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15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009
OMG, Krispy Kreme!!! I thought that I alone have kept them in the black!
That is the most retarded list i have ever seen.
How can a list of companies be retarted?
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:How can a list of companies be retarted?

I highly doubt that some of those companies are in financial trouble. There are a few on there that don't have to worry about going broke, therefore shouldn't even be on that list.
Not according to the ap article I posted.
Then again you might be correct and they, the media is just trying to scare all of us.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Not according to the ap article I posted.
Then again you might be correct and they, the media is just trying to scare all of us.

Yea i read it on yahoo. Most of the companies are safe IMO, the media is just trying to raise some cane.
Time will tell.
Chrysler is, in fact, in big trouble. Most of the auto companies are hurting bad right now.

An example. Berea had several used dealerships, but only two new car dealerships. Both Berea Ford and Britton Chevrolet in Berea have gone out of business.

I find the list believable, because those are some businesses hit hard by these economic times. The real estate company(s) on there should be no surprise to you because no one can buy a house right now.

The company(s) like Claire's, Sbarro, etc. shouldn't surprise you either. Those are, for the most part, stores that thrive in shopping malls. With the economy the way it is, less and less people are going to the mall, and if they do, they aren't spending it on unnecessary things.

Krispy Kreme is no surprise either. Donuts are a luxury...they are not necessary to live despite what some may think. Right now, people are allocating their money to necessities and staying away from purchases that are luxuries.
Rite Aid - stocks price declined 92% in the last year

Claire's - small company to begin with and they don't say any necessities, other stores beat them in price as well

Chrysler- like CE said, most automotive companies are in big trouble right now as you can tell with the bailout

Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group- stock is down 95%, depends on Chrysler, AND is a small dot on the map compared to other rental companies

Realogy Corporation- housing market is basically rockbottom right now

Station Casinos- if people are barely making it by, they will be hard pressed to throw their money away in a casino, possibly on its last leg before filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy, 15 casinos OFF from the strip seems like one of first set of casinos that would have to go

Loehmann's Capital Corporation- obviously a smaller business than other major women's retail stores

Sbarro- competition from other major pizza places could definitely eliminate them in a hurry

Six Flags- stock down 84%, amusement parks aren't a huge attraction like they once were I believe and if people ARE willing to spend money on a vacation they are more likely to go to a beach or something

Blockbuster- stock is down considerably too, movie and game rentals aren't cheap and Netflix definitely seems the way to go in this day in time

Krispy Kreme- all I can say is I hope not, my favorite donuts but they overexpanded and opened stores where they weren't needed and obviously there are no stores where they should be

Landry's Restauarants- stock is down 66% and obtained $400 million anytime soon for any company would make it an iffy situation

Sirius- stock is down a HUGE 96%, XM Radio is already combined with them so an even bigger name in satellite radio would have to do a buyout to save them basically

Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings- stock is down 94% and with the economy like it is then it doesn't seem like there would be much of a market for a buyer

BearingPoint- don't think they will be going anywhere

The list is obviously predictions but I wouldn't say that I highly doubted their financial troubles at all. Millions of companies will go under, these just happen to be major corporations receiving the attention and in the most debt as well...

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