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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays
EKY Sportster Wrote:Why would a girlfriend be permitted to be by his bedside but not his "gay" companion? :confused: That makes no sense?

Re-read that post again....that's not what I said.....
cheerdad Wrote:Re-read that post again....that's not what I said.....

You said this man's 17 year long gay companion was not allowed by his bedside by the hospital administration. Then you went on to say that a girlfriend or boyfriend living together would have been. :confused:
EKY Sportster Wrote:Well if you are gay then live your life as such if you choose. However, the Bible forbids it and that is that! You can't have your cake and eat it too. The Bible is too clear on this topic to be misinterpreted.

America is not a Religious Theocracy!


Governed by the laws of man!

EKY Sportster Wrote:You said this man's 17 year long gay companion was not allowed by his bedside by the hospital administration. Then you went on to say that a girlfriend or boyfriend living together would have been. :confused:

girlfriend and boyfriend.....heterosexual, male and female couple, common law couple.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Well if you are gay then live your life as such if you choose. However, the Bible forbids it and that is that! You can't have your cake and eat it too. The Bible is too clear on this topic to be misinterpreted.

I am going to quote Beetle here (never thought that would happen ;-) "for the upteenthousandth time" you are wrong, the Bible does NOT forbid it. Ever thought that you are the one that is misinterpreting it?????

When this discussion started, I went through each and every one of those scriptures, i.e. clobber scriptures, that most Christians use against the homosexual community. I know and UNDERSTAND completely what the Bible says. Beetle never answered this question, maybe you can...if God and His word is against homosexuality, why isn't there a reference to lesbians? Jesus himself spoke against many things, forbid as you put it, but not once did HE mention anything about people who are gay.
DevilsWin Wrote:****NEWSFLASH****

America is not a Religious Theocracy!


Governed by the laws of man!
Probably explains why it's in such a mess.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Probably explains why it's in such a mess.

For some reason I knew you would support this!! Big Grin
Money Maker Wrote:For some reason I knew you would support this!! Big Grin

Cant you comprehend what you read?

I'm supporting the opposite.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Probably explains why it's in such a mess.
:notworthy Great one Kimball!!

The sad part is that it is so true!
DevilsWin Wrote:****NEWSFLASH****

America is not a Religious Theocracy!


Governed by the laws of man!


Hey, if you want to be a homosexual and Hamas sympathizer, be my guest!

As for the US, the original constitution did not forbid religious activity in government. But that's a whole other matter that is not part of this thread. Currently all laws interpret the constitution as such but they still have many references to religion in government, such as on our money, with prayer and so forth.

Anyway, to each their own. But leave it up to man and it will end up screwed up. I think we as Americans are doing such a great job right now. Rolleyes If Non-Christians spent as much time and effort trying to improve the country rather than worrying about removing the ten commandments or prayer from school, or "In God We Trust" from our money, then maybe we could get more accomplished. The moral decline in the US over the past 30-40 years is so staggering with our "laws of man" that you speak of that this will eventually be the "end of the story" as you put it.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Hey, if you want to be a homosexual and Hamas sympathizer, be my guest!

As for the US, the original constitution did not forbid religious activity in government. But that's a whole other matter that is not part of this thread. Currently all laws interpret the constitution as such but they still have many references to religion in government, such as on our money, with prayer and so forth.

Anyway, to each their own. But leave it up to man and it will end up screwed up. I think we as Americans are doing such a great job right now. Rolleyes If Non-Christians spent as much time and effort trying to improve the country rather than worrying about removing the ten commandments or prayer from school, or "In God We Trust" from our money, then maybe we could get more accomplished. The moral decline in the US over the past 30-40 years is so staggering with our "laws of man" that you speak of that this will eventually be the "end of the story" as you put it.

What does the two have in common??? Where did that come from??? And to your comment "If Non-Christians spent as much time and effort trying to improve the country rather than worrying about removing the ten commandments or prayer....blah blah blah" Who in here are you calling non-Christians??? Because someone that does not agree with you on your religious belief, that makes them a non-Christian??? WOW....maybe if so-called Christians worried as much about themselves living their life as God wanted them too, treating people with love and respect, stop kicking "sinners" out of their churches, maybe this country wouldn't be in the shape that it is in now.

