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House OKs $819B stimulus bill with GOP opposition
Well they finally passed it. What are you thought and opinions on it?
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:Well they finally passed it. What are you thought and opinions on it?

Its a band aid for the situation. The bible says, Give them a fish, you feed them for a day, teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime.. WE NEED MORE JOBS!
If it's the solution to the problem, pour it on it!
So do we get those great stimulus checks this year?
Some of you need to read what this Stimulus Plan even is. It's different than the last one. This one is made to create 4 million new jobs over the next 2 years.

And no Notorious, there are no checks with this one.
mrfootball03 Wrote:Its a band aid for the situation. The bible says, Give them a fish, you feed them for a day, teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime.. WE NEED MORE JOBS!

Well i've heard theres something in it to make more jobs
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Well i've heard theres something in it to make more jobs

Let me rephrase this. We need more PERMANENT jobs!.. Not 2 year road & bridge building jobs.
mrfootball03 Wrote:Let me rephrase this. We need more PERMANENT jobs!.. Not 2 year road & bridge building jobs.

I agree the construction jobs they are talking about will take 1-2 years just to determine which bridges and roads to build or repair, then another 2 years to redesign what needs to be repaired. Planning for a new road will take 4-5 years, before construction ever begins. These projects will help create some jobs in the future but are not the help we need in the short term.
I dont agree with none of this stimulus until all the pork and bull is gone out of it. We rush the bail out thru and look what it got us, nothing. Alot of the infrastructure money is gone out of it now and they are wanting to give money to groups like acorn again. Nothing is gonna change long as Pelosi , Reed and Frank have anything to do with it.
Billnz28 Wrote:I dont agree with none of this stimulus until all the pork and bull is gone out of it. We rush the bail out thru and look what it got us, nothing. Alot of the infrastructure money is gone out of it now and they are wanting to give money to groups like acorn again. Nothing is gonna change long as Pelosi , Reed and Frank have anything to do with it.

ACORN is having to start saving now for the next Presidential election.

Pelosi, Reed and Frank = Larry, Mo and Curly
Just heard on CNN that Wal Street is awarding over $20 billion in bonuses. Now that's exactly were I wanted that stimulas package should go!!!!!!
The Sniper Wrote:Just heard on CNN that Wal Street is awarding over $20 billion in bonuses. Now that's exactly were I wanted that stimulas package should go!!!!!!

thats where alot of our bail out money went it friggin disgusting, how in the **** does someone get bonuses for running a business into the ground
Uncle Fester Wrote:Some of you need to read what this Stimulus Plan even is. It's different than the last one. This one is made to create 4 million new jobs over the next 2 years.

And no Notorious, there are no checks with this one.

You might want to do a little reading yourself.Wink

President Obama anticipates that spending over $800 billion will create 3.7 million new jobs. That means each job will cost more than $200,000, which is roughly equivalent to 5 times what the average American worker earns!
Old School Wrote:I agree the construction jobs they are talking about will take 1-2 years just to determine which bridges and roads to build or repair, then another 2 years to redesign what needs to be repaired. Planning for a new road will take 4-5 years, before construction ever begins. These projects will help create some jobs in the future but are not the help we need in the short term.
I'm going to guess that the road building and fixing will give more employment and more money out in the community which will, in turn, increase average spending on things and cause the need for more jobs, which will then more people will be able to fill, either when they finish fixing the roads and what not or just by other unemployed people.

And I would have to believe that there's jobs fixing roads and what not that won't require the amount of time that you projected because they won't be as complex.

I didn't vote for Obama, so that's all just speculation and hoping, but I hope that it was logical.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Everybody take a look whats going on. Something that should throw up a red flag is when someone is trying to pass something this quickly. Most of the time when someone is in a hurry to pass legislation, you'd better slow it down because the reason to hurry a law is rarely urgency to help the citizens, but urgency to get it passed before people find out what the heck it really is.
A lot of legislation is like garbage and it's garbage the first day in the can, but if it sits there long enough, it really starts smelling. Congress knows that the so-called stimulus bill is garbage, but hope it gets voted on before it sits there long enough to start smelling.

If you sent your kid to college and in less than a month he spent all the money you sent with him for the semester and then, on top of that, maxed out the credit card you loaned him for extreme emergencies, what would you do? Would you say, hey, let me give you even more money than before and another credit card, but don't tell me how you spent that first bunch of money and it's not even necessary to tell me how you'll spend the new money I'm sending? Not hardly. You'd want a full accounting of what he did with all your money since you now have to work even harder to replace it. And, before you gave him any more, you'd put very strict controls on how he spends it. Congress must think we're stupid. And maybe we are, We did send these
guys back. But they've spent all the money we sent them in taxes. They've run up a debt that our children and even grandchildren will have to pay and they don't really even know what they've done with the money.Somehow, they think that if we're in this horrible mess because they spent, borrowed and squandered billions, they can fix it if we just let them spend, borrow and squander trill
ions. And we even have a new treasury secretary to oversee it all — who didn't know how to use TurboTax and didn't pay his own taxes for four years and had an illegal immigrant working in his house.

Heres a better plan:

Term limits for members of Congress: 12 years and go home.
Instead of automatic pay raises, you lose 2 percent of your congressional salary every year you don't balance the budge
t.We end the congressional pension and you have to go into the same Social Security system government employees are in. You get a fixed amount for health insurance and you pay for half of yours and all your family's and you go into the marketplace and buy it like they do. You pass the "fair tax" and eliminate the burden on businesses and individuals trying to create jobs and you close the IRS — especially since the guy you just confirmed to run it doesn't even know he's supposed to pay taxes.

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