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I would slit my wrist before (you fill in the blank)
I would slit my wrist before becoming a Notre Dame fan.:BigLaugh:
I would slit my wrist before selling my computer or my ipod. I would die. haha
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:I would slit my wrist before becoming a Notre Dame fan.:BigLaugh:

I would slit my wrist before becoming an Ohio State fan. Big Grin
I would slit my wrist before becoming a Steelers' fan. Big Grin
I would slit my wrist before I cheer on Louisville.
Jshort5 Wrote:I would slit my wrist before becoming a Steelers' fan. Big Grin

I thought we were BUDS!!!!
allseasonfan Wrote:I thought we were BUDS!!!!

If your a Steelers' fan, than it just can't work out...Big Grin
I would slit my wrist before I would turn my back on a freind.
I would slit my wrist before I ever slit my wrist.
Jshort5 Wrote:I would slit my wrist before becoming a Steelers' fan. Big Grin

This coming from a Bengals fan......
... before becoming a dUKe, UNC, Cowboy's, Steelers FAN
Midee1 Wrote:This coming from a Bengals fan......

Before hiring Billy G to coach my gradeschool
Before being friends with any KCC fans Big Grin :argue: Jk.
I would slit my wrist if I had to listen to lil wayne. :mad:
I would slit my wrist before becoming a tree hugger
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
I would slit my wrist before i would ever go to a kayne west concert.

he is SOOO self absorbed!
.. before I became a UK fan.
GrizzlyAdams Wrote:.. before I became a UK fan.

...before I would give up the Internet.

I would slit my wrist before I become a fan of the SEC.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:I would slit my wrist before I become a fan of the SEC.


thetribe Wrote::ban:

That has happened on another site. And that was a part of the reasoning behind it.:howdy:
I would slit my wrist before I became a bandwagon fan.
would slit my wrist before I became a Cleveland Browns fan.
king360 Wrote:Before hiring Billy G to coach my gradeschool

so you are saying billy g is a bad are off in the head
Real Badman Wrote:I would slit my wrist before I cheer on Louisville.

Before I put on a Christian Latnier Jersey.
I would slit my wrist before STARTING TO SMOKE OR GET A TAT.
I would slit my wrists with a dull knife before rooting for the Tennessee friggin Volunteers or a variety of NFL teams (Cowboys, Raiders, Bengals, Patriots)
I would slit my wrist before ever looking at this thread again:

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