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What's your favorite lunch meat ?
Mine is good ole' Ham :bounce:
Im a turkey man here
BP ur out numbered...if we ever have a meeting place and have lunch....everyone BRING TURKEY lol
Lol yea really... for the longest time when my school first started they were serving turkey sandwhiches for lunch and they spelled it Trukey...needless to say it got some laughes...
HAHA thats funny....sounds like good ole SF KY......
and something pburg would do too lol
I'm with ya BP....Ham!!!
I love lunch meat period but if I had to pick between all of them I would take some turkey more than likely. Bologna is good but just seems nasty. Salami is awesome.
Roast Beef
Swag, no school for you today either?
The trukey thing at SF was hilarious...but they finally caught on to it... one day I went in there to get a sandwhich and they had it marked out and had the correct spelling of it written underneath and they spelled it right for about the next week and then they stopped serving them....
That is funny.
Yea... it was classic...
:rock: haha roast beef!

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