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Johnson Central vs. Estill County
Eagle_Fan442 Wrote:only 2 players were ejected from JC

you sound like it's ok to have only two players out what kind of person are you to make this sound like it ok to sucker punch someone if your player had not sucker punched Kenton know one would have been out come on man this was wrong and you all want to lay blame on ever one except the one that started the whole thing quite making excuses for a thug and a coward.
JOBAKKA Wrote:This is true but after review of the tape more suspensions MAY follow

I think one needs to look at how there team came to the Eagles side of the court, you bring that many kids swinging, tempers will flare...and if there is a lawsuit, a certain coach better hope and pray it's legal for him to lay his hands on my kid. This was not a one sided deal.
courtdog Wrote:you sound like it's ok to have only two players out what kind of person are you to make this sound like it ok to sucker punch someone if your player had not sucker punched Kenton know one would have been out come on man this was wrong and you all want to lay blame on ever one except the one that started the whole thing quite making excuses for a thug and a coward.

I was not making it sound like its ok to fight on the gym floor, however like I said before this was not a one sided deal.
Every player who left the bench is subject to a one game suspension. since JCHS has one game left it may bleed over into districts. This is why you must control your temper. It could cost you in the tournament. You can always hire a lawyer if you so chose. But laying hands is not illegal it is the manner in which hands are laid. Hugging or punching there is a difference. It is the manner
courtdog Wrote:you sound like it's ok to have only two players out what kind of person are you to make this sound like it ok to sucker punch someone if your player had not sucker punched Kenton know one would have been out come on man this was wrong and you all want to lay blame on ever one except the one that started the whole thing quite making excuses for a thug and a coward.

Who are you to be calling a kid a thug and a coward?
TheBluesBoys Wrote:I don't know either of these teams, having said after seeing earlier threads about the discipline that this team (central) has is certainly reflective on the coaching staff. You really hate to see this type of behavior displayed. Eye sore for JC, dirty playing.

Let me get this straight. You don't know either of these teams, you never saw the game in question, yet you make the assumption on what you've read that JC has a discipline problem with this team and that the young man from JC started the fight. I've read every thread on here and I've not figured out who to believe. People are saying that both kids are really good kids. From what I've read on here I don't know how anyone form any kind of an opinion where the blame lies.
kyrifle Wrote:Let me get this straight. You don't know either of these teams, you never saw the game in question, yet you make the assumption on what you've read that JC has a discipline problem with this team and that the young man from JC started the fight. I've read every thread on here and I've not figured out who to believe. People are saying that both kids are really good kids. From what I've read on here I don't know how anyone form any kind of an opinion where the blame lies.

How many incidents has JC been involved this year? How many T's and Intentional fouls?
Now What Wrote:How many incidents has JC been involved this year? How many T's and Intentional fouls?

I don't personally know of any incidences. That was not the question I raised. How can anyone not see what happened and form an opinion of guilt to either party?
kyrifle Wrote:I don't personally know of any incidences. That was not the question I raised. How can anyone not see what happened and form an opinion of guilt to either party?

I have not formed an opinion. I have just asked questions and stated facts that I was aware of. Just curious as everyone else seems to be.
This has to be the most cowardly and classless group of people and posts. How can you trash a student athlete and young man by name. You guys are the cowards.

Whether you saw it or not, the JC player was struck in the face before he punched the Estill player, some people better get their stories strait or they will be in court for slander. This will come out. As for court, Jackson will be full from the JC side too.

No excuse for what happened, but no excuse for the way it was handled or no excuse for this cowardly and classless behavior from the posts!
This is all a big bunch of bull. I am personal friends with ian. I was sitting right in front of him on the bench when it all happened. I have also saw the tape so if anyone is thinking about doing anything that involves lawyers or suites they will be in for a big surprise. The kid walked in front of ian on his way to the bench and slapped him in the face. I'm sure I would have done the same thing as welch. Ian is a good kid and a good friend and he would never out of the blue hit someone. Unless they provoked him to. And after ian hit the kid no one hit him anymore. He only got hit one time and from a punch from ian that's all it took aparently I do hope the boy is ok and I'm sorry it happened but he picked the wrong player to slap.
Now What Wrote:How many incidents has JC been involved this year? How many T's and Intentional fouls?

Truthfully, waaaaaaay to many and has been for several years now. The problem now is that on technical fouls players are never made to be held accountable for what they do on the floor by the coaching staffs. If the kids that are guilty of being called for technical fouls were punished for their actions then a lot of this would not happen. Nowadays if a kid gets a T then nothing really seems to happen to them. They are patted on the butt, asked nicely to calm down and then allowed to continue to play. If these players were taken out of the game at that point and not allowed to play further, go through a week of #@*& in practice for about the next week, not allowed to play in the next game, and have the threat of team dismissal for a repeat violation you might see some of this stuff cleaned up.

