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What are your views on Legalizing Marijuana?
C.Clair Wrote:Lighten up people, Pot is bad. I myself have smoked it, guess what I didnt want to go out and drive, I didnt want to hit my wife or anything of that nature, all I did was want to sleep and eat. For this simple fact I think that it should get the stamp of approval, my father had cancer and pot was the only thing that kept that man alive. Without pot he wouldnt eat anything for days, so the doctor told us that if we could get ahold of some pot to let him smoke it because of the effect it has on you wanting to eat.

Good point! Medicinal use of marijuana should be permitted in such cases. Also, why is marijuana not permitted, but yet we let people drink, knowing good and well that a lot are going to drive, and we let people smoke themselves to death with tobacco? It is because the mainstream want to drink and smoke, but they don't want marijuana to be used. Lately, smoking is starting to fall out of favor and is now being banned. Laws should have meaning, not just be put in place because of what people want others to do or don't want others to do.
C.Clair Wrote:Lighten up people, Pot isnt bad. I myself have smoked it, guess what I didnt want to go out and drive, I didnt want to hit my wife or anything of that nature, all I did was want to sleep and eat. For this simple fact I think that it should get the stamp of approval, my father had cancer and pot was the only thing that kept that man alive. Without pot he wouldnt eat anything for days, so the doctor told us that if we could get ahold of some pot to let him smoke it because of the effect it has on you wanting to eat.

Pot isnt Bad I mean to say.
If ciggerettes are legal and alcohol is legal then theres 1 reason pot isnt.. 1 it couldnt be taxed people would grow there own marijuana .. Marijuana is safer than both ciggs and beer.. its is not addictive it has no additives.. id much rather some1 smoke pot than any thing else.. i think if it was legal there would be less drug use in america .. God made dirt so dirt want hurt the same goes for pot its hear for somethan.. if u smake a jaoint atleast you know ur gonna wake up on the morning and eat good.. the bad thing about pot is when ppl smoke it they end up not being able to prosper and most the time become a faliure at sucesss
I am anti-pot. A lot of the people that I know that used it often are burnt out. Most of them talk with a drag. Most of them can't hold a job. That's just 5 or 6 that I know. I'd say there are many more just like that. Course, they used at least 2 or 3 times a week. That was just from 10th grade through graduation. Two of them didn't graduate.
blitz43 Wrote:I am anti-pot. A lot of the people that I know that used it often are burnt out. Most of them talk with a drag. Most of them can't hold a job. That's just 5 or 6 that I know. I'd say there are many more just like that. Course, they used at least 2 or 3 times a week. That was just from 10th grade through graduation. Two of them didn't graduate.
I'd say your buddies have more problems than pot.

XANAX Maybe?
Homer Simpson Wrote:If ciggerettes are legal and alcohol is legal then theres 1 reason pot isnt.. 1 it couldnt be taxed people would grow there own marijuana .. Marijuana is safer than both ciggs and beer.. its is not addictive it has no additives.. id much rather some1 smoke pot than any thing else.. i think if it was legal there would be less drug use in america .. God made dirt so dirt want hurt the same goes for pot its hear for somethan.. if u smake a jaoint atleast you know ur gonna wake up on the morning and eat good.. the bad thing about pot is when ppl smoke it they end up not being able to prosper and most the time become a faliure at sucesss

Let's get rid of it all then and not have the "this is better than that". I don't agree that Marijuana should be legal, and it does not make it right to legalize because "ciggs and beer" are. They made a mistake by legalizing them, there is too much "Big Business" interests to make them illegal now. But I'm not a proponent for taking things things that "are not as bad as" and making them legal. It is an illicit drug. As soon as we say it's OK, then what's next legalizing Cocaine?
Cocain isnt as abad as drinking
Homer Simpson Wrote:If ciggerettes are legal and alcohol is legal then theres 1 reason pot isnt.. 1 it couldnt be taxed people would grow there own marijuana .. Marijuana is safer than both ciggs and beer.. its is not addictive it has no additives.. id much rather some1 smoke pot than any thing else.. i think if it was legal there would be less drug use in america .. God made dirt so dirt want hurt the same goes for pot its hear for somethan.. if u smake a jaoint atleast you know ur gonna wake up on the morning and eat good.. the bad thing about pot is when ppl smoke it they end up not being able to prosper and most the time become a faliure at sucesss

I think this post is one reason people should not do drugs, especially before posting.
Matman Wrote:I think this post is one reason people should not do drugs, especially before posting.

LOL:notworthy :1:
Homer Simpson Wrote:Cocain isnt as abad as drinking

:Clap: :thumpsup:
Homer Simpson Wrote:Cocain isnt as abad as drinking

:Hammer3: :eek:
I don't see anything wrong with decriminalization.
As long as it doesnt kill you, There shouldnt be a problem with it being legal
Stardust Wrote:So, is your logic to legalize it because it is better for you than other "legal" drugs? Then why not promote getting rid of all the drugs that are bad for you instead of leaglizing drugs that are "not as bad"?

I'm sorry, I do not want to be on the road with my children and have someone who can legally impair themselves killing my family. We don't do a good enough job today controlling legal products that KILL. Don't put another one out there. Just stating there are less car accidents is naive to the fact that Alocohol is more easily obtained. If everyone had access to pot, my guess is that the number of accidents would be similar.

Not being naive just stating the facts. No I am not saying legalize it because it is less harmful than other drugs but it is a fact and you can shy away from that fact if you want but it is a fact. Might as well make caffine, the use of perservatives and such that are used in everyday foods illegal if we go by your logic because those are just as harmful to EVERYONE. Not to mention drugs such a Nyqul which people can get high off of as well. Our views are so shaped by the media and goverment that it is not even funny, most Americans do not even think for themselves anymore they just watch the news and use things as scapegoats to place blame on certain things for our problems in the world and thats a fact. You can control what you do when high or drunk, it is those who dont control themselves that make them harmful to themselves and those around them.

Have you ever consumed alchol Stardust?
^ Most certainly have! But it is legal. I have never partaken of Cocaine, thus I have no idea of it's affects pesonally. But bottom line, it's illegal and there is not solid reason to ever make it legal.

Now to the point, there is ZERO logical reason to add another substance to the LEGAL list, just because it's not as bad as some that are legal. That's completely illogical and narrow-minded!
Stardust Wrote:^ Most certainly have! But it is legal. I have never partaken of Cocaine, thus I have no idea of it's affects pesonally. But bottom line, it's illegal and there is not solid reason to ever make it legal.

Now to the point, there is ZERO logical reason to add another substance to the LEGAL list, just because it's not as bad as some that are legal. That's completely illogical and narrow-minded!

So now you are stating you have took part in a legal "drug" which kills 100 times more people in the United States than the one that you are arguing should not even be brought up in discusion by the gov. to legalize. Makes you wonder how narrow minded you are being by the influences of the media. Also in my post I never even mentioned Cocaine so where did that even come up. You have stated you have never partook in the usage of Cocaine but never mentioned the use of Pot so by your statement above does that mean you have tried Pot?

Just to clarify I am not being narrow minded I am just stating facts IMO it does not necessarily need to be legalized but it could be decriminalized to cut back on increasing of inmates and cost. I could careless if it is legalized just stating that based on statistics and simple facts that it should be legal over other LEGAL drugs and perservatives.Big Grin

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