....and DevilWin...I am sad to see that you went to their level of demeanor. In discussions like this, it is imperative that we keep our cool that way it does not give the so-called Christians the opportunity to judge our thoughts, ridicule our beliefs and slander our differences. It doesn't matter what the sign says over the door of a church building, it's what the sign says in your heart and what is between you and the good Lord above is what matters. So many of our churches today have gotten away from the purpose of the church which is to witness and win souls to Christ, but instead they choose to degrade, ridicule and belittle those who do not believe as they do. It's going to be quite hilarious when and IF they make it to Heaven and they look out there mansion window and have neighbors that here on earth they shunned away!
Dear Lord, I pray for the homosexual, the thief, the murderer, the liar. I pray that they can see what they're dong is wrong. Not cause I said it was wrong but because You said it was wrong. Please forgive me where I have been wrong. I am not perfect but your blood that was shed for me is perfect. I don't hate the homosexual, the thief, the murder, the liar. I hate their sin. Thank you Lord for saving my soul. Once again, please forgive me....Amen
cheerdad Wrote:What does the two have in common??? Where did that come from??? And to your comment "If Non-Christians spent as much time and effort trying to improve the country rather than worrying about removing the ten commandments or prayer....blah blah blah" Who in here are you calling non-Christians??? Because someone that does not agree with you on your religious belief, that makes them a non-Christian??? WOW....maybe if so-called Christians worried as much about themselves living their life as God wanted them too, treating people with love and respect, stop kicking "sinners" out of their churches, maybe this country wouldn't be in the shape that it is in now.

....and DevilWin...I am sad to see that you went to their level of demeanor. In discussions like this, it is imperative that we keep our cool that way it does not give the so-called Christians the opportunity to judge our thoughts, ridicule our beliefs and slander our differences. It doesn't matter what the sign says over the door of a church building, it's what the sign says in your heart and what is between you and the good Lord above is what matters. So many of our churches today have gotten away from the purpose of the church which is to witness and win souls to Christ, but instead they choose to degrade, ridicule and belittle those who do not believe as they do. It's going to be quite hilarious when and IF they make it to Heaven and they look out there mansion window and have neighbors that here on earth they shunned away!
Perhaps this post by Devilswin just goes to show that those are indeed his innermost thoughts. It shows what really dwells in his heart. I dont think that I have ever read a post on this or any other public message board that is as vile. I think beyond a shadow of a doubt that DevilsWin just proved that he is a very tormented, twisted, and demented soul. How does it feel to have a guy like that in your corner? I guess when you say that it gives "the so-called Christians the opportunity to judge "our" thoughts" that you are confirming that you have those exact same thoughts yourself? Does that same vileness and demented thought process dwell in your mind and heart as well? Are you upset with Devilswin just because he has blown your cover too?
cheerdad Wrote:What does the two have in common??? Where did that come from??? And to your comment "If Non-Christians spent as much time and effort trying to improve the country rather than worrying about removing the ten commandments or prayer....blah blah blah" Who in here are you calling non-Christians??? Because someone that does not agree with you on your religious belief, that makes them a non-Christian??? WOW....maybe if so-called Christians worried as much about themselves living their life as God wanted them too, treating people with love and respect, stop kicking "sinners" out of their churches, maybe this country wouldn't be in the shape that it is in now.

....and DevilWin...I am sad to see that you went to their level of demeanor. In discussions like this, it is imperative that we keep our cool that way it does not give the so-called Christians the opportunity to judge our thoughts, ridicule our beliefs and slander our differences. It doesn't matter what the sign says over the door of a church building, it's what the sign says in your heart and what is between you and the good Lord above is what matters. So many of our churches today have gotten away from the purpose of the church which is to witness and win souls to Christ, but instead they choose to degrade, ridicule and belittle those who do not believe as they do. It's going to be quite hilarious when and IF they make it to Heaven and they look out there mansion window and have neighbors that here on earth they shunned away!

As to who am I calling Non-Christians, only the people that don't claim to be! No person in particular.

As to your comments I've bolded, these are very good points and that is certainly part of the problem!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Perhaps this post by Devilswin just goes to show that those are indeed his innermost thoughts. It shows what really dwells in his heart. I dont think that I have ever read a post on this or any other public message board that is as vile. I think beyond a shadow of a doubt that DevilsWin just proved that he is a very tormented, twisted, and demented soul. How does it feel to have a guy like that in your corner? I guess when you say that it gives "the so-called Christians the opportunity to judge "our" thoughts" that you are confirming that you have those exact same thoughts yourself? Does that same vileness and demented thought process dwell in your mind and heart as well? Are you upset with Devilswin just because he has blown your cover too?

I'll first say that I do not support homosexuality, but I will not get on here to demean those who do. I am Christian, an my beliefs are bible based. Their are comments that suggest tha the Bible does not speak about homosexuality, and that is not correct. But that is not the reason for my post.

