03-07-2009, 05:11 AM
Spartan4Life Wrote:Who said i was ever a Knott County fan? I'm a fan from Knott County. You perry guys show no class at all. "TAKE A SEAT" during an injury time out? how cool are you guys. It's funny to me though that all of a sudden everyone wants to audition for broke back mountain 2. I think those guys who were dancing like Micheal Jackson on the sideline could have won the roll, they looked like pretty good buddies. How are Knott county fans cocky? We play to win like everyone else? maybe me and you can set beside each other at state and watch Hazard rep the 14th?
i agree 100%
perry showed poor class with there posters in there pep/guy cheerleader section, several which showed the up most ignorance iv ever seen and ill go by order:
1) The "inbred" poster, i say it with bold because the bright kid that made that one spelled "imbred"...so we really see how far there willing to go even tho they live in Kentucky aswell and its a redneck stereotype no matter what you say.
2) "Amburgey god loves you" poster. Really? its none of your business what religion someone is, if we lived in some 3rd world dictatorship ruled country then that's another story entirely. iv known him all my life and been good friends for just as long. please feel free to look at the Constitution and see what rights it has to offer "free" citizens.
3) the Maranda and Kyrsten poster, probably the dirtiest thing iv seen in years..i suppose it was a LOW tactic to try and get inside Tate and Stuart's head...but apparently it seems both of them left whoever the poster was about and moved on to bigger and better things. good try tho.
so before you say you cant stand us for being cocky, look at yourself...and your getting cocky mixed up with spirit.
some class you have.:ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit:
03-07-2009, 05:17 AM
TuLegitimate Wrote:i agree 100%
perry showed poor class with there posters in there pep/guy cheerleader section, several which showed the up most ignorance iv ever seen and ill go by order:
1) The "inbred" poster, i say it with bold because the bright kid that made that one spelled "imbred"...so we really see how far there willing to go even tho they live in Kentucky aswell and its a redneck stereotype no matter what you say.
2) "Amburgey god loves you" poster. Really? its none of your business what religion someone is, if we lived in some 3rd world dictatorship ruled country then that's another story entirely. iv known him all my life and been good friends for just as long. please feel free to look at the Constitution and see what rights it has to offer "free" citizens.
3) the Maranda and Kyrsten poster, probably the dirtiest thing iv seen in years..i suppose it was a LOW tactic to try and get inside Tate and Stuart's head...but apparently it seems both of them left whoever the poster was about and moved on to bigger and better things. good try tho.
so before you say you cant stand us for being cocky, look at yourself...and your getting cocky mixed up with spirit.
some class you have.:ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit: :ChairHit:
Get over it. If your a ball player your going to have to deal with the crowd, if you can't than you shouldnt play.
Btw, number 3 is just plain funny. I really doubt Tate and Stuart even cared. I've seen Hazard chant a players x before or something like that of a PCC player but you don't see me complaining.
03-07-2009, 05:20 AM
Aslan Wrote:Get over it. If your a ball player your going to have to deal with the crowd, if you can't than you shouldnt play.
Btw, number 3 is just plain funny. I really doubt Tate and Stuart even cared. I've seen Hazard chant a players x before or something like that of a PCC player but you don't see me complaining.
It bothers me to watch 20 year old guys (95% of Perry's pep section) hold up signs with misspelled words such as "IMBRED" :lmao:
I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok -Shaquille O'Neal
03-07-2009, 05:23 AM
Spartan4Life Wrote:It bothers me to watch 20 year old guys (95% of Perry's pep section) hold up signs with misspelled words such as "IMBRED" :lmao:
The students where holding the signs.
And I'm betting they spelled it wrong on purpose...it would make sense.
03-07-2009, 06:22 AM
i think all the fans should just be quiet at this point. the fans didnt help win the game, had no affect on the game. so kcc and pcc fans need to just let it go. the players won and lost the game. not aslan, he's on the sidelines, not pats2011, he's on the sidelines as well. grow up fellas. let the players talk to each other about how they won and lost the game. you guys had nothin to do with it. aslan didnt win the game for perry im pretty sure of. and pats2011 didnt lose the game for knott either. so act your ages and just be quiet about it.
03-07-2009, 06:38 AM
PATS2011 Wrote:I would not - it would have been you, aslan, and 360 and you know it. This is my first time getting on this website since the game, because apparently unlike you, I have a life outside of trashing others on this website.
Congrats PCC.
KCC should have won though, plain and simple. Rebounds and free throws killed them. Inconsistant officiating both ways, sometimes on more crucial moments for Knott than Perry.
And btw Aslan, Knott didn't take 5 buses, we took 7, 4 of which were pep buses.
105 Blue Crew Members - Who said KCC didn't have a pep club?
I always though that Hazard had the most rude and obnoxious fans (no offense now guys).
BUT PCC TOOK THE CAKE! I would be embarrassed to sit on the same side as those maniacs.
No wonder so many people have bad opinions of PCCHS!!!!
