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03-05-2009, 11:33 PM
Was everyone satisfied with Gary Fields in his first year?
03-05-2009, 11:53 PM
Threads like this should never be started. Gary is a good guy and will only get better as the years go. He didn't take on a ton of talent. I thought he did a good job.
03-05-2009, 11:57 PM
Yeah he did a great job with maybe his best player going to Phelps right before the start of the season.
03-06-2009, 12:42 AM
hootie Wrote:Threads like this should never be started. Gary is a good guy and will only get better as the years go. He didn't take on a ton of talent. I thought he did a good job.
hey, wasn't meaning anything negative. i thought he did a great job and yes he is a great guy. right now pike central needs something positive with their athletic program with all that has happened between boys basketball and football. coach fields probably only the positive thing to happen this year. keep up the good work coach fields.
03-06-2009, 01:32 AM
I thoughts fields did I fine job, he and the team had alot to endure through injuries and K Rat transfering. I think they still had some unfinished business but it happens. He will have a few tough years coming up with all the youth but they will be back to full form in a couple of years.
03-06-2009, 01:56 AM
There is know way everyone is ever going to be satisfied we all know that. Look at what he stepped into, 5 straight region finals appearances, 3 or 4 starters returning and girls expecting to win. On the other hand you had a coach "forced" out who most of the girls admired and would have done anything for, and if you don't believe that you should have seen them all around him at the boys game last week! On top of that you lose Kayla Lowe(D-1) Haley Ratliff one of the the schools all time greats and ya Kayla Ratliff which is whole other story. So to say he had alot to deal with would be an understatement, it's not my place to rate if he did or didn't do well but maybe Pike Central or whoever makes these decisions will think twice before letting someone like Coach Butcher get away in the future, I sure hope so for the kids sake. And for those of you that will say he didn't have to leave your right, but why stay somewhere when you have done a great job and are still having to fight for that job, he didn't feel wanted here and was welcomed with open arms at M.C. kind of like Ratliff not feeling wanted at P.C. and was welcomed at Hornetville!
03-06-2009, 02:59 AM
hornet14 Wrote:There is know way everyone is ever going to be satisfied we all know that. Look at what he stepped into, 5 straight region finals appearances, 3 or 4 starters returning and girls expecting to win. On the other hand you had a coach "forced" out who most of the girls admired and would have done anything for, and if you don't believe that you should have seen them all around him at the boys game last week! On top of that you lose Kayla Lowe(D-1) Haley Ratliff one of the the schools all time greats and ya Kayla Ratliff which is whole other story. So to say he had alot to deal with would be an understatement, it's not my place to rate if he did or didn't do well but maybe Pike Central or whoever makes these decisions will think twice before letting someone like Coach Butcher get away in the future, I sure hope so for the kids sake. And for those of you that will say he didn't have to leave your right, but why stay somewhere when you have done a great job and are still having to fight for that job, he didn't feel wanted here and was welcomed with open arms at M.C. kind of like Ratliff not feeling wanted at P.C. and was welcomed at Hornetville!
why even bring Butcher into this discussion. Also you stated the girls loved him and he could have stayed and questioned why to stay when you are "not wanted". You already answered you question. Should have done it out of respect for the girls who loved him and wanted them as a coach. This an opinon of mine based off of your view on the situation. Thats all im going to say about Butcher in here because this has nothing to do with Butcher.
03-06-2009, 11:57 PM
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:why even bring Butcher into this discussion. Also you stated the girls loved him and he could have stayed and questioned why to stay when you are "not wanted". You already answered you question. Should have done it out of respect for the girls who loved him and wanted them as a coach. This an opinon of mine based off of your view on the situation. Thats all im going to say about Butcher in here because this has nothing to do with Butcher.
This isn't on topic but Butcher DID NOT have a choice!
03-07-2009, 02:59 AM
catfanatic Wrote:This isn't on topic but Butcher DID NOT have a choice!
can you not read or are you blind? Not once in my post did I say he did or did not have one...However, the person I was responding to did and my comment was in response to their view and if that was the situation in my mind what would have been the right thing to do. Read the next time and make sure you comprehend before responding:please:
03-07-2009, 04:55 AM
again we are off topic, but Butchers only choice was to have the parents go to the board and pleed for his job just as they had done the year before, only to coach there one more year and then be let go, some choice huh. Thats the choice I was talking of just to clear things up, thats the last I'll write about this I shouldn't have even brought it up. As for Coach Fields he seemed to do a fair job under the circumstances. One of my earlier points was that he was brought in to an unusual situation to say the least.
03-07-2009, 06:53 PM
He's a great guy and did an excellent job. Congrats Gary!
03-08-2009, 12:56 AM
well imo coach Fields did not to a bad job but he didn't do a great job either, he knows the game that is for sure but I don't think he knew when to play who. As far as the comment he didn't have alot of talent to work with that is such crap!! He had the best center in the region with AD Slone,not only the best center but one of the BEST rebounder in the State!! He had an awesome point guard in Holly Harris, and also had KP that is a great 3 point shooter and one of the best scrappers I have even seen in Abby Coleman, also he had Hanna Thompson which is a fantastic ball player and Bri Hatamaker is also a wonderful player, he had the talent he just didn't know what to do with it and when. yea he had some difficulties with players leaving and injuries and he had some big shoes to fill but don't say he didnt have alot of talent because he did have.
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