The above comment is mis-leading in that this is a debate between christans and non-christians. This is not just christian belief but one that is shared across religions. Christians as well as virtually all doctrines denounce homosexualty, icluding Judaism & Islam. Though other sects do not speak directly, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism views homosexualty negatively as well.

This is not a debate of mine, thus I have added all that I feel that I can.
Stardust Wrote:I'll first say that I do not support homosexuality, but I will not get on here to demean those who do. I am Christian, an my beliefs are bible based. Their are comments that suggest tha the Bible does not speak about homosexuality, and that is not correct. But that is not the reason for my post.

The above comment is mis-leading in that this is a debate between christans and non-christians. This is not just christian belief but one that is shared across religions. Christians as well as virtually all doctrines denounce homosexualty, icluding Judaism & Islam. Though other sects do not speak directly, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism views homosexualty negatively as well.

This is not a debate of mine, thus I have added all that I feel that I can.

I'm not sure exactly why you bolded that part of my post. You do know that that was not my post but rather a quote from cheerdads post?

I was mearly asking questions concerning cheerdads posts in trying to figure out exactly where he is coming from.

While I agree with not condemning someone for whatever particular beliefs they may hold, I do feel that you cannot condone the vile and vulgar post by Devilswin.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I'm not sure exactly why you bolded that part of my post. You do know that that was not my post but rather a quote from cheerdads post?

I was mearly asking questions concerning cheerdads posts in trying to figure out exactly where he is coming from.

While I agree with not condemning someone for whatever particular beliefs they may hold, I do feel that you cannot condone the vile and vulgar post by Devilswin.

It was the comment that I directed my reply, not who said it. No ill will towards you. As for Devilswin post, I don't condone it, but since our site does not discipline such comments, I guess it is fair game. My guess is that it was seen and possibly reported, but it is still there for all to see.
Why is it a threat to Christianity for the Equal Protection Clause to include those of same sex who choose to enter into a contract (civil union)? I don't see how "god" could hold the church accountable for that?
With all the people basing their opinion on the bible, doesn't the bible speak against interracial marriages also. They get the same rights as everyone else, and that is a choice, so why not, it's not like it is taking anything away from us.
LadyKatFan Wrote:With all the people basing their opinion on the bible, doesn't the bible speak against interracial marriages also. They get the same rights as everyone else, and that is a choice, so why not, it's not like it is taking anything away from us.

I do not believe their is such a thing as race anylonger. And I'm not justifyuing right or wrong of mixed marriage, but what is a mixed marriage anymore. I dare say that there are not many true breed of humanity left in the world. Trace the ancestors of anyone, and you will find a mixing of some race, credd or color someone in the chain.
I am not racist my any means, my family has blacks and whites that are married, I do not look at them any different, just as i would not look at homosexuals any different. All i am saying if everyone is supporting their opinions from the bible then they should think about that too. I for one see nothing wrong with blacks and whites marrying or homosexuals marrying. It has not affect on us, except having to see it, just look the other way and go on, there all people just like everyone else.
The Bible doesn't speak against people of difference races marrying one another. At least not among the Gentiles which is what most of us are. This is not even relevant, the thread is marriage between same sex and gays. Race is not even relevant. And as to whether the recognition of same sex marriage would threaten Christians, no it wouldn't. I think the Bible and Religion was brought into this discussion because of it speaking against it. But really this thread is about whether it is a proper thing to do. An Athiest could even be against same sex marriage. Anyway, I have expressed my opinion on this topic, and it really doesn't matter what any of us on here think anyway because we can't change what laws are put in place around the country. So I guess each state or the country will just have to make up their mind on whether to recognize it.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Perhaps this post by Devilswin just goes to show that those are indeed his innermost thoughts. It shows what really dwells in his heart. I dont think that I have ever read a post on this or any other public message board that is as vile. I think beyond a shadow of a doubt that DevilsWin just proved that he is a very tormented, twisted, and demented soul. How does it feel to have a guy like that in your corner? I guess when you say that it gives "the so-called Christians the opportunity to judge "our" thoughts" that you are confirming that you have those exact same thoughts yourself? Does that same vileness and demented thought process dwell in your mind and heart as well? Are you upset with Devilswin just because he has blown your cover too?

