02-08-2009, 01:30 AM
Schs Got Back On Track Tonight
02-08-2009, 01:31 AM
Any stats on this game?
Keep your heads up Lady Cats and congrats Lady Cards!
Keep your heads up Lady Cats and congrats Lady Cards!
02-08-2009, 02:03 AM
Sheldon Clark 13 13 22 11 59
Prestonsburg 12 9 6 17 44
Sheldon Clark (13-8) -- Booth 14, Newsome 18, Harless 14, Porter 3, Marcum 4, Hammonds 2, Burkett 4.
Prestonsburg (2-18) -- Fields 22, DeRossett 3, Waugh 10, Burchett 5, Wertz 4
Prestonsburg 12 9 6 17 44
Sheldon Clark (13-8) -- Booth 14, Newsome 18, Harless 14, Porter 3, Marcum 4, Hammonds 2, Burkett 4.
Prestonsburg (2-18) -- Fields 22, DeRossett 3, Waugh 10, Burchett 5, Wertz 4
02-08-2009, 02:56 AM
wheres sumpters stats .. isn;t she playing???
02-08-2009, 03:12 AM
regulator Wrote:wheres sumpters stats .. isn;t she playing???
She is no longer on the team
02-08-2009, 10:04 AM
Heard that Sumpter had quit for whatever reasons but hard to understand since she was playing 27 or 28 minutes per game. Guess you can satfiy everybody but congrats to coach Rice and his Lady Cards on the win and keep playing and not worry about about those that not not want to be part of a team.

02-08-2009, 03:28 PM
Sumpter does play a lot because she is good and earned her position on the floor. The people that know her know that! It is not always about the minutes you play. There are other things that need addressed. The team has suffered tremendously with her gone and will continue to do so. I wish her luck!
02-08-2009, 11:45 PM
Down and Out Wrote:Heard that Sumpter had quit for whatever reasons but hard to understand since she was playing 27 or 28 minutes per game. Guess you can satfiy everybody but congrats to coach Rice and his Lady Cards on the win and keep playing and not worry about about those that not not want to be part of a team.Uh let's not talk about something when you don't know the facts about it.irateSho
02-09-2009, 01:09 AM
cardfan4life Wrote:Sumpter does play a lot because she is good and earned her position on the floor. The people that know her know that! It is not always about the minutes you play. There are other things that need addressed. The team has suffered tremendously with her gone and will continue to do so. I wish her luck!
02-09-2009, 01:17 AM
02-09-2009, 01:18 AM
cards_athlete Wrote:Uh let's not talk about something when you don't know the facts about it.
02-09-2009, 05:56 PM
It is pretty plain to see only if U want to see it, the way they have played without her has spoke for itself. I am not saying she was the only one with talent on the team but it is obvious that they looked pretty bad these last games. Talking about other younger stepping up, we'll if they have stepped up the last couple of games then were in for a long road. You can say what u want, middle school kids can't play with these tougher teams, for example: Jchs, Lchs, and Magoffin. That is the facts.
02-10-2009, 12:47 AM
What A Win By Sheldon Clark Tonight
Just Saw Where They Defeated Lawrence Co... 52-24
What Were You Saying Stepping Up???
What A Win By Sheldon Clark Tonight
Just Saw Where They Defeated Lawrence Co... 52-24
What Were You Saying Stepping Up???
02-10-2009, 02:19 AM
regulator Wrote:Wowwwwwww
What A Win By Sheldon Clark Tonight
Just Saw Where They Defeated Lawrence Co... 52-24
What Were You Saying Stepping Up???
Didn't Lawrence just beat johnson central
02-10-2009, 02:30 AM
cardfan4life Wrote:It is pretty plain to see only if U want to see it, the way they have played without her has spoke for itself. I am not saying she was the only one with talent on the team but it is obvious that they looked pretty bad these last games. Talking about other younger stepping up, we'll if they have stepped up the last couple of games then were in for a long road. You can say what u want, middle school kids can't play with these tougher teams, for example: Jchs, Lchs, and Magoffin. That is the facts.
Maybe in boys basketball you could say that but not in girls. Not that much
of a strength factor. As for not being able to play with the tougher teams
they just beat LC by 30 some points tonight. I guess you could say that is
stepping out , all over, up whatever u want to call it. We got them this week.
