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Daughter dies, parents go to trial for choosing faith over medicine

How do you feel about this story? Should the parents be convicted for murder since they deliberately didn't take their child to seek medical attention? I have no problem with ones religion and faith, because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. However, I am disgusted with these parents (not disgusted with their faith) but disgusted because they neglected to take advantage of all means necessary, in order to try and save their daughter. Why not take advantage of modern medicine? Did they ever stop and think, that maybe, modern medicine is part of God's grand scheme? Haven't they ever heard that God works miracles through others?

To me, there is nothing more important than the well being of my children. I would have taken advantage of EVERY available resource/treatment, in order to try and cure/save my child; be it modern medicine, herbal treatments, old folk remedies, and/or prayer. Why would anyone eliminate all treatment possibilities, except one? To me, exhausting all the options is just common sense..

I think the parents deserve to be convicted of man slaughter due to deliberate neglect and child abuse. By the way, the little girl didn't have a terminal illness such as cancer, she had juvenile diabetes that some insulin would have easily taken care of. They let her lay there becoming weaker and sicker every day, and never sought any medical treatment.

Quote from the article,

"About 300 children have died in the United States in the last 25 years after medical care was withheld on religious grounds, said Rita Swan, executive director of Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty, a group based in Iowa that advocates punishment for parents who do not seek medical help when their children need it. "
I say the parents need convicted.
Hang em High!
This is just sad... No way I would sit back and watch my child die knowing that medicine might save them.
WOW!! People like this just amaze me. This is for sure murder in my book.

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