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VP Biden lying on national television
No change yet, same old crap.
jetpilot Wrote:No change yet, same old crap.

While I am no real fan of VP Biden, how can it be lying if he gleaned his numbers from some other source? Over and over again, we hear politicans arguing over different numbers and statistics. Are they lying? I am not sure how Obama is responsible for this age old practice. I am not sure how age old practices can be changed in a little over a month. Philosophical differences are one thing: partisan crap mongering like this another.
thecavemaster Wrote:While I am no real fan of VP Biden, how can it be lying if he gleaned his numbers from some other source? Over and over again, we hear politicans arguing over different numbers and statistics. Are they lying? I am not sure how Obama is responsible for this age old practice. I am not sure how age old practices can be changed in a little over a month. Philosophical differences are one thing: partisan crap mongering like this another.

And shooting the messenger is the same old weak stuff...
jetpilot Wrote:And shooting the messenger is the same old weak stuff...

I don't quite take your meaning. You started the thread, titled it "VP Biden lying on national television." Are you the messenger? Are you suggesting the source of the article is the messenger?
thecavemaster Wrote:I don't quite take your meaning. You started the thread, titled it "VP Biden lying on national television." Are you the messenger? Are you suggesting the source of the article is the messenger?

jetpilot Wrote:Yes.

So, you're just a non-partial poster in the matter? Just thought you'd throw that out there?
We might as well get use to these sort of comments from ole Joe, after all it's not uncommon for him to "open mouth and insert foot".

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