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FORBES: Lexington, Ky..#5 in BEST COLLEGE TOWNS!
Thought that was pretty cool! Ann Arbor, Mich was #1. I thought Fayetteville, Ark being #6 was really shocking! But Lex. being in the top is really something to be proud of IMO!
tells ya lexington still has it
Yea I seen that. Forbes is alot better than the newspaper in Loserville that says there #1 Smile
Did you see the pciture with the article? It was of Papa John Stadium lol.
lol. Good to see UK in the top 5 in something.
Easy to get in the Top 5 of college towns when the College is what makes the Town.
guyfawkes Wrote:lol. Good to see UK in the top 5 in something.

you got that right
DeuceUL Wrote:Easy to get in the Top 5 of college towns when the College is what makes the Town.

Never thought I'd agree with you but you are right with this one. Lexington is UK and not a whole lot else...

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