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I watched it last night online and have to say it was awesome.
It is a must see I.M.O.
Watched the trailer on this one and it's one that I will go see myself. Another good one I just watched over the weekend is Grand Torino......

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I watched it a little while back and it is a great movie.
One of the best in a while. I love it
phs1986 Wrote:Watched the trailer on this one and it's one that I will go see myself. Another good one I just watched over the weekend is Grand Torino......

I heard that Grand Torino was an incredible Eastwood movie. It comes very highly recommended.

I've only seen the trailer on Taken as well, but it looks very good. I at first was not sold on Liam Neeson in this role, but the more that I have watched the trailer, he appears to fit the role perfectly.
Gran Torino is also a great movie, but Taken is better IMO

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