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Why is the 15th Region so down?
Shelby Valley is a good team, one of the best in the state. But the rest of Pike County are horrible and Floyd County is even worse. I haven't watched LC or JC and I hope they are better than the other teams, if not the 15th region tournament will be like a Shelby Valley Invitational. I have never seen one team so much better than the rest of the teams in this region and I have been watching basketball here for 35 years. How did this happen?
buddy I couldn't tell ya to be honest lol
Consolidation definitely hasn't produced consistently good teams like you would expect.
I'll tell ya, if Pike County could be like Johnson and only have like two schools, we'd win state in a sport other than the All "A".
I think the fact that the consolidtation of two basketball schools has a lot to do with it. Virgie and Dorton have always been basketball focused. I don't remember if Dorton ever had football and don't remember much about football at Virgie years ago when I was in school. Couple that with a few transfers (Kris Bentley, Ashley Hatfield, Deven Adams, etc.) and there you have it. Also, Greg and Robert Newsome formed East Ky. Lightning when these kids were younger. I think that may be why Ashley Hatfield is there and others that I can remember that were on those EKL teams were Tate Cox, Garrison Collins, Matt Clevinger and Clint Stepp. They already had both Newsoms, Tyler and Taylor, L. Bryant and Justice. They were looking forward to getting their boys to the State Tournament and unless something MAJOR happens, they'll get there.
Where did Hatfield transfer from?
On another note, I think it is getting em started when they are younger (Greg and Robert Newsome's teams with AAU), and then keeping em together!!!!
100%SUCCESS Wrote:Where did Hatfield transfer from?
On another note, I think it is getting em started when they are younger (Greg and Robert Newsome's teams with AAU), and then keeping em together!!!!

He is from Phelps. But I'm pretty sure he is related to Taylor Newsome.
PC_You_Know Wrote:He is from Phelps. But I'm pretty sure he is related to Taylor Newsome.

Are Tyler Newsome and Taylor Newsome related?
It's just a talent drop off along with some coaching.

Coaching isn't as good as it used to be.
aii schools needs to have little leagues in all sports in eky asap.We need all these sports to keep up with the rest of the state.We need aau teams, county lttle leagues, area teams . Whatever extra the parents want to put into their children.It's like money in the bank.
I was telling someone this at work ....this Shelby Valley state championship started years ago with Greg and Robert Newsome and their AAU squads. They may not get any credit on the regional or state scene but locally people realize this.
5timechamp Wrote:I was telling someone this at work ....this Shelby Valley state championship started years ago with Greg and Robert Newsome and their AAU squads. They may not get any credit on the regional or state scene but locally people realize this.

I really don't think so. What makes you say this? Was Hatfield and Adams a part of that, because I don't recall them being so.

Elisha and Logan have played together their whole lives going back to Dorton, Hatfield and Adams are transfers so how do you figure this logic?
Get back on the subject...Why Is The 15th Region So Down?

It is not just in the 15th region.
I think it is alot to do with the society we live. Kids have too much other stuff/interests e.g. computers, video games, etc. Not to mention drugs & alcohol parents don't take as much interest in their kids like before because in some households kids have control. You cannot be friends with your kids and be effective parents. Also kids now days are lazy they are not interested in sports because it takes work & discipline they don't want to practice.
B-Ball#1TheFan Wrote:Get back on the subject...Why Is The 15th Region So Down?

It is not just in the 15th region.
I think it is alot to do with the society we live. Kids have too much other stuff/interests e.g. computers, video games, etc. Not to mention drugs & alcohol parents don't take as much interest in their kids like before because in some households kids have control. You cannot be friends with your kids and be effective parents. Also kids now days are lazy they are not interested in sports because it takes work & discipline they don't want to practice.

Calm down dude.

You could not be more wrong about everything in that post.

1. Parents can be a kids friend as well as an effective parent. It's not that hard to distinguish between the two.

2. Sports are outlets for kids who have nothing else, as you mention with parents who don't really care. That's why youth sports are everywhere.

3. Kids wouldn't be lazy if they were taught Physical Education properly in the school system.

To say basketball talent is down because kids are more interested in video games or computers is laughable.
There are a few keys to building a good program.

1. You have to have a good feeder program. Kids have to be developed in elementary and middle school.

2. The varsity coach needs to be involved or at least give guidance to the coaches and programs at the younger levels.

3. Need to have consistency at the varsity coach level. Can't have a revolving door for the coach and coaching staff.

4. Helps to have school and parent support, someone has to be willing to spend the time and money.

5. If you notice the top teams in the state have several players that have played AAU ball for years. To be the best, the kids have to play with and against the best.

6. Most important! You have to have the talent pool! What makes it hard for most of our EKY schools is that the population is so small that the number of good and above average players just aren't there. But, you can work with what you've got if you do the top five points.

Just my opinion, but if you look, most of the top teams in the state do the above.
goodguy Wrote:There are a few keys to building a good program.

1. You have to have a good feeder program. Kids have to be developed in elementary and middle school.

2. The varsity coach needs to be involved or at least give guidance to the coaches and programs at the younger levels.

3. Need to have consistency at the varsity coach level. Can't have a revolving door for the coach and coaching staff.

4. Helps to have school and parent support, someone has to be willing to spend the time and money.

5. If you notice the top teams in the state have several players that have played AAU ball for years. To be the best, the kids have to play with and against the best.

6. Most important! You have to have the talent pool! What makes it hard for most of our EKY schools is that the population is so small that the number of good and above average players just aren't there. But, you can work with what you've got if you do the top five points.

Just my opinion, but if you look, most of the top teams in the state do the above.

Couldn't agree more.

Many schools in the region have had multiple coaches in recent years and you just can't build a program if the system changes every year. Another thing is that participation is just down I mean the little league programs in many areas are struggling to survive.
Afternoon_Delight Wrote:I really don't think so. What makes you say this? Was Hatfield and Adams a part of that, because I don't recall them being so.

Elisha and Logan have played together their whole lives going back to Dorton, Hatfield and Adams are transfers so how do you figure this logic?

Hatfield was part of the East Ky Lightening team for years, and played at Virgie his 7th and 8th grade years.
Afternoon_Delight Wrote:I really don't think so. What makes you say this? Was Hatfield and Adams a part of that, because I don't recall them being so.

Elisha and Logan have played together their whole lives going back to Dorton, Hatfield and Adams are transfers so how do you figure this logic?

Ashly was aleways a part of Greg and Robert's Lightning squad, along with some kids from other schools. SV's success is a direct reflection of their AAU teams. AAU is the only way to go. Little League is just a participation league. 90% of the kids that play Little League will never play at the High School level. It's a waste of time, in my opinion, for kids with basketball talent to even play. If you want to build teams, AAU is a must!
The 15th isn't that bad..
Afternoon_Delight Wrote:I really don't think so. What makes you say this? Was Hatfield and Adams a part of that, because I don't recall them being so.

Elisha and Logan have played together their whole lives going back to Dorton, Hatfield and Adams are transfers so how do you figure this logic?
That is a flat out ignorant post.
Cycles! Every region has down years! I think that we had some decent talent last year, with Paintsville and SV arguably top 10 teams in the state IMO. This year SV is a top 10 team. We had better teams last year top to bottom than this year but that happens. Paintsville won a state title in 96. And in the past the 15th has had several state titles. Some regions have never won one in a long time, if ever. Plus we just don't have the population up in the mountains. I think we have done pretty well considering.

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