tough for a teenager, and I understand that, but as with you, his friend is faced with a very real situation that is affecting his life. It's not make believe, and it's not something that will just go away all by itself. I've asked him just to simply go to his friend and be honest and up front. Just say, "I have heard about your dad, my prayers are with you and if you need anything let me know". If his friend is strong enough to talk about it, he will. If it's not time for him to talk about it, he's not going to be upset, but is going to simply say thank you and I appreciate it. Bottomline, it now gives his friend someone that he may feel he can come to in the future just "to talk".:Thumbs:
Aslan Wrote:When people know better, but don't do better.

Aslan Wrote:Random UK fans.

Aslan Wrote:People who can't keep a secret.

Aslan Wrote:Being lied to probably gets me more than anything.

People who post four times in the same thread, all within three minutes of each other, instead of just one post with four different sentences, not that I've ever seen anyone do that or anything:eyeroll:

lol, jp

Stardust Wrote:BFritz, I'm with you. I have a teenager that I have been trying to teach that very lesson. He has a friend that he plays football with who is losing his father to cancer. My son has had a very difficult time talking to him, because 'he doesn't know what to say'. I've tried to get through to him that if the shoe was on the other foot, how would he want his friends to be with him. It's tough for a teenager, and I understand that, but as with you, his friend is faced with a very real situation that is affecting his life. It's not make believe, and it's not something that will just go away all by itself. I've asked him just to simply go to his friend and be honest and up front. Just say, "I have heard about your dad, my prayers are with you and if you need anything let me know". If his friend is strong enough to talk about it, he will. If it's not time for him to talk about it, he's not going to be upset, but is going to simply say thank you and I appreciate it. Bottomline, it now gives his friend someone that he may feel he can come to in the future just "to talk".:Thumbs:

Exactly, because there's nothing worse in life than feeling like you're all alone on an island with no one to listen to you or no one who cares, but it's also bad when people won't get off your back about it, so there's a thin line that you have to walk.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:People who post four times in the same thread, all within three minutes of each other, instead of just one post with four different sentences, not that I've ever seen anyone do that or anything:eyeroll:

lol, jp

Exactly, because there's nothing worse in life than feeling like you're all alone on an island with no one to listen to you or no one who cares, but it's also bad when people won't get off your back about it, so there's a thin line that you have to walk.

All right, I get the point JK

haha, hmmm schoolwork??? haha
Not having schoolwork anymore!

It grinds me that I missed how easy life was when I had homework for 16 years versus having to Work for 40!
Now looking back at this basketball season, what REALLY grinds my gears is cheering on the sideline, seeing the basketball players up in the air, watching their every move, they make contact, and then the reff calls a foul when it really WASN'T one.

Ugh, I get mad thinking about it.


Morehead State Eagle!
what really grind my gears are people who think they are better than what they are and try to convince people that they are better than everybody else.
The state that UK baskatball is in.
When fans boo or argue obvious calls against their own team..Just shows how stupid they are and that they're a bunch of homers of no nothing about the game of basketball.
People who only support there team when there winning, very girly men also grind my gears!

I look at em' and I just wanna smack em' and say your a dude!

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