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14th region coach and player of the year??
your opinion and thoughts of who deserves coach and player of the year also, some people who deserve credit!
Already been a thread on this last week
best coaches then i guess
Allen Hatcher and Al Holland!!! IMO
There are several you can make a case for. Hatcher( complete turnaround for PCC after last year's dismal start), Holland(gets it done year in and year out), Justice( back-to-back 20 win seasons for LCC)Honeycutt,(gets the most out of limited talent EVERY year) Cook( took over a mess at JBS and did a great job)Amburgey( has blended KCC's talent pretty well)Noble(great job at Buckhorn this year). There are some very good coaches in the 14th.
Noble from Buckhorn ( Coach )
Maggard from PCC ( Player )
Klay Maggard
Player - Klay Maggard
Coach - This could go several different ways and I wouldn't be shocked.
Coach - John Noble (Buckhorn)
Player - Klay Maggard (PCC)
roundball_legend Wrote:Coach - John Noble (Buckhorn)
Player - Klay Maggard (PCC)

I agree with this...
Would also agree with that! Both are well deserving of this honor.
player - Tate Cox(KCC)
coach - Josh Cook(JBS)
POTY should go to either Klay Maggard, Tate Cox, or Josh Whitaker.
COTY Should go to either Hatcher or Noble
I could be wrong, but I do believe that the POY comes from the senior class.
Coach - Allen Hatcher (Perry Co. Central)
Player - Tate Cox ( Knott Co. Central)
Coach- Ill tell you after the district's are over.

Player-Tate Cox.
Player - Klay Maggard

Coach - Hatcher or Noble
Yea you have to be a Senior to be the Region Player Of The Year
Allan Hatcher (Perry County Central)

Tristan Cackling (Estill County)
coach= Hatcher (pcc)
player=banks (lcc)
Coach.......Tie Hatcher (pcc) Cook (jbs) I think these two got the most out of their situations. Hatcher is a basketball genius and gets every ounce out of his players. Cook in his first year of coaching and the youngest coach in the state took a difficult situation and only about 8 players and almost won 20 games.

Player....Tate Cox
Coach-Josh Cook (JBS)
Player- Senior- Klay Maggard
Over all- Tate Cox
I think that player of the year should either be maggard or banks. both are very good athletes. and for coach of the year should go to holland.
uk96 Wrote:Coach.......Tie Hatcher (pcc) Cook (jbs) I think these two got the most out of their situations. Hatcher is a basketball genius and gets every ounce out of his players. Cook in his first year of coaching and the youngest coach in the state took a difficult situation and only about 8 players and almost won 20 games.

Player....Tate Cox

Why do u keep naming Cox when the POY , has to come from the senior class.
Player-Klay Maggard
Coach-Josh Cook.
Player of the Year- Tate Cox (KCC)......Best all around player
Coach of the Year- Josh Cook (JBS).....1st year coach that went 18-10 after the great JBS teams from the recent years.
Ok not to bash anybody but someone please tell me what Josh Cook did that would deserve COY. He took a team that lost two starters and was one of the best in the state, he gained an ineligible player in Howard, they played the old type JBS schedule, he went out in the first round of the district, they never got a signature win agasint a top team, he got nothing out of the biggest player in eastern kentucky, he got nothing out of one of the better shooters in east ky, they played no defense at all, sounds like a coach of the year to me. Should be Hatcher got alot out of mediocre players, Noble, or Amburgey, I dont think Holland should get it this year, they lost one player that never played from last years team and they are not as good this season after being ranked preseason top 10.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Coach - Allen Hatcher (Perry Co. Central)
Player - Tate Cox ( Knott Co. Central)

100% correct in my opinion.:thatsfunn
thagreatest Wrote:Why do u keep naming Cox when the POY , has to come from the senior class.

He is the best

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