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Anybody else bring their dogs/pets in last night.
We have a weathered dog house with a heat lamp and thermometer for him. On a normal very cold winter night (in the 20's) his dog house stays in the 50's.. However, last night it got so cold here, that Barney's dog house wouldn't even stay above freezing. The temperature dropped to 1 degree at one point last night outside, and it was about 29/30 degrees in his dog house, so I brought him in.

My wife woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know why I had Barney in the house.. She didn't like it that I had a nearly 80 to 90 lb outside dog laying on her floors, but I told her how cold it was outside, then she was okay with it. She told me that I better not let tear up anything, and/or use the bathroom in the floors. To my surprise, Barney laid right next to the couch beside me all night long. He was all stretch out and seemed quite content just being in out of the cold, he didn't move a muscle, and usually this dog is highly energetic and in to everything. I guess he was just happy to get out that cold last night.
mine has gotten used ot it, and now expects it..haha... She is fine outsied, but as soon as she hears someone in the house, she is scratching and whining to come in..haha

Yeah Barney and his partners are always into
TATE_64 Wrote:mine has gotten used ot it, and now expects it..haha... She is fine outsied, but as soon as she hears someone in the house, she is scratching and whining to come in..haha

Yeah Barney and his partners are always into

Yeah, I didn't know you all had took your dog inside until I come over the other day. She seems well behaved. Barney, is too wild for inside, he hunts anything that moves, and no way he could get along with our inside cat..(I locked the cat in the bedroom lastnight.) He kills creek rats/muskrats, birds, ground squirrels, rabbits, and butterflies at an alarming rate. I don't know why he keeps bringing them to me either, he kills them for fun I guess, he never eats them, maybe he thinks I'm hungry??. The cat got out the other day and he chased it all over the yard and up into in the engine of my car before I could get him away from the cat. Big Grin

Amanda was screaming and gage was crying(they thought barney was going to kill her) It was a tense situation because if he would of caught her there would of been no hope for the little kitty cat. He won't listen to me when he sees a cat, it's like he becomes possessed. It took me 10 minutes to pry that cat from my radiator hose.
torQQue Wrote:He kills creek rats/muskrats, birds, ground squirrels, rabbits, and butterflies at an alarming rate. I don't know why he keeps bringing them to me either, he kills them for fun I guess, he never eats them, maybe he thinks I'm hungry??

They are supposed to be presents really. Outdoor dogs and cats alike do this for their owners. My pups tried to give me a live mouse....yea...

thetribe Wrote:They are supposed to be presents really. Outdoor dogs and cats alike do this for their owners. My pups tried to give me a live mouse....yea...

That's correct. It happens more so with cats than dogs, but they kill it and then bring it to their "leader" to gain approval.

As for my animals, they always stay in the house. Pugs are not weatherproof.
My boxer stays in but for the golden retriever he stays out usaully.
I have a Jack Russell and I'm not sure what the other is because it wondered up here from somewhere and we've taken care of it since, but we leave them both outside and open the door up to let them under the house when it gets to cold for them to stay outside.
torQQue Wrote:We have a weathered dog house with a heat lamp and thermometer for him. On a normal very cold winter night (in the 20's) his dog house stays in the 50's.. However, last night it got so cold here, that Barney's dog house wouldn't even stay above freezing. The temperature dropped to 1 degree at one point last night outside, and it was about 29/30 degrees in his dog house, so I brought him in.

My wife woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know why I had Barney in the house.. She didn't like it that I had a nearly 80 to 90 lb outside dog laying on her floors, but I told her how cold it was outside, then she was okay with it. She told me that I better not let tear up anything, and/or use the bathroom in the floors. To my surprise, Barney laid right next to the couch beside me all night long. He was all stretch out and seemed quite content just being in out of the cold, he didn't move a muscle, and usually this dog is highly energetic and in to everything. I guess he was just happy to get out that cold last night.

What are you talking about????:lmao: :lmao:
My dogs don't have to worry about the cold they sleep in my bed every night.
Nope mine stayed outside.
I have a 4 month old min. Collie. Shes a house dog but loves the snow. There is no way I would let her stay out in the cold.
My dad ALWAYS brings the cat in when it gets cold like it was last night. He cries and cuts a fit though to go back out in the mornings...... He IS a big baby... mom spoils him and let's him in more often than dad thinks though!!! LOL.....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I have an 8 month old St Bernard and I've brought him in the last several nights. He probably doesn't get that cold, it's just me thinking that he does!
What was the temp. this morning. When I left at 7:00 this morning, the turck was registering -2.
torQQue Wrote:Yeah, I didn't know you all had took your dog inside until I come over the other day. She seems well behaved. Barney, is too wild for inside, he hunts anything that moves, and no way he could get along with our inside cat..(I locked the cat in the bedroom lastnight.) He kills creek rats/muskrats, birds, ground squirrels, rabbits, and butterflies at an alarming rate. I don't know why he keeps bringing them to me either, he kills them for fun I guess, he never eats them, maybe he thinks I'm hungry??. The cat got out the other day and he chased it all over the yard and up into in the engine of my car before I could get him away from the cat. Big Grin

Amanda was screaming and gage was crying(they thought barney was going to kill her) It was a tense situation because if he would of caught her there would of been no hope for the little kitty cat. He won't listen to me when he sees a cat, it's like he becomes possessed. It took me 10 minutes to pry that cat from my radiator hose.

Yeah she is pretty good, she gets hyper when company comes though..haha... She will go to the door when she has to go...

Thats funny he brings you all them presents...Big Grin.... Barney seems like a laid back dog... Thats funny he goes crazy over cats....haha
torQQue Wrote:We have a weathered dog house with a heat lamp and thermometer for him. On a normal very cold winter night (in the 20's) his dog house stays in the 50's.. However, last night it got so cold here, that Barney's dog house wouldn't even stay above freezing. The temperature dropped to 1 degree at one point last night outside, and it was about 29/30 degrees in his dog house, so I brought him in.

My wife woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know why I had Barney in the house.. She didn't like it that I had a nearly 80 to 90 lb outside dog laying on her floors, but I told her how cold it was outside, then she was okay with it. She told me that I better not let tear up anything, and/or use the bathroom in the floors. To my surprise, Barney laid right next to the couch beside me all night long. He was all stretch out and seemed quite content just being in out of the cold, he didn't move a muscle, and usually this dog is highly energetic and in to everything. I guess he was just happy to get out that cold last night.

I want to know where you got that dog house I want to get one for mine.
I have a little 5 lbs. maltese who stays inside...and sleeps in a play pin lol. We treat her just like a baby...I'm pretty sure she doesn't know she's a dog!
I would never let my 3 pound dog outside in the winter!
I bring my babies in every night. I bought a heater and put it in the garage for two of my cats and my two dogs, who most of the time sneak into the house anyway. I also have 7 other cats in my house that do not go out in the wintertime. My 'babies' are spoiled.

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