Hope the middle school kids don't step up , against us. We have a lot of middle
school kids also. It is a long road with middle school kids. You have them for
4 more years. Should be exciting to watch SC and Magoffin go at it for the next 4 years. As long
02-10-2009, 02:37 AM
Just A Fan 1 Wrote:Maybe in boys basketball you could say that but not in girls. Not that much
of a strength factor. As for not being able to play with the tougher teams
they just beat LC by 30 some points tonight. I guess you could say that is
stepping out , all over, up whatever u want to call it. We got them this week.
Hope the middle school kids don't step up , against us. We have a lot of middle
school kids also. It is a long road with middle school kids. You have them for
4 more years. Should be exciting to watch SC and Magoffin go at it for the next 4 years. As long
As long as you have some good older kids to provide leadership for the younger kids they do well. I know we have a lot of Sr's to go with our young kids.I have seen SC play. Booth, Harless and Marcum provide that leadership.
02-10-2009, 08:30 PM
Well say Just A Fan and you are right Booth, Harless and Marcum can provide the leadership and these young kids are stepping and gaining valuable experience. The next four or more should be fun to watch as between SC and Magoffin County they will both have the best talent in the region.

02-11-2009, 11:55 PM
I cant understand your comment that Sumpter was getting 27-28 mins a game...thats stat is wrong she should be playing that much per game..but then I am sure she would be the top scorer and its very obvious that when she outsines Newsome's STAR players (in her mind) she gets pulled out of the game..this has been a long history at SC and I cant understand why parents subject their children to such low class coaching that has sat on and around the SC girls team..I wish ppl would have enough courage that Sumpter is showing by saying enough is enough!
02-12-2009, 01:50 AM
restless98 Wrote:I cant understand your comment that Sumpter was getting 27-28 mins a game...thats stat is wrong she should be playing that much per game..but then I am sure she would be the top scorer and its very obvious that when she outsines Newsome's STAR players (in her mind) she gets pulled out of the game..this has been a long history at SC and I cant understand why parents subject their children to such low class coaching that has sat on and around the SC girls team..I wish ppl would have enough courage that Sumpter is showing by saying enough is enough!
ok about sumpter i wish her family would quit making up new accounts to get on her and bash coach newsome and her daughter... imo sumpter is SELFISH to quit because she didnt make the ALL A all tourney team big deal who cares grow up if everyone quit because they didnt make the all tourmey team than there wouldnt be a team in the state besides LCA... about hurting the team i dont think that it will maybe in there depth but not much they have players just as good maybe not shooting the ball but defensivley and more athleticlism it wont hurt any one but her she will regret this the rest of her life ... as for her mins she played just as much as booth if not more ive watched every game this season ..it makes me sick that you get on here and blame the coaching staff for her dismissal from the team when it was her and her familys decisson which was a bad one
02-12-2009, 07:05 AM
IntheZone Wrote:ok about sumpter i wish her family would quit making up new accounts to get on her and bash coach newsome and her daughter... imo sumpter is SELFISH to quit because she didnt make the ALL A all tourney team big deal who cares grow up if everyone quit because they didnt make the all tourmey team than there wouldnt be a team in the state besides LCA... about hurting the team i dont think that it will maybe in there depth but not much they have players just as good maybe not shooting the ball but defensivley and more athleticlism it wont hurt any one but her she will regret this the rest of her life ... as for her mins she played just as much as booth if not more ive watched every game this season ..it makes me sick that you get on here and blame the coaching staff for her dismissal from the team when it was her and her familys decisson which was a bad oneSumpter should have made the All A team. There is reasons that I won't discuss on here why she didn't get the trophy. So please stop getting into other players' businesses when you don't know what you're talking about. It wasn't selfish of her to quit. At SC it happens alot (the situations with the coaches) It's pretty much according to how much you're willing to put up with. She was a valuable asset to the team, and no one should down her, or her family's decision. You aren't in her position, so therefore I believe you should watch what you say.
02-12-2009, 03:45 PM
pleaseeeeeee let this go
things are done and over with and team must go on....
things are done and over with and team must go on....
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