My dearest Mr. Kimball,

What I was saying about DevilsWin post is that for those of us that have a different view upon what the Bible says about homosexuality, we need to refrain from such hatred and not stoop to the level of name calling as do so many so-called Christians. With that being said, I had much rather have someone as DevilsWin in "my corner" than someone as yourself, who is suppose to have the heart of a Christian. In no way does his post prove anything that you mentioned, about DevilsWin...you saying such just confirms my theory of your hypocrisy. And no, there you go "judging and assuming" again...I do not have those thoughts, because, if I did, I would have let those thoughts be known to you a LONG time ago. And, what kind of cover are you elluding to, Mr. Kimball? I feel as though I have been very open and honest about my feelings toward this discussion, hence, I am not nor have I anything to "cover". I am a Christian, have been since I was 12 years old, repented and baptized in God's Grace, who believes in the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost, who just so happens to disagree with you on this topic....that's all I am, plain and simple. If you want to assume more, then you are entitled to do so.

And for the person who made the comment about the Bible NOT speaking against inter-racial marriage....YES IT DOES, and I will look those scriptures up for you. And some of the churches used the Bible and those scriptures to excuse my uncle and aunt from being members of their church because they were an inter-racial marriage. Now grant it, this was back when inter-racial marriage was the "hot topic" just as gay marriage is today, but, they haven't been back to church since. WAY TO GO CHURCH, WAY TO WITNESS AND WIN SOULS...IF THEY DON'T FIT YOUR CRITERIA OF BEING A CHRISTIAN, KICK THEM OUT!!!!!

To the person who made the comment about churches not accepting homosexuality...there are many churches who welcome the homosexual community with open arms. They see how so many other churches have neglected their duty in only allowing "certain" people to become Christians. God Bless those churches and their witness and their willingness to look past what other see as faults and condemnation.
cheerdad Wrote:My dearest Mr. Kimball,

What I was saying about DevilsWin post is that for those of us that have a different view upon what the Bible says about homosexuality, we need to refrain from such hatred and not stoop to the level of name calling as do so many so-called Christians. With that being said, I had much rather have someone as DevilsWin in "my corner" than someone as yourself, who is suppose to have the heart of a Christian. In no way does his post prove anything that you mentioned, about DevilsWin...you saying such just confirms my theory of your hypocrisy. And no, there you go "judging and assuming" again...I do not have those thoughts, because, if I did, I would have let those thoughts be known to you a LONG time ago. And, what kind of cover are you elluding to, Mr. Kimball? I feel as though I have been very open and honest about my feelings toward this discussion, hence, I am not nor have I anything to "cover". I am a Christian, have been since I was 12 years old, repented and baptized in God's Grace, who believes in the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost, who just so happens to disagree with you on this topic....that's all I am, plain and simple. If you want to assume more, then you are entitled to do so.

And for the person who made the comment about the Bible NOT speaking against inter-racial marriage....YES IT DOES, and I will look those scriptures up for you. And some of the churches used the Bible and those scriptures to excuse my uncle and aunt from being members of their church because they were an inter-racial marriage. Now grant it, this was back when inter-racial marriage was the "hot topic" just as gay marriage is today, but, they haven't been back to church since. WAY TO GO CHURCH, WAY TO WITNESS AND WIN SOULS...IF THEY DON'T FIT YOUR CRITERIA OF BEING A CHRISTIAN, KICK THEM OUT!!!!!

To the person who made the comment about churches not accepting homosexuality...there are many churches who welcome the homosexual community with open arms. They see how so many other churches have neglected their duty in only allowing "certain" people to become Christians. God Bless those churches and their witness and their willingness to look past what other see as faults and condemnation.

I would very much like to see which scriptures you are referring to. Please put them on here so we can make sure they are in the proper context. Because I know of no scripture that forbids inter-racial marriage. I totally disagree with the church that did your Aunt and Uncle that way. Inter-racial marriage is not forbidden by the Bible. There are a lot of old fashioned churches that make up their own rules (example: don't watch tv, women can't wear pants, and so on) and people should not go there if they don't believe likewise. But most truly Christian churches are open to anything not forbidden by the Bible. Winning souls is the mission, but not compromising Bible based values either. That is how all churches should work.

As to churches not allowing homosexuality, I don't agree with that. That is a matter between the person and God. But homosexuality is wrong and not Biblically based. I don't think any church should condone it, but churches should not snub anyone interested in becoming a Christian. But obviously a person can't say I like to kill people but I want to be a Christian in your church. You have to draw the line when things go against the Bible.

