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Is this Fair?
The only way to fix something like this is to take EVERY incident and handle them INDIVIDUALLY....
and that's probably too time consuming for the KHSAA
gtowntiger Wrote:Its all too obvious as to the incident that was origianlly referred to.
I honestly don't know about the incident, I'm just replying to the question "Is this fair "
I will admit I am a JC fan and do not condone fighting. It takes two to fight and the KHSAA is the official body and we all go by their decisions. You can not single out certain parties once a fight is allowed to develop, and their will always be 18 year old kids playing with minors so I am sure the KHSAA has considered all this in their finding. If you do not like a decsions have the backbone to go complain to them KHSAA and not hide on these internet sights!
courtdog Wrote:What player are you talking about i only know one person that started a fight

Glad to see you finally admitting to what happened! :Clap:
courtdog Wrote:What player are you talking about i only know one person that started a fight

I wasnt talking about any particular incident. i just replied to the question "is it fair?" Everybody needs to stop trying to bring up particular incidents. :dontthink :dontthink :dontthink
Great post, one face slap and one punch in retalaition gets you a one game suspension, you serve it and go on, case closed.
InstantOffense Wrote:Its just my opinion, but if a blow is threw it should be a standard penalty for everyone. A kids MMA skill shouldn't factor into the punishment.

wow i didnt know that UFC skills where involved in basketball maybe at the coaching clinics next year they should go about teaching coaches how to teach their players on throwing punches :thatsfunn
there is two differnt crimes assault and attempted assault and they come with two different punishments
IMO, the basketball court is no place for fighting... period! If you don't have self control enough to keep yourself from punching/slapping someone you have no business on the court. Thus, if you do feel the need to punch/slap you need to be suspended indefinitely, if not for the rest of the year. If this was the rule, fights wouldn't happen IMO.
This kind of thing is almost always in retaliation. The second guy always gets caught. With that being said, remember that these are kids not adults and they make mistakes. BTW the rule is fif you are ejected you sit out the next game no matter what you are ejected for.
Creeker Wrote:IMO, the basketball court is no place for fighting... period! If you don't have self control enough to keep yourself from punching/slapping someone you have no business on the court. Thus, if you do feel the need to punch/slap you need to be suspended indefinitely, if not for the rest of the year. If this was the rule, fights wouldn't happen IMO.

Excellent reply Creeker. I have children that play basketball, not high school level yet, but if either one of them started a fight or threw a punch at someone parents wouldn't have to worry about what will happen to them. They will probably be watching for me to come out of the stands and jerk them off the court. There are no excuses for this type of behavior.
Keep the posts on the rule and not the incident!

If you want to talk about the incident, feel free to take it to private messaging!
I hope throughout our 15th Regional Tournament that "cooler heads" prevail in these games and something doesn't happen with any of the teams.
the 1 the only Wrote:wow i didnt know that UFC skills where involved in basketball maybe at the coaching clinics next year they should go about teaching coaches how to teach their players on throwing punches :thatsfunn
there is two differnt crimes assault and attempted assault and they come with two different punishments
Obviously they aren't different punishments on the basketball court or this thread wouldn't exist.
InstantOffense Wrote:In my opinion a punch is a punch, both were intended to hurt the other player. One player shouldn't be punished more because his shot landed and the other didn't. Punishment should be the same in both cases, assuming it was only one punch.

Yeah, looks like both were intended to hurt another player it's just one was more accurate with their punch than the other one was.Confusedhh:
best way to resolve this matter is to not throw a punch so no one has to even worry about this topic. dont throw punches and you wont get suspended. landed punch or not. just dont do it, it makes more sense.
well all of this is in the past and punishments were given so its irrelevant for us to discuss it
can we all move on now?
InstantOffense Wrote:In my opinion a punch is a punch, both were intended to hurt the other player. One player shouldn't be punished more because his shot landed and the other didn't. Punishment should be the same in both cases, assuming it was only one punch.

I agree
so hurting another player and not hurting another player is the same thing?
If you watch games closely, there are things that go on that lead up to a fight. Lots of trash talking that is not taken care of early enough. If the trash talking is taken care of you don't have these kinds of things happen. Most of you will say none of that went on, yeah right! It goes on in 90% of these games, trust me. If you get caught it's a Technical foul, if you don't and it leads to worse, you get ejected and have to sit one game, if it happens again, then you get more games suspended. The Khsaa has it where the referee can put on their report if this should be looked into more, if they chose no, it usually isn't looked at again and both kids will get just one game, now if they think it should be looked into more, they may choose to look a little deeper into it and a bigger suspension is possible.
So yes it is fair, because that is the rule right now!
InstantOffense Wrote:In my opinion a punch is a punch, both were intended to hurt the other player. One player shouldn't be punished more because his shot landed and the other didn't. Punishment should be the same in both cases, assuming it was only one punch.

I agree. It makes no difference whether the punch landed or not. The fact is both kids threw a punch, therefore both deserve a suspension. In my opinion, the suspension should be much more severe. This is basketball, not boxing. Both of these kids should have been expelled for the rest of the season.
AleDavJes Wrote:I agree. It makes no difference whether the punch landed or not. The fact is both kids threw a punch, therefore both deserve a suspension. In my opinion, the suspension should be much more severe. This is basketball, not boxing. Both of these kids should have been expelled for the rest of the season.

Again that is your opinion. You are a little biased on this situation as all of your earliert posts from multiple threads will show.
AleDavJes Wrote:I agree. It makes no difference whether the punch landed or not. The fact is both kids threw a punch, therefore both deserve a suspension. In my opinion, the suspension should be much more severe. This is basketball, not boxing. Both of these kids should have been expelled for the rest of the season.

I disagree. I believe the players should serve a suspension, but most players usually learn their lesson after the first suspension. If it happens again, the player would no longer be on my team. Because knowing that a player is fully willing to participate in such actions can cost a team the game and it's very selfish and something a team does not deserve.

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