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01-24-2009, 06:40 PM
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]This topic comes from a conversation a few of us were having a while back.
The ladies, all said they wanted someone who had more. The ladies who had been to college wanted a man who had more college than she did.
The guys said it did not matter. Most guys said as long as she had a job and could carry their share of the load if they were to become a couple was the main thing.
So what are your thoughts on this?[/COLOR]:devilflam
The ladies, all said they wanted someone who had more. The ladies who had been to college wanted a man who had more college than she did.
The guys said it did not matter. Most guys said as long as she had a job and could carry their share of the load if they were to become a couple was the main thing.
So what are your thoughts on this?[/COLOR]:devilflam
01-24-2009, 06:45 PM
I can't believe anyone would base a relationships potential on this.
01-24-2009, 06:49 PM
If i like her, i dont care if she has less schooling than me or not.
01-24-2009, 07:29 PM
A lot of dumb girls go to college just to find a guy who she can marry and will let her sit at home for the rest of her life.
01-24-2009, 08:38 PM
Absolutely, I would date them! When seeking out a partner for dating/andor a life long companionship that would be one of the last things I would consider. To me there are just so many more important qualities to look for. I mean take for example. Say a person has a doctorate degree, however, they cheat all the time with coworkers and such. Or the person has a doctorate, yet they hate children and/or have ego problems, poor personality/attitude, non sociable, doesn't smile much, are depressed, has strange fetishes, don't take care for themselves heath wise, different goals, different beliefs, hates animals, has and STD, etc. etc. One could go on and on..
I think a combination of intelligence, morals/family values, responsibility, personality, goal oriented, attractiveness, cleanliness, along with being open minded, and selfless, far out weigh any educational accomplishment, in my search for a companion. Also, if you are going to be committed to a life long relationship, you must be sexually compatible and you must be passionate for each other.
If you are referring to being educated as having a degree, than no, that would not be a requirement. Many people are very intelligent and successful without any college education at all. For example, some of the most successful computer programmers and business entrepreneurs are self taught. Others train to perfect their unique skills and/or talents they were born with, such as artists and musicians, etc.
I don't think degrees are the best way measure the quality of a person. For one, intelligence can be expressed and demonstrated in so many other ways. And two, degrees/education level don't have personal qualities.
With all that said, I still wouldn't date an illiterate women, no matter her personal qualities. Living in America, in this day and age, there is no excuse not to be able to at least read.
I think a combination of intelligence, morals/family values, responsibility, personality, goal oriented, attractiveness, cleanliness, along with being open minded, and selfless, far out weigh any educational accomplishment, in my search for a companion. Also, if you are going to be committed to a life long relationship, you must be sexually compatible and you must be passionate for each other.
If you are referring to being educated as having a degree, than no, that would not be a requirement. Many people are very intelligent and successful without any college education at all. For example, some of the most successful computer programmers and business entrepreneurs are self taught. Others train to perfect their unique skills and/or talents they were born with, such as artists and musicians, etc.
I don't think degrees are the best way measure the quality of a person. For one, intelligence can be expressed and demonstrated in so many other ways. And two, degrees/education level don't have personal qualities.
With all that said, I still wouldn't date an illiterate women, no matter her personal qualities. Living in America, in this day and age, there is no excuse not to be able to at least read.
01-25-2009, 12:13 AM
Again the guys all are in agreement on this topic.
Still waiting for the ladies to chime in.
Still waiting for the ladies to chime in.
01-25-2009, 12:16 AM
phs1986 where art thou???

01-25-2009, 01:13 AM
Thats an interesting question...well here's a woman's perspective. I really have never thought about this and I have to say that I'm agreeing with a lot of you guys. College isn't always for everyone, doesn't mean they won't make a great husband or wife. I always looked for a boyfriend who had a good work ethic and was ambitious, but those qualities don't apply only to guys who have more education than me. For example, I'm working on my master's degree right now and have more education than my husband.....however, he has a great job, is a hard worker, and makes more money than I do I don't think someone's dating/marriage potential is based on their education.
01-25-2009, 01:27 AM
It's great hearing a woman speak on this especially one who has more education than her spouse.
I think in Ohio, at least my part a lot of women are looking to be taken care of.
I think in Ohio, at least my part a lot of women are looking to be taken care of.
01-25-2009, 01:49 AM
Nothing wrong with that.... I like being taken care of, but I also like the fact that I know I can take care of myself if I need to!
01-25-2009, 02:03 AM
Jshort5 Wrote:phs1986 where art thou???
OH.. I'm here darling being the "nice, clean, quiet, mannered"..... yada, yada, yada... LMAO.....
As far as the Less of an education question.... Yes, I would because I feel that although being able to provide for a "family" is a MAJOR component in a relationship, (especially a long term one) there are way to many others to consider. For example, are they personable? Do they socialize or are they a snob? Do they help out with the kids/around the house? Practicing good hygene is a must!! How they treat me as a person/mate...... There is a LOT of stuff that would factor in but education is not very high on the priority list. Although I do agree with QQ.... being able to read/write and if they can't.... don't be ashamed to ask for help in learning......
I do feel that a woman can help out and do her part although with small ones sometimes daycare or childcare is a problem. My solution to that was to work part time while my smallest was under school age then when he started school, maybe the year after, I went full time to work. Although I have over 100 college credit hours, I make in 2 weeks what my hubby makes in one day. Yes, I could go back to college and take more classes and finish my education but I have a child who if VERY active in sports and I concentrate on his education first and foremost. Running with him after work keeps me on my toes.
So Jshort... there ya go in a nutshell.... LOL...... I'm easy as heck to get along with, not very picky, but just picky enough!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
01-26-2009, 01:50 AM
It doesn't matter to me if they graduated with a phD or if they dropped out of grade school, as long as they have enough sense to make it in this world and not be completely stupid.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..
Tom is not my friend....
if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Tom is not my friend....
if you have any questions send me a p.m.
01-26-2009, 02:40 AM
crazytaxidriver Wrote:It doesn't matter to me if they graduated with a phD or if they dropped out of grade school, as long as they have enough sense to make it in this world and not be completely stupid.
glad to see you back CTD...Sorry it took so long...
I agree with all of you, it shouldn't matter however, with the way most teenagers are brought up today they look for some one who can take care of them and then they can just sit back and relax while they mooch (sp.) off of their significant other. I think my generation is the closest to unspoiled as we will get for a while. But thats JMO.
01-26-2009, 10:25 AM
Yes! That is a silly question. If you love someone, what does that matter?
01-26-2009, 09:54 PM
I agree, it dosnt matter as long as theres a good connection between the two people.
01-26-2009, 10:27 PM
I couldn't stomach to date anyone who were not able to read and write properly. They need to know the difference between your and you're. Spelling and grammar are big things for me. I wouldn't break up with someone over it, I would just catch onto it in how they write beforehand and not even go there. It sounds stupid but that's a big issue for me. Having less of an education wouldn't be an issue, being stupid period would be.
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