Anyway, this thread is not just about the Bible. It is about homosexual acceptance and as I have stated before, I don't agree with it. I have several people I know that are homosexual and I would welcome them to my church, but I still believe them to be in the wrong and the Bible speaks against it. But it is not for me to judge them but God!
EKY Sportster Wrote:I would very much like to see which scriptures you are referring to. Please put them on here so we can make sure they are in the proper context. Because I know of no scripture that forbids inter-racial marriage. I totally disagree with the church that did your Aunt and Uncle that way. Inter-racial marriage is not forbidden by the Bible. There are a lot of old fashioned churches that make up their own rules (example: don't watch tv, women can't wear pants, and so on) and people should not go there if they don't believe likewise. But most truly Christian churches are open to anything not forbidden by the Bible. Winning souls is the mission, but not compromising Bible based values either. That is how all churches should work.

As to churches not allowing homosexuality, I don't agree with that. That is a matter between the person and God. But homosexuality is wrong and not Biblically based. I don't think any church should condone it, but churches should not snub anyone interested in becoming a Christian. But obviously a person can't say I like to kill people but I want to be a Christian in your church. You have to draw the line when things go against the Bible.

Anyway, this thread is not just about the Bible. It is about homosexual acceptance and as I have stated before, I don't agree with it. I have several people I know that are homosexual and I would welcome them to my church, but I still believe them to be in the wrong and the Bible speaks against it. But it is not for me to judge them but God!

Here are SOME of the scriptures the church used against interracial marriage (scriptures quoted are from the King James Version):

Genesis 28:1: "And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, Thou shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan".

Leviticus 19:19: "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind..."

Deuteronomy 7:2-3: "And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shall smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: Neither shall they make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, not his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son".

Deuteronomy 22:9: Thou shalt no sow thy vineyard with divers seeds; lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled".

Jeremiah 13:23: "Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots? Neither can you start doing good, for you have always done evil".

Acts 17: 24-26: "God....hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of the habitation..."

The trial judge in a famous interracial marriage case appropriately titled "Loving v. Virginia" apparently agreed that racial separation was God's will and that mankind must not reverse that principle. He ignored the principle of separation of church and state as well as the equal protection clause in the U.S. Constitution when finding the Loving family guilty of miscegenation. Part of his ruling stated:
[INDENT] "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races show that he did not intend for the races to mix."

The above reference is another example of how, even back then, not only did the church use the scriptures for their own "benefit" to "prove" what they were teaching was right, but the courts did the same thing, as they are doing today with gay marriage, equal protection and separation of church and state. [/INDENT] Now...these are just SOME of the scriptures the church used against interracial marriage. Do I agree with it. No, I do not. But the point being, during the time when interracial marriage was the "hot topic" people used the Bible to "prove their point". In my view, it was an misinterpretation back then, because now, the church does not think of interracial marriage as a "bad thing" it's no longer the "hot topic" of the times. Was this misinterpretation intentional? Is interracial marriage as "wrong" today as it was back in the 70's or was it just the period in time when Christians chose to use their misinterpretations of the scriptures to prove their point about something that was nothing at all, like gay marriage is today?

And you are right, this thread is not just about the church and homosexuals, but it has taken the forefront of this discussion, due in part to peoples strong opinion about this topic. Religious groups/churches are fighting the gay community on the right to marry, just as they did back when interracial marriage was the topic of discussion. It does make me wonder what band wagon/agenda/people the churches will discriminate against next.
I've been looking for weeks through my notes when I was a student and graduate of a Christian college....these notes came from my New Testament Studies class...

The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to the heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.
cheerdad Wrote:Here are SOME of the scriptures the church used against interracial marriage (scriptures quoted are from the King James Version):

Genesis 28:1: "And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, Thou shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan".

Leviticus 19:19: "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind..."

Deuteronomy 7:2-3: "And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shall smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: Neither shall they make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, not his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son".

Deuteronomy 22:9: Thou shalt no sow thy vineyard with divers seeds; lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled".

Jeremiah 13:23: "Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots? Neither can you start doing good, for you have always done evil".

Acts 17: 24-26: "God....hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of the habitation..."

The trial judge in a famous interracial marriage case appropriately titled "Loving v. Virginia" apparently agreed that racial separation was God's will and that mankind must not reverse that principle. He ignored the principle of separation of church and state as well as the equal protection clause in the U.S. Constitution when finding the Loving family guilty of miscegenation. Part of his ruling stated:
[INDENT] "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races show that he did not intend for the races to mix."

The above reference is another example of how, even back then, not only did the church use the scriptures for their own "benefit" to "prove" what they were teaching was right, but the courts did the same thing, as they are doing today with gay marriage, equal protection and separation of church and state. [/INDENT] Now...these are just SOME of the scriptures the church used against interracial marriage. Do I agree with it