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Embryonic stem cell ethics

From post on USA Today -
Would you refuse -- for your parent, your child or yourself -- a treatment for a terrible ailment because it was developed with embryonic stem cell research?

Would you want your doctor to keep you in the dark about such a treatment because he or she is morally opposed to it?

Before I get into the arguments about the ethics of embryonic stem cell research, I wanted to get those questions out there. The issues at hand are not just arguments for scientists, politicians, clergy and theologians. These are questions that you and I may one day face.

On Friday the White House confirmed with Mark Memmott at The Oval that on Monday President Obama will address the Bush administration restrictions that limited researchers using federal funds to just 22 embryonic stem cell lines, while there are 1,000 or more available today.

And unquestionably, there are some tough calls ahead. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is certain that the same goals of medical science and research can be reached with adult, cord blood, and pluripotent stem cells...........
The fact of the matter on this issue is that religious bias shouldn't play a role in this decision. Bias like that of the right wing conservatives who think they must maintain their "holy" image is hindering the ability of our Government and more over our country to make hard decisions that other countries (like China and France) are all making.
We need to take the time to step back from the situation and realize that God obviously isn't intervening to stop the crippling diseases plaguing our country like Diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Stem Cells are the key to a future with people in control of our own health. the arguments being made against stem cell research, like the immorality of using a fetus for testing is ridiculous. Morality should not play a role in the forwarding of medical technology. :ChairHit:
What people don't realize is that these embryos are made by mixxing sperm and and egg in a petry dish and freeze dried.

This is all on the microscopic level.

The embryos are created by a man and a woman who have the intention of placing one or more of them into her body to start a pregnancy.

If she decides to change her mind these embyos are discarded and thrown in the trash.

Why not use these embryos for research to cure disease instead of filling up the landfill w/ them.
DevilsWin Wrote:What people don't realize is that these embryos are made by mixxing sperm and and egg in a petry dish and freeze dried.

This is all on the microscopic level.

The embryos are created by a man and a woman who have the intention of placing one or more of them into her body to start a pregnancy.

If she decides to change her mind these embyos are discarded and thrown in the trash.

Why not use these embryos for research to cure disease instead of filling up the landfill w/ them.

Wow you are dangerous. I think the point is you shouldn't be throwing embryos in the trash. No offense DW, but you are positively the last person on earth who should be talking about people not realizing stuff.
MrRight Wrote:The fact of the matter on this issue is that religious bias shouldn't play a role in this decision. Bias like that of the right wing conservatives who think they must maintain their "holy" image is hindering the ability of our Government and more over our country to make hard decisions that other countries (like China and France) are all making.
We need to take the time to step back from the situation and realize that God obviously isn't intervening to stop the crippling diseases plaguing our country like Diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Stem Cells are the key to a future with people in control of our own health. the arguments being made against stem cell research, like the immorality of using a fetus for testing is ridiculous. Morality should not play a role in the forwarding of medical technology. :ChairHit:

WOW!!! That is a bold statement to say that God isn't intervening to stop crippling diseases. So, there has not been one person in the whole United States that has been cured from any diseases? The fact is that No, God doesn't heal every person with a disease. Can you blame him? After all this country has done to rid him from our great country. Lets see, prayer has been taken out of schools, people want to take "In God We Trust" off US currency and "Under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
This all comes down to the fact that you can preach all day long and say that god hasn't intervened for whatever reason....but it comes down to not intervening. That's the end of the story. Obviously i'm an agnostic. But regardless of my opinion, not using embryo's for research is not only foolish but should be considered dangerous if someone has such little intelligence.
jetpilot Wrote:Wow you are dangerous. I think the point is you shouldn't be throwing embryos in the trash. No offense DW, but you are positively the last person on earth who should be talking about people not realizing stuff.

I'm not throwing these embryos in the trash. But unless they are used for Stem Cell research thats where they end up. Its already going on!

Just the facts man.
warrior3 Wrote:WOW!!! That is a bold statement to say that God isn't intervening to stop crippling diseases. So, there has not been one person in the whole United States that has been cured from any diseases? The fact is that No, God doesn't heal every person with a disease. Can you blame him? After all this country has done to rid him from our great country. Lets see, prayer has been taken out of schools, people want to take "In God We Trust" off US currency and "Under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
I'm not one of those people.
MrRight Wrote:This all comes down to the fact that you can preach all day long and say that god hasn't intervened for whatever reason....but it comes down to not intervening. That's the end of the story. Obviously i'm an agnostic. But regardless of my opinion, not using embryo's for research is not only foolish but should be considered dangerous if someone has such little intelligence.