KCC can at least say they have class.
Take me to church PATS, your already preachin the gospel. :worthy:
If hazard and and perry do play, i hope its a blow in hazards favor.
03-07-2009, 07:08 AM
all that matters at the end of the day people is.....the and1 mix tape tour is over:lmao:
03-07-2009, 07:13 AM
i mean if u want some respect shown, quit griping cause knott lost by 2 in ot. YEP 2 IN OT...DEAL WITH IT...i along with everyone else on this forum congradulated both teams on the win and a great season..then the next day after you guys were able to get some sort of sleep and build a book of excuses, you get on here and start....and some how thats ends up being a select fews fault. you guys have NO class. so cut it out on talking about other fans. G/L ON THE SPEECH COMPETITIONS LOLOLOLOL
03-07-2009, 07:16 AM
Epi57 Wrote:all that matters at the end of the day people is.....the and1 mix tape tour is over:lmao:
My oh my. :lmao:
03-07-2009, 07:18 AM
and no im not contradicting myself, you get as much respect as you show
03-07-2009, 10:16 AM
Crazy Horse Wrote:Why are people bashing Davis. He is the next best ball handler they have next to Cox and Stamper. JMO but Cox was not ready to play. He missed shots that he normally makes. Also Davis should have got more playing time. He was ready and played very well, better then most. I am just going to state my opinion but Buttermilk should have never played. With him in the game they have to play half court and that plays right into PCC hands. Ratliff or Amburgey along with Bartum, Davis, Cox, and Stamper should have be in and them full court press the entire game. Everyone saw what happened at the end of the game when they started to press, they turned over PCC and thats what made the game close at the end. Both teams missed a lot of free throws. I do think PCC missed a lot more. Rebounding is what lost Knott the game. What was PCC second chance points. The biggest play of the game was Chris Nobles block on Bartum. I truly think if he makes that that Knott would have came away with the win because they would had all the momentum. I want to see a PCC and Hazard finals.
No one bashed Davis. In my post I never said he wasn't a good player, he is. But he lax experience, the other boys are older and have played a little longer than he has and they are the best choices at clutch times. Zack Davis is gonna be a great player, when he develops a little more and gains some more experience in situations like this game.
03-07-2009, 10:23 AM
TomThreeToes Wrote:I tell you what, if it helps ease your grief, call me whatever you like. I assure you, I've been called it all before by someone.
Calling people names won't fix whats wrong with your team though. I 'think you'll agree that with the talent on the team, they should have brought home one of the trophies. Same deal thats going on with UK, something needs to happen, cause it ain't working right now.
so long, goodbye, theirs something down the track thats calling me.
Yeah, its called **** so see ya by the pits.:devilflam
03-07-2009, 10:25 AM
Aslan Wrote:PCC took 3/4 from KCC. Were going to have to disagree there :thumpsup:
Yeah and the first 2 times was on their court and **** yes the refs helped out PCC on both of those occasions.
03-07-2009, 10:36 AM
dore20 Wrote:Thanks lol. IM just tired of stupid Knott county people. They are so cocky and i mean really. Wat do the have to be cocky over. When was the last time they won anything? In any sport for that matter!!!!!!
If anyone is stupid, its all the ******* Perry county ppl. Apparently, the parents teach their children to be little s.o.b.'s or they wouldn't keep sayin and talkin about the ppl in Knott co. And really you act like your gonna go and do something big, like win state or something....not gonna happen. And all you over grown fruit cakes runnin around in cheerleading skirts...the *****s your lookin for live in lexington or better yet California. You all look like 22 year old idiots out their tryin to relive your high school days.
03-07-2009, 10:38 AM
Aslan Wrote:Have you not read through the Knott Co threads latley? They talk smack, then after they lose, make up excuses. Its always the refs fault if they lose.
The take a seat thing was classless, but every school has fans like that.
Ive had nothing but good things to say about Knott in this thread.
**** is calling all the hypocrits and since your first in line, you will always be toasty warm.
03-07-2009, 10:47 AM
Aslan Wrote:Yeah, according to cincy cat or whatever(cant remember his name), they already had some reservations for Rupp. I hope it's true :lmao:
So what, there are alot of ppl that just like to take their kids to this event. Also, alot of elementary basketball teams go to the state tourny. Its only the smart thing to do if you plan on going. My God, I really can't believe you ppl are that dumb. And talk about cocky, we know who won the game...yet you just can't shut up.
03-07-2009, 10:51 AM
zaga_fan Wrote:Fact 1 PATS2011 would be on here arguing if knott had won
Fact 2 Knott's sportsmanship wasn't that great either.....i.e. the fred flinstone idiot jumping out on the floor to do a cheer after we had been warned about 2 million times to stay off the floor
Fact 3 Buttermilk didn't control anything....maggard....or his foul situation
Fact 4 Aslan and 360 are cool
Fact 5 Hazard is behind the last corner....and Al wasn't ready
Fact 6 If you are behind at the end of a game you have to foul to get back into it....so you should be thankful PCC shot so many free throws....Knott sent them to the line for a reason
Fact 7 GO COMMODORES!!!!!!
