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Obama extraordinary support.
"Of those surveyed, 79 percent were optimistic about the next four years under Obama, the highest level of goodwill attained by any of the past five incoming presidents"

"Most Americans told The Times that they did not expect real progress in improving the economy, reforming the health care system or ending the war in Iraq -- three of the central promises of the Obama campaign for at least two years."

So what are they Optimistic about? Just curios. I personally think there will be progress made in the economy.
You will see some progress in the economy, because our officials are taking actions to boost the economy now, but in the long run 5-15 years from now, all of this will come crashing down, and crash hard.

We can't just print money when we like it, and we just cant continue to borrow money we can't pay back.
Under Obama, we will being to have a more future-looking energy policy.
Under Obama, we will have better standing in the world diplomacy wise.

In my opinion, there are other areas...but there are a couple.
I could care less about how our country is viewed on the world stage. Those on top are always hated by those not.

It is not up to our government to advance our energy technology. This has to be done in the private sector. The govt. has proven time and time again it can't do anything efficiently or properly.

More govt is never the answer.
Beetle01 Wrote:I could care less about how our country is viewed on the world stage. Those on top are always hated by those not.

It is not up to our government to advance our energy technology. This has to be done in the private sector. The govt. has proven time and time again it can't do anything efficiently or properly.

More govt is never the answer.

First of the month, like the rhythm of the tides, Social Security checks come in the mail. Ask a pharmacist about how the one payer Medicaid/Medicare systems compare to the "efficiency" of the private insurance sector. To say that the government can't do anything right is as extreme as to say that the government must do everything.
I know America now stands in a different light from people around the world. My wife is flying back home from Paris as I type and she said there are Obama posters all over the city. The French love him. Of course it might just be that they hated Bush so much they would love anybody.

I have to think that the rest of Europe has similar scenes.

This country also feels better about itself. That parade was like a rock concert. Now its up to Obama to translate all of those good feelings into some solid policies and get our Country back on track.

January 20, 2009. THE END OF AN ERROR and a new begining.
FBALL Wrote:I know America now stands in a different light from people around the world. My wife is flying back home from Paris as I type and she said there are Obama posters all over the city. The French love him. Of course it might just be that they hated Bush so much they would love anybody.

I have to think that the rest of Europe has similar scenes.

This country also feels better about itself. That parade was like a rock concert. Now its up to Obama to translate all of those good feelings into some solid policies and get our Country back on track.

January 20, 2009. THE END OF AN ERROR and a new begining.

This is the most political language I've ever heard from FBall and I like it!!!!

With ya 100%!:rockon:
Watching all this unfold today is so amazing. To see so much excitement and joy and optimism from SO many people is just amazing. To watch the Obamas walk down Pennsylvania Ave. with all the military saluting him was just inspirational.
DevilsWin Wrote:This is the most political language I've ever heard from FBall and I like it!!!!

With ya 100%!:rockon:
I'm not a very political person. I'm not a democrat. I'm not a republican. I'm an American.

Honestly I hate party politics. I find it very derisive and unproductive.
FBALL Wrote:I'm not a very political person. I'm not a democrat. I'm not a republican. I'm an American.

Honestly I hate party politics. I find it very derisive and unproductive.
I'm still with ya!Big Grin
Its the democrates fault that every hates Bush. Now the Democrates wants the Rep. to join the Dem. as one.

what a joke, Obama isnt going to do anything. He is gonna be like any other president. Talk alot and do nothing.
RavenBoy Wrote:Its the democrates fault that every hates Bush. Now the Democrates wants the Rep. to join the Dem. as one.

what a joke, Obama isnt going to do anything. He is gonna be like any other president. Talk alot and do nothing.

I'm holding out hope that he is going to be more than just talk. I'm not counting on it but I do hope his butt can cash the checks his mouth wrote.

Also there has been an obscene amount of venom spewed out by the democrats since Bush took office. But the guy did more to damage his own reputation and the status of the republican party than any propaganda from the other side of the aisle could have possibly done. That is one thing he can claim to have accomplished.
The Bush bashing started the day he took office in 01. Dems felt that they got robbed in the election, and since then had it out for Bush. They opposed him on every move, bad mouthed him in the media. There were even liberal news channels talking about Iraq being the next Vietnam months before we went in there. They never wanted him to succeed, and yet imo he did some good things. Iraq is won, we will be out of there soon. Afghanistan is basically won, but the real enemy in that region has been Pakistan and their refusal to help us hunt AlQ in their territory. Its too bad we keep trying to stop India, that is who we need involved in that area to fight terrorism, Ive felt that way from day 1. Now that they have been hit, I think they will be even more motivated.

Iraq will be the turning point, a big problem in Afghanistan has always been that alot of the people there felt that once we did what we came to do, we would leave them to the wolves, aka the Taliban, who would then come back and take power and punish those that helped Americans, thats why there has been quite a bit of reluctancy to join up. There has been a major surge there in support from the people lately, having seen the progress made. But lets be honest about Afghanistan, the only thing they really have to make money for themselves is poppy fields. When your country is dependent upon drug trade, you're in some trouble no matter what your try.
Beetle01 Wrote:The Bush bashing started the day he took office in 01. Dems felt that they got robbed in the election, and since then had it out for Bush. They opposed him on every move, bad mouthed him in the media. There were even liberal news channels talking about Iraq being the next Vietnam months before we went in there. They never wanted him to succeed, and yet imo he did some good things. Iraq is won, we will be out of there soon. Afghanistan is basically won, but the real enemy in that region has been Pakistan and their refusal to help us hunt AlQ in their territory. Its too bad we keep trying to stop India, that is who we need involved in that area to fight terrorism, Ive felt that way from day 1. Now that they have been hit, I think they will be even more motivated.

Iraq will be the turning point, a big problem in Afghanistan has always been that alot of the people there felt that once we did what we came to do, we would leave them to the wolves, aka the Taliban, who would then come back and take power and punish those that helped Americans, thats why there has been quite a bit of reluctancy to join up. There has been a major surge there in support from the people lately, having seen the progress made. But lets be honest about Afghanistan, the only thing they really have to make money for themselves is poppy fields. When your country is dependent upon drug trade, you're in some trouble no matter what your try.

According to the top Military man. We are without a doubt loosing in Afganistan.
DevilsWin Wrote:According to the top Military man. We are without a doubt loosing in Afganistan.

The major news networks have sent their reporters into afghanistan now so maybe we will all know what is going on there. Maybe they will set some meassures so we can see if we are loosing or not. The bad part is that what worked in Iraq might not work in Afghanistan. The land is so rough alot of the vehicles used in Iraq will have a hard time just getting around in Afghanistan. Not to mention we might not be as liked by the civilians there. Thats where counter insurgency will come in. Its going to be interesting. I do hear they are looking into strykers there.

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