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Coed Squads?
How many are in the state and where at?? :blondeche
I don't know of many, but here are a few that have competed as coed for the past few years. Keep in mind they might have gone all girl this year.

-Graves County, Reidland, Russell County, Bullit Central, Hancock County, Somerset, Letcher Central, Sheldon Clark, Phelps, Belfry (haven't been coed in a few years), ....

that's all I can think of
I maybe wrong but i think Graves took state last year.
You're no wrong. They have won several state titles and have done rather well at Nationals too. They are a great squad!
Russell (not to be confused with Russell County) I believed had 2 males on the squad last year. 1 graduated and now their squad consists of just 1.
I love the co-ed squads, that have an equal distribution male/female & I wish more schools would encourage them! I love it when they stunt and tumble... I do not care for the ones, where the boys are simply there to make the division...
Sheldon Clark is no longer Coed
Wolfe County has one guy cheerleader. So would you call them coed?
I love watching co-ed squads. Wish there were more around here.
Luigi#2 Wrote:Wolfe County has one guy cheerleader. So would you call them coed?

I can't be for sure, I'll have to look it up again but right now I'm thinking 4 guys and under is small coed. Anything over that is large coed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. (i probably am, they change it so much)
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:I can't be for sure, I'll have to look it up again but right now I'm thinking 4 guys and under is small coed. Anything over that is large coed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. (i probably am, they change it so much)

You're correct....small coed is 4 or less guys, and a total of 20 or less on the squad.
5 guys and 15 girls for large coed i think. 15 not sure about clarify....
Large is having 5 or more males and no more than 20 members so yes 15 girls at the most. Graves County beat Bowling Green at Bluegrass Regionals. Traditionally those 2 have been the best in the state along with Bullitt Central and Russell County in the large division. I'm pretty sure that Kentucky with those 4 teams has had the most at UCA Nationals. Reidland and Barren County have the strongest small coed teams. I think Kentucky has a good representation of coed teams, but I agree I wish there were more of them. I like watching all girl teams too, but I like having coed teams at competitions so you get to see different styles of cheerleading.
I completely agree! We don't really have any coed teams in East KY. I wish we did. Some schools are lucky to get a few guys to join for a year or two but after that they return to all girl. Kinda discouraging to the other guys
So why do schools like Graves, Bowling Green, Bullitt Central, and Russell County seem to be able to get guys to cheer year after year but other squads do not? Does it take a special kind of coach to do a coed squad?
i think a guy needs to be brave enough to break the ice. to show to rest of the guys that it was a taboo to be different. plus a coach willing.
Elliott is a coed squad, have been for the last 8 or 10 years.
Owsley County has 1 boy this year so they will be coed.
IISnakE Wrote:I love the co-ed squads, that have an equal distribution male/female & I wish more schools would encourage them! I love it when they stunt and tumble... I do not care for the ones, where the boys are simply there to make the division...

I agree completely. Usually teams to that so they will not have any competition on the regional level.
I went to the 14th region KAPOS competition on Sunday. There were some awesome squads. I read the coed remark and I will tell you what I saw. Jenkins cheered large co-ed and was great. They threw a boy in a basket toss. Uniqe and different. Crowd loved it. They were great. Letcher Central won small coed and deserved it. However, I think Owsley should have won runner up. Their male cheerleader stunted, cheered, tumbled (great tumbler) and jumped. They had a really good routine, especially the dance with great facials and attitude. Actually, I thought they one of the best routines there and so did everyone else. Wolfe co. dropped 3 stunts and failed to get one up at all. In my opinion that was the most boring 2 1/2 minutes of the competition. Owsley was by far superior to Wolfe and should have received runner up. In my opinion, they got the shaft and the judges should be ashamed. That was the worst call of the whole competition. I guess it doesn't matter because runners up do not go to state. In my opinion, to cheat kids out of a just reward is wrong and unexceptable. However, they weren't superior to Letcher because they had harder stunts and tumbling passes. Good luck at state letcher!!
I have a ? for Snake II. What do you think about coed squads that the boys are only their to lift and not do anythings else? I asked this ? because letcher and jenkins boys only lifted. They did not cheer, jump, or tumble just lifted for strength. Owsley and Wolfe had a boy and they did. Owsley boy did not dance but Wolfe did. I don't think boys should dance but I do think they should do just more than stand there and lift but that is just my opinion. I don't think owsley had a boy just to enter this division because he is very talented and seem to like it. He was really good.
Also I think it take a special kind of boy to cheer. He has to be super tuff on the inside in order to be teased the way in which they are. I think it takes boys of superior inner strength and character. The co-ed divisions are my favorite catefories.
Well if a boy joins the team he should be able and willing to do all aspects of the sport. Not just stunting, but cheering, jumping, tumbling, and yes, dancing. It is up to the coach/choreographer to have a male friendly dance. That way they don't have to be out there prissing around like a lot of the girls do. (booty shaking and all those girly moves). It should be something that is appropiate for boys too. It is not right to get a boy just to be in a coed division and only use him for stunts. If he is a cheerleader, then he needs to do what everyone else does too
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:Well if a boy joins the team he should be able and willing to do all aspects of the sport. Not just stunting, but cheering, jumping, tumbling, and yes, dancing. It is up to the coach/choreographer to have a male friendly dance. That way they don't have to be out there prissing around like a lot of the girls do. (booty shaking and all those girly moves). It should be something that is appropiate for boys too. It is not right to get a boy just to be in a coed division and only use him for stunts. If he is a cheerleader, then he needs to do what everyone else does too

i do everything all the time. just because i'm a good all around cheerleader. but i have no problem at all doing it all!
Donathan Hurley you are a male cheerleader, what do you think of boys that just stunt only and are there to lift the girls and do no other aspects of the sport?
cheerbeauty Wrote:Donathan Hurley you are a male cheerleader, what do you think of boys that just stunt only and are there to lift the girls and do no other aspects of the sport?

I mean it's fine if that's what they want to do, but wheres the joy in that? I mean lifting, lifting, and more lifting. seems like that would be a bit redundant. I enjoy doing it all, but other have different taste in what they should do.
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:I can't be for sure, I'll have to look it up again but right now I'm thinking 4 guys and under is small coed. Anything over that is large coed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. (i probably am, they change it so much)

At the 14th Region KAPOS, the squads with any boys were called coed. I don't know if that makes them coed or not.
Jenkins boys did not just lift. They did the motions and jumps. One boy even tumbled. I don't think the boys were on the squad just to qualify jenkins as co-ed. They participated in every aspect of the routine, except for dancing. During that portion, they threw a boy up in a basket toss. It was awesome. Jenkins did great and I'm excited to see them in state!
In my opinion Jenkins was one of the best squads.
They not only looked nice but there routine was great.
They didn't drop any of there stunts and there all boy stunt basket toss was amazing!

Good job to the boys.
you guys cheered,danced, stunted and smiled =]
Jenkins was great. I agree that all boy baskt toss was awesome. That was my favorite part of the whole competition. They will represent themselves well. They were very entertaining and talented. Good luck at state!

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