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Man oh Man the good ole days of WCW and the WWF
I was looking back on Youtube and kept watching clips of WCW with the NWO, Sting, Lex, DDP, Nash & Hall, and it was just great to see how wrestling used to be and to see how horrible it is now.

NWO was the greatest thing ever.
Afternoon_Delight Wrote:I was looking back on Youtube and kept watching clips of WCW with the NWO, Sting, Lex, DDP, Nash & Hall, and it was just great to see how wrestling used to be and to see how horrible it is now.

NWO was the greatest thing ever.

NO, Four Horsemen was the Greatest thing ever! Wink

But you are right, wrestling has declined considerably since the Monday night wars ended. But give me the NWA, AWA, WWF, USWA, Mid-South, not that was Wrestling!
Wrestling (WWE and what was WCW) has declined considerably since Eric Bischoff left.

TNA is simply diet WWE and not worth 2 hours of my week yet. If wrestling were soda, WWE is Coke and TNA is Tab.

I'm also not a fan of the new "PG" rating that WWE is trying to go for. They are trying to market to mainly kids now and that's not helping things. Many of the 18-35 crowd are losing interest.

I don't think we'll ever see wrestling at the same level it was until a serious competitor arrives. The Monday night wars were the greatest thing to happen to wrestling. They need something like that again. But for that to happen, TNA needs some direction and better production value.
I agree COMFORTEAGLE. The WWE has gotten lazy since they have no major competition.
I used to love watching WCW when Hogan, Bishoff, and everyone was there. Man Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell, Sting, Rey Mysterio, DDP. It was some great stuff to watch. Not to mention the streak that Goldberg had going. A lot of great storylines as well...
Regular NWO, NWO wolfpack, 4 horsemen, Nasty Boys, Steiner Bros...Those were the days
I miss those good ole days. WWF Raw is War was awesome. Stone Cold, Undertaker, Kane(masked), the Rock, etc.

WWE can't even hold the old wrestling jock strap.
Meaty Wrote:I miss those good ole days. WWF Raw is War was awesome. Stone Cold, Undertaker, Kane(masked), the Rock, etc.

WWE can't even hold the old wrestling jock strap.

Slick Rick Was, Is, And Always Will Be The Man!!!!!!!!!!
I used to be the biggest wrestling fan ever, would be so excited for mondays to watch raw, I would buy all of the WWE games when they came out, I even went to a Raw house show once.. but these last 3-4 years, I bet I havent watched Raw or Smackdown a total of 15 times... its so boring now...If it would ever get back to the status it once was, I would def be a fan again.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Wrestling (WWE and what was WCW) has declined considerably since Eric Bischoff left.

TNA is simply diet WWE and not worth 2 hours of my week yet. If wrestling were soda, WWE is Coke and TNA is Tab.

I'm also not a fan of the new "PG" rating that WWE is trying to go for. They are trying to market to mainly kids now and that's not helping things. Many of the 18-35 crowd are losing interest.

I don't think we'll ever see wrestling at the same level it was until a serious competitor arrives. The Monday night wars were the greatest thing to happen to wrestling. They need something like that again. But for that to happen, TNA needs some direction and better production value.


Yes, I agree, TNA is a watererd down version of WWE. But, WWE need some type of competition. There is nothing to push them. In many ways, I have felt that the WWE has sent many of their former stars to TNA in attempt to spark a rivalrie. It hasn't started yet, but TNA does get better. There is an attempt with TNA to recreate the days of NWO with their Main Event Mafia. W as fans can only hope that it works and some type of fire kicks both organizations off and running.

Wrestling goes in cycles. Always has, always will. As for who they are markting too, it's a result of the interest in which you are speaking of. You have seen this in Wrestling where they go after the kids who want toys and games. Gain their interest, eventually you gain the interest of Mom & Dad. It has worked. During the Hulamania days, everyone had their Hulk doll. Even during the Stone Cold days. The WWE reverted back to some conservative ways when they took excessive amounts of heat. They remolded themselves, put Stone Cold and Rock dolls in kids hands and all was good again. I just think we are during that phase again.
The Ultimate Warrior and others back in the late 80's and early 90's were great. Wrestling has taken a huge step backwards in recent years.
MVP2 Wrote:Agreed!

Im sure weve all had our fair share a wrestling'nt that right MVPWink
elkcity2224 Wrote:The Ultimate Warrior and others back in the late 80's and early 90's were great. Wrestling has taken a huge step backwards in recent years.

How about the "Dingo Warrior" from World Class Championship Wrestling????
Stardust Wrote:How about the "Dingo Warrior" from World Class Championship Wrestling????

Holy crap, I remember those days of watching World Class on ESPN! That was the one where Kevin Von Erich used to wrestle barefoot... :eek:

And I agree with your earlier post, wrestling was at its best when Ric Flair and the Horsemen ruled the roost!

"The Symbol of Excellence" - me holding up four fingers right now

elkcity2224 Wrote:The Ultimate Warrior and others back in the late 80's and early 90's were great. Wrestling has taken a huge step backwards in recent years.

The Ultimare Warrior was aweomse. He was def my favorite. I loved Goldberg. He was awesome. I also liked Gilberg, lol. He was a character. And Screamin' Norman Smiley, Chavo Geurrio(sp) and his horse Pepe....those were the days. I remember when Norman Smiley put Chavo's horse in the wood chipper.
More Cowbell Wrote:Holy crap, I remember those days of watching World Class on ESPN! That was the one where Kevin Von Erich used to wrestle barefoot... :eek:

And I agree with your earlier post, wrestling was at its best when Ric Flair and the Horsemen ruled the roost!

"The Symbol of Excellence" - me holding up four fingers right now

Sad, but that was back when there were Von Erich's period.

"You can Love, or You can hate us, but we are the Best thing going today"....
Stardust Wrote:Sad, but that was back when there were Von Erich's period.

Are they all dead now? If I remember correctly, there were 4 or 5 of them...

David, Chris, Mike, Kerry & Dad Fritz. Kevin is the only one left, living with his family in Hawaii. He's been out of wrstling for over 10 years.
I used to love the rock... lol
he was the man.
Tatertot Wrote:I used to love the rock... lol
he was the man.

The Rock & Stone Cold made for some fun TV didn't they?
most definitely. haha

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