Not worth my time.
DevilsWin Wrote:I'm not throwing these embryos in the trash. But unless they are used for Stem Cell research thats where they end up. Its already going on!

Just the facts man.

Except I'm paying for it now. Private companies are investing billions in this stuff already. If a buck an be made out of it, private enterprise would already be doing it. Anything that needs government subsidies will not be profitable.
lawrencefan Wrote:Except I'm paying for it now. Private companies are investing billions in this stuff already. If a buck an be made out of it, private enterprise would already be doing it. Anything that needs government subsidies will not be profitable.
Would you still have a probelm paying for it if it Cured Your Cancer?
DevilsWin Wrote:Would you still have a probelm paying for it if it Cured Your Cancer?

Yes. There is right and wrong. There is an existence beyond this temporal world, and I believe we will all be held accountable for our actions here, and whether I die now from cancer or twenty years from now doesn't matter.
lawrencefan Wrote:Yes. There is right and wrong. There is an existence beyond this temporal world, and I believe we will all be held accountable for our actions here, and whether I die now from cancer or twenty years from now doesn't matter.
So you're ok with your cancer cure being thrown in the trash?
DevilsWin Wrote:So you're ok with your cancer cure being thrown in the trash?

Sometimes the ends don't justify the means. I'm sorry that your sense of self preservation takes sway over any semblance of human principle. We are not animals. An animal will eat it's young to survive.
lawrencefan Wrote:Sometimes the ends don't justify the means. I'm sorry that your sense of self preservation takes sway over any semblance of human principle. We are not animals. An animal will eat it's young to survive.
What part of "if they don't use it it goes in the garbage" don't you understand?
An embryo left in the freezer and never used.
An embryo taken out of the freezer and used to try and cure Parkinson's disease.
Which one most aligns with a life principle? Which one is more moral? At the least, it's not an open and shut case.
DevilsWin Wrote:What part of "if they don't use it it goes in the garbage" don't you understand?

Well I'm not the one who harvested them. Maybe we could implant them in Octamom?
lawrencefan Wrote:Well I'm not the one who harvested them. Maybe we could implant them in Octamom?
No! Again you fail to understand what in plain black and white right in front of your face!

If the Harvestie decides not to use them , THEY GO IN THE GARBAGE!

They aren't saved for Octo-Mom.

warrior3 Wrote:Not worth my time.

Perfect response.:Thumbs:
Here is a little something for those of you who think you know what you are talking about but really don't.
DevilsWin Wrote:No! Again you fail to understand what in plain black and white right in front of your face!

If the Harvestie decides not to use them , THEY GO IN THE GARBAGE!

They aren't saved for Octo-Mom.


It's like they are throwing aborted babies in the garbage, and you argue that they are throwing away perfectly good aborted babies.
jetpilot Wrote:It's like they are throwing aborted babies in the garbage, and you argue that they are throwing away perfectly good aborted babies.


An embryo is visible only through a microscope. Harldy a fetus.

To liken these to Aborted Babies is way off the mark.

They are made in a petry dish and flash frozen for future use.
DevilsWin Wrote:An embryo is visible only through a microscope. Harldy a fetus.

To liken these to Aborted Babies is way off the mark.

They are made in a petry dish and flash frozen for future use.

What happens to an embryo if people leave it alone?
jetpilot Wrote:What happens to an embryo if people leave it alone?

Do you mean an embryo not implanted?
jetpilot Wrote:What happens to an embryo if people leave it alone?
Post #9 said it all...goodbye
I think that Stem Cells are a great Breakthrough and we should use them all we can to help as many people as we can. If People age going to have abortions what would be wrong with at least saving a life with something that is going to waste.
PHS#1 Wrote:I think that Stem Cells are a great Breakthrough and we should use them all we can to help as many people as we can. If People age going to have abortions what would be wrong with at least saving a life with something that is going to waste.
Earth to PHS #1.................... STEM CELLS DON'T COME FROM ABORTIONS!


PHS#1 Wrote:I think that Stem Cells are a great Breakthrough and we should use them all we can to help as many people as we can. If People age going to have abortions what would be wrong with at least saving a life with something that is going to waste.

Some do come from abortions but that is less that 1%. Most come from the ambilical cord when a child is seperated from the mother during the birthing process. There are different types of Stem Cells also that can be harvested from other means also such as DW was saying.
okay thank you i wasnt really sure about it i had just been told that they were from abortions. Either way i think it is great

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