Fact 8 Yeah we can see your nose is brown. I'm refering to your fact #4. Now I know why your little pic is of a little weiny.
03-07-2009, 10:55 AM
Aslan Wrote:The students where holding the signs.
And I'm betting they spelled it wrong on purpose...it would make sense.
now who is making excuses?
03-07-2009, 01:41 PM
boogieman Wrote:If anyone is stupid, its all the ******* Perry county ppl. Apparently, the parents teach their children to be little s.o.b.'s or they wouldn't keep sayin and talkin about the ppl in Knott co. And really you act like your gonna go and do something big, like win state or something....not gonna happen. And all you over grown fruit cakes runnin around in cheerleading skirts...the *****s your lookin for live in lexington or better yet California. You all look like 22 year old idiots out their tryin to relive your high school days.
Actually im a 19 year old idiot trying to relive my highschool days..Go Dores!
03-07-2009, 01:42 PM
Spartan4Life Wrote:wow, really? haha how much did they pay you to type that? :lmao:
:redboxer: ..lol
03-07-2009, 01:45 PM
memphistiger Wrote:haha. we're sorry tate left jbs for brighter things. such as making the region tourney. its okay man, you all will have a decent season next year.
Better things? Like what? Losing to Perry 3 out of 4 times? Losing to LCC in the district tournament finals? How about a early first round exit in the region tournament? Come on, better things? Give me a break.
03-07-2009, 01:48 PM
boogieman Wrote:Yeah and the first 2 times was on their court and **** yes the refs helped out PCC on both of those occasions.
Knott County had every chance in the world to win at Perry the 2nd time...i mean Jordan Amis fouled out..and Amburgey just made some bonehead coaching decisions
03-07-2009, 01:49 PM
3 points Wrote:WHY would KCC want PCCs players? We will stick with the ones we have . *
Well because, why wouldn't you? If you can't beat the best, take over half their players, why not? Well I wouldn't want to either, didn't seem to work the last time you guys tried that :Thumbs:
03-07-2009, 02:01 PM
Someone needs anger management classes.....
03-07-2009, 02:15 PM
king360 Wrote:Knott County had every chance in the world to win at Perry the 2nd time...i mean Jordan Amis fouled out..and Amburgey just made some bonehead coaching decisions
Bonehead coaching decisions? what did you want him to do? go run and pull kobe out of his pocket and and send him on his way to the floor? No, when your 2 best players are fouled out along with milk...what are you going to do? he made the best choice in putting in davis and braxton to try and score and to have some height under the goal, and seeing how we ONLY lost by 2..dosent seem to me like its any of his fault.
but i'm done with this, you'll have hazard to worry about now.
03-07-2009, 02:18 PM
TuLegitimate Wrote:Bonehead coaching decisions? what did you want him to do? go run and pull kobe out of his pocket and and send him on his way to the floor? No, when your 2 best players are fouled out along with milk...what are you going to do? he made the best choice in putting in davis and braxton to try and score and to have some height under the goal, and seeing how we ONLY lost by 2..dosent seem to me like its any of his fault.
but i'm done with this, you'll have hazard to worry about now.
I thought he would pull out Chris Paul, Shaq, and LeBron out of his pockets, but even then I still doubt he could coach KCC to a win :lmao:
03-07-2009, 02:25 PM
TuLegitimate Wrote:Bonehead coaching decisions? what did you want him to do? go run and pull kobe out of his pocket and and send him on his way to the floor? No, when your 2 best players are fouled out along with milk...what are you going to do? he made the best choice in putting in davis and braxton to try and score and to have some height under the goal, and seeing how we ONLY lost by 2..dosent seem to me like its any of his fault.
but i'm done with this, you'll have hazard to worry about now.
Who needs Kobe..Stuart Stamper should have put the game out of reach in the 1st half
03-07-2009, 02:25 PM
diaperdandy Wrote:I thought he would pull out Chris Paul, Shaq, and LeBron out of his pockets, but even then I still doubt he could coach KCC to a win :lmao:
He would find some way to lose
03-07-2009, 02:35 PM
diaperdandy Wrote:I thought he would pull out Chris Paul, Shaq, and LeBron out of his pockets, but even then I still doubt he could coach KCC to a win :lmao:
My oh my, your hilarious..please feel free to take the comedy act on tour sometime...still doesn't change the fact Hazard's going to rip Perry apart.

and to king, everyone has an off game and Stuart tried his heart out there. But in a way i agree.
03-07-2009, 02:39 PM
TuLegitimate Wrote:My oh my, your hilarious..please feel free to take the comedy act on tour sometime...still doesn't change the fact Hazard's going to rip Perry apart.irateSho
and to king, everyone has an off game and Stuart tried his heart out there. But in a way i agree.
Some of the most Jealous people i've ever seen..lol
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