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Non-smokers would you date a smoker?
I have tried dating a smoker in the past and each time we kissed I wanted to throw up in her mouth. I could never do it again which got me to wonder how many of the nonsmokers on here could date a smoker.
I did date one, and after that will not do it again. Smokers get used to the smell of smoke and don't realize what their car, house, etc smell like to non-smokers.
Helll to the No
Probably not
Nope, I can't even go to the bowling alley to bowl, or to the community center to play cards because of the smokers. I can't stand the smell, and I start to choke on the smoke.

I kissed a smoker one time years ago, and now I know what an ashtray taste like.
torQQue Wrote:Nope, I can't even go to the bowling alley to bowl, or to the community center to play cards because of the smokers. I can't stand the smell, and I start to choke on the smoke.

I kissed a smoker one time years ago, and now I know what an ashtray taste like.
I am glad we have the no smoking law here in Ohio.
I doubt it. Smoking is a huge turn off.
No Way
My lungs got destroyed in the wreck, so no thanks.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Nope, i hate cig smoke.
NO NO NO And wait did i say NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I dated a smoker once and I tried to get her to quit. She wouldn't stop, so I broke up with her for that very reason. I hated her breath, and the way she would spray perfume on to try to cover up the smell. It only made it worse. Never again!!
**** no.
Absolutely Not!! Have you ever walked into a gas station and you come out and you wreak with smoke. It's almost like you actually smoked.
No!!! My girlfriends sister smokes and it kills me.
More than likely no...
i would try to get them to quit. but if they didnt, i would be on my way! haha
Here in Ohio, the part I live in I see this a lot and always want to throw up when I see a smoker get kissed.

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