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Pikeville Football Supporters Go To Board Meeting
Just want to know if anyone has any information how the meeting turned out.
WKandinsky Wrote:Just want to know if anyone has any information how the meeting turned out.
I thought it went well. I thought we represented ourselves well. Am I sold that Green and the rest of the administration is commited to this program like they say they are? No. Because actions speak louder than words. But I hope they got the message last night that WE are commited to this program and that WE are watching them. We all came with a positive attitude and things didnt get very heated last night and IMO thats a good thing. But, if they dont take heed to our pleas with them last night it WILL get ugly real quick becuase the community is tired of watching the very life get sucked out of that school down there. The only thing that disppointed me was Mayos absolute REFUSAL to pick a new selection commitee. He wouldnt even give a reason why he wouldnt. When a person who was on the commitee last year even tired to compromise and pitched the idea to him about letting 2 extra people on the commitee he got downright defensive about it. In the end he reluctantly agreed to "look into it" when the person kept pressing him on it. I thought another person brought up a great point to them that every team in the school both athletic and academic had at least 2 coaches that work within the school while the football team only had one.
Were any names brought up? Is there a timeline on when to hire the new coach? Is Ben Howard the favorite right now?
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I thought it went well. I thought we represented ourselves well. Am I sold that Green and the rest of the administration is commited to this program like they say they are? No. Because actions speak louder than words. But I hope they got the message last night that WE are commited to this program and that WE are watching them. We all came with a positive attitude and things didnt get very heated last night and IMO thats a good thing. But, if they dont take heed to our pleas with them last night it WILL get ugly real quick becuase the community is tired of watching the very life get sucked out of that school down there. The only thing that disppointed me was Mayos absolute REFUSAL to pick a new selection commitee. He wouldnt even give a reason why he wouldnt. When a person who was on the commitee last year even tired to compromise and pitched the idea to him about letting 2 extra people on the commitee he got downright defensive about it. In the end he reluctantly agreed to "look into it" when the person kept pressing him on it. I thought another person brought up a great point to them that every team in the school both athletic and academic had at least 2 coaches that work within the school while the football team only had one.

Sounds like if they were commited to the athletics, they would given Coach Copley and our football team more help. Why all of a sudden change a heart by the administration to suport the football program?????
With all the past expierences, why would anyone trust a thing that they say?
And why not have a new commitee. Who's on the commitee anyway?
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I thought it went well. I thought we represented ourselves well. Am I sold that Green and the rest of the administration is commited to this program like they say they are? No. Because actions speak louder than words. But I hope they got the message last night that WE are commited to this program and that WE are watching them. We all came with a positive attitude and things didnt get very heated last night and IMO thats a good thing. But, if they dont take heed to our pleas with them last night it WILL get ugly real quick becuase the community is tired of watching the very life get sucked out of that school down there. The only thing that disppointed me was Mayos absolute REFUSAL to pick a new selection commitee. He wouldnt even give a reason why he wouldnt. When a person who was on the commitee last year even tired to compromise and pitched the idea to him about letting 2 extra people on the commitee he got downright defensive about it. In the end he reluctantly agreed to "look into it" when the person kept pressing him on it. I thought another person brought up a great point to them that every team in the school both athletic and academic had at least 2 coaches that work within the school while the football team only had one.
Next time ask em why a person can't get a word on his eligibility after 6 months. LOL. :letsparty
the school and committee will choose who they think they can control. the committee will choose who they think will benefit them. same as has always been lately. not real impressed with any of the athletic coaches at pikeville. mediocre at best. not a big fan of copely but he got shafted because it took the pressure off the ones that hired him and the ones that supported his hiring.
Who are the 5 members of the committee that will choose the new coach? Mayo and Garris are two.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I thought it went well. I thought we represented ourselves well. Am I sold that Green and the rest of the administration is commited to this program like they say they are? No. Because actions speak louder than words. But I hope they got the message last night that WE are commited to this program and that WE are watching them. We all came with a positive attitude and things didnt get very heated last night and IMO thats a good thing. But, if they dont take heed to our pleas with them last night it WILL get ugly real quick becuase the community is tired of watching the very life get sucked out of that school down there. The only thing that disppointed me was Mayos absolute REFUSAL to pick a new selection commitee. He wouldnt even give a reason why he wouldnt. When a person who was on the commitee last year even tired to compromise and pitched the idea to him about letting 2 extra people on the commitee he got downright defensive about it. In the end he reluctantly agreed to "look into it" when the person kept pressing him on it. I thought another person brought up a great point to them that every team in the school both athletic and academic had at least 2 coaches that work within the school while the football team only had one.