Their is never a justifiable reason for any player to ever have a technical foul called on them. If something needs corrected or defended on the court then that is the coaches responsibility to address those issues. Never ever for the player. Players should be taught that a Technical foul is a foul on the TEAM. There is nothing any more selfish or individual as a player subjecting them selves to a technical. Coaches should set a team policy on technical fouls and back it up by saying what you mean and then meaning what you say. It's real simple.

I will say that Starns did try to enforce some kind of punishment policy for T violations, but when it came down to the nitty gritty he too made consessions when it would jeapardize a possible win in a game that really counted for something.

However seeing that you are a Paintsville fan and you are trying to make a pont, just dont forget to remember that that the group that just graduated from Paintsville was infamous for getting T's called on them and was accused for dirty play in general as well. Bill Mike was just as guilty for letting this stuff go on as well, time and time and time again.

Basketball is just not very fun to watch any more because it's exactly the same every where. Everybody is willing to win at any or all costs. It's just like everything else now, we want to blame all of the problems that kids create on society and the how tuff they have it at home. How about for once holding the kids accountable for their actions as well as blaming the coaches for letting it reocurr over and over and over and over and over and over and over again with the same party involved.
Ians played numerous night taking a beating all night. Yet has he never threw a punch. I'm not saying what he did last night was acceptable in any way. But the kid had to slap Ian in order for him to react this way.
allstate89 Wrote:Ians played numerous night taking a beating all night. Yet has he never threw a punch. I'm not saying what he did last night was acceptable in any way. But the kid had to slap Ian in order for him to react this way.

Ian has been beat on all year as one of the best football players in the state and one of the to players in the 15th region, this kid has taken a beating all year long and has yet to throw the first punch. Although what he did will require disiplne, it will come out that he was slapped behind the scenes and responded, case closed.
MonsterMan Wrote:This has to be the most cowardly and classless group of people and posts. How can you trash a student athlete and young man by name. You guys are the cowards.

Whether you saw it or not, the JC player was struck in the face before he punched the Estill player, some people better get their stories strait or they will be in court for slander. This will come out. As for court, Jackson will be full from the JC side too.

No excuse for what happened, but no excuse for the way it was handled or no excuse for this cowardly and classless behavior from the posts!
You are crazy, the story is straight from everyone including others who have no dog in this fight, Ian threw a sucker punch without provocation. The only ones disputing are Ian's team and fans.
all nuetral parties blame JCHS players. Sue all you want, slander is a preety ambigious charge. People are expressing thier view of the incident. I do agree do not attack a person but thier behavior is fair game. It is fair to say the incident was a thug move but not that player A is a thug.:argue:
MonsterMan Wrote:Ian has been beat on all year as one of the best football players in the state and one of the to players in the 15th region, this kid has taken a beating all year long and has yet to throw the first punch. Although what he did will require disiplne, it will come out that he was slapped behind the scenes and responded, case closed.
Nuetral parties did not see it that way. Only a few from JCHS saw the imaginary slap, was it 1 or 2 cause we have heard both stories
Eagleplayer? Wrote:This is all a big bunch of bull. I am personal friends with ian. I was sitting right in front of him on the bench when it all happened. I have also saw the tape so if anyone is thinking about doing anything that involves lawyers or suites they will be in for a big surprise. The kid walked in front of ian on his way to the bench and slapped him in the face. I'm sure I would have done the same thing as welch. Ian is a good kid and a good friend and he would never out of the blue hit someone. Unless they provoked him to. And after ian hit the kid no one hit him anymore. He only got hit one time and from a punch from ian that's all it took aparently I do hope the boy is ok and I'm sorry it happened but he picked the wrong player to slap.
Why is this not suprising
Eagleplayer? Wrote:This is all a big bunch of bull. I am personal friends with ian. I was sitting right in front of him on the bench when it all happened. I have also saw the tape so if anyone is thinking about doing anything that involves lawyers or suites they will be in for a big surprise. The kid walked in front of ian on his way to the bench and slapped him in the face. I'm sure I would have done the same thing as welch. Ian is a good kid and a good friend and he would never out of the blue hit someone. Unless they provoked him to. And after ian hit the kid no one hit him anymore. He only got hit one time and from a punch from ian that's all it took aparently I do hope the boy is ok and I'm sorry it happened but he picked the wrong player to slap.

Yea real tough guys always use the sucker punch. Crowe had no problem putting him down though. I guess because it face to face
kyrifle Wrote:Let me get this straight. You don't know either of these teams, you never saw the game in question, yet you make the assumption on what you've read that JC has a discipline problem with this team and that the young man from JC started the fight. I've read every thread on here and I've not figured out who to believe. People are saying that both kids are really good kids. From what I've read on here I don't know how anyone form any kind of an opinion where the blame lies.

kyrifle have you read all the threads that has been written about this team? It's your own ppl just last week talking about a couple of players on the jc team hitting, slamming the walls. It's just to bad this incident had to happen. Hopefully a good outcome for both teams.
TheBluesBoys Wrote:kyrifle have you read all the threads that has been written about this team? It's your own ppl just last week talking about a couple of players on the jc team hitting, slamming the walls. It's just to bad this incident had to happen. Hopefully a good outcome for both teams.

Well no I havent read all the threads about this team, and these are not my people that you refer to. I just asked a simple question to someone that knew nothing about either team and was not at the game, how you can read any of this junk and make an informative decision on who to blame for this incident. Seems like both sides are blaming each other.
As for players getting out of hand and slamming the wall and making an %*& of themselves the coach is responsible for the players actions and should be dealt with very seriously. Whoever is at fault needs to be punished severly.
kyrifle Wrote:Well no I havent read all the threads about this team, and these are not my people that you refer to. I just asked a simple question to someone that knew nothing about either team and was not at the game, how you can read any of this junk and make an informative decision on who to blame for this incident. Seems like both sides are blaming each other.
As for players getting out of hand and slamming the wall and making an %*& of themselves the coach is responsible for the players actions and should be dealt with very seriously. Whoever is at fault needs to be punished severly.
You are missing the point. There is a whole bunch of us that are not from either school, we were there for a later game. So we had no dig in this fight
JOBAKKA Wrote:Nuetral parties did not see it that way. Only a few from JCHS saw the imaginary slap, was it 1 or 2 cause we have heard both stories

I am done here either you see it for Estill or JC. I hope the Estill kid recovers and nothing like this ever happens again for both teams. The main neutral party, the KHSAA, will see the film and their opinion is all that matters. The kid that posted eariler does not lie and is correct. The slap was hidden from the view of the refs and fans, all you saw was the retailiation.

If the JC kid was slapped in the face and it is proven what would you think about that, would that be ok?
MonsterMan Wrote:I am done here either you see it for Estill or JC. I hope the Estill kid recovers and nothing like this ever happens again for both teams. The main neutral party, the KHSAA, will see the film and their opinion is all that matters. The kid that posted eariler does not lie and is correct. The slap was hidden from the view of the refs and fans, all you saw was the retailiation.

If the JC kid was slapped in the face and it is proven what would you think about that, would that be ok?
I am not from either Estill or JCHS. There was a whole bunch from another school there for a later game that witnessed this incident and not 1 saw any slap. We did see Welch running his mouth the whole game. After a foul was called on an Estill player, Roberts began walkng away and Welch stiffarmed him in the side as he walked by ,Roberts pushed his hand off his side and kept walking, from behind Welch run up and Sucker punched Roberts and I saw other JCHS players hitting him after he was down. If the slap was hidden how do you know it even happened. If it is proven that Welch just sucker punched Roberts for no reason how will you feel about that? Is that ok
By the KHSAA may ask for nuetral information. There were many coaches there from other schools.
JOBAKKA Wrote:You are missing the point. There is a whole bunch of us that are not from either school, we were there for a later game. So we had no dig in this fight

Thank you Jobakka, that to was my point also!
After giving it much thought I came to this conclusion. It has to be the Mt.Dew . The national media thinks eastern KY has an addiction. I dont know why anyone hasnt thought of this earlier. Pepsi could be the ones liable if anyone. Kids all wired up and on edge, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. P-ville,LC,JC,SC, and P-burg are just a few that comes to mind that has been involved in altercations on the courts this year. Maybe the refs need to take control of games before things get out of hand. Not touch fouls or hand checks, but where the real battles take place in the paint . Just fuel for thought.
Now What Wrote:After giving it much thought I came to this conclusion. It has to be the Mt.Dew . The national media thinks eastern KY has an addiction. I dont know why anyone hasnt thought of this earlier. Pepsi could be the ones liable if anyone. Kids all wired up and on edge, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. P-ville,LC,JC,SC, and P-burg are just a few that comes to mind that has been involved in altercations on the courts this year. Maybe the refs need to take control of games before things get out of hand. Not touch fouls or hand checks, but where the real battles take place in the paint . Just fuel for thought.
You may not realize this, but for about the last 40 years Eastern Kentucky has had the highest comsumption rate of Pepsi products, per capita, of any place in the world. Not that it has anything to do with the subject matter , just a little trivia that I thought I would throw in there.
courtdog Wrote:you sound like it's ok to have only two players out what kind of person are you to make this sound like it ok to sucker punch someone if your player had not sucker punched Kenton know one would have been out come on man this was wrong and you all want to lay blame on ever one except the one that started the whole thing quite making excuses for a thug and a coward.
Hope you speak better than you use grammar and punctuation. Or else I see you on the "scratch list" of witnesses in your lame lawsuit. I mean, gee ohh son, you've made prob 12-15 posts in this thread and possibly 2-3 are even somewhat legible.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:You may not realize this, but for about the last 40 years Eastern Kentucky has had the highest comsumption rate of Pepsi products, per capita, of any place in the world. Not that it has anything to do with the subject matter , just a little trivia that I thought I would throw in there.

It doesnt shock me any, I just thought I would try an lighten the mood a little.
I've read and read and read this thread and the only thing I can say is that I hope the kid recovers. Seriously though, this sounds like a little grade-school arguement(he-said/she-said finger pointing)....let the proper people handle this and send down the appropriate punishments they feel are neccessary.

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