I think the reason they may not want to hire a new selection committee is because it would be pointless after they have already offerred the job to somebody who is most likely going to take it. That is if the terms are met with him.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:I think the reason they may not want to hire a new selection committee is because it would be pointless after they have already offerred the job to somebody who is most likely going to take it. That is if the terms are met with him.

Well, you seem to be very in the know. Do you think said coach will have what he wants......and what exactly are those things that Pikeville needs to do to land said coach. What is the communities take on this coach, would they be happy with the hire.
Just heard a little while ago that Mayo has agreed to add 2 members to the selection commitee. Im not saying who it is but I will say I cant think of 2 better people to be added.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Just heard a little while ago that Mayo has agreed to add 2 members to the selection commitee. Im not saying who it is but I will say I cant think of 2 better people to be added.

What's the big need for the 2 more commitee members? Who's on the commitee anyway?
For those wanting to know. The commitee from what Ive heard is;
Bob Shurtleff
Bill Staggs
Gene Davis
Royce Mayo
Kevin Garriss
Dr. Jody Brown
Dr. Greg Hackney
cheeseforme Wrote:Well, you seem to be very in the know. Do you think said coach will have what he wants......and what exactly are those things that Pikeville needs to do to land said coach. What is the communities take on this coach, would they be happy with the hire.

Haha! Yes from what i have read on here everyone should be pleased with it. I know he has been offerred the job, but there are some issues with certain areas, not necassarily all to do with coaching, but the issues involved with coaching have to do with; how many years he has? and his assistants? It is leaning towards him excepting the job because, and this is just my opinion, I don't see them not giving him what he wants.
I don't know anymore than what I read in the paper, but hope a coach is chosen that can take Pikeville back to teams like we saw in 87,88, 89. As fans we just need to get behind the new coach and do what we can. This program deserves the best!
Big Fvie-0 Wrote:I don't know anymore than what I read in the paper, but hope a coach is chosen that can take Pikeville back to teams like we saw in 87,88, 89. As fans we just need to get behind the new coach and do what we can. This program deserves the best!
I agree. The problem right now is that when the person who unltimately makes the call as to who the coach is says he doesnt care about wins and losses. The program, the school, and the community relationship with the school is going to continue to suffer as long as he has this attitude.
If parents are not given the choice on holding their child back, I just do not see how a small school could ever get to the top of any class. It is not an equal playing field...
I am a new member who loves Pikeville Panther football. I have been a supporter since 1975 and have never had a son play the sport. Any word yet on who the new coach may be? Let's hope for a winner!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I agree. The problem right now is that when the person who unltimately makes the call as to who the coach is says he doesnt care about wins and losses. The program, the school, and the community relationship with the school is going to continue to suffer as long as he has this attitude.
Why do think he has this attitude? This is all jealousy on Mayos part. He doesnt care about these kids, this community, or this school or how much damage he inflicts upon it. This is all his vain attempt to get back at the very people (The entire community and alumni)that called for his head in 1997 after the worst season Pikeville has had in 40 years(yes they were even worse than the 2008 Panther Team). Let this be a lesson for all the people who care about this program. Dont ever put a fired coach in charge of hiring another coach no matter how much time has passed. I have to ask this question as well? I wonder how much he cared about wins and losses when HIS son was playing down here?
Enter The Dragon Wrote:For those wanting to know. The commitee from what Ive heard is;
Bob Shurtleff
Bill Staggs
Gene Davis
Royce Mayo
Kevin Garriss
Dr. Jody Brown
Dr. Greg Hackney

That's a group of people who should have SOME idea about the history of Panther athletics, I'd think. Including one who was largely responsible for part of the state championship run.
Diogenes Wrote:Including one who was largely responsible for part of the state championship run.
Make that 2
I like most of those on the selection committee. Wonder how soon a decision will be made? Also, does anyone out there have any tapes of the 87, 88, 89, games that could be copied?
any news on the pikeville job?
You could make a soap opera out of this off season story as crazy as it has been!
Uncle Fester Wrote:You could make a soap opera out of this off season story as crazy as it has been!

They already did, i think it was sometime in the 80's, it was called, "1st an 10"
Uncle Fester Wrote:You could make a soap opera out of this off season story as crazy as it has been!
Yeah I agree and it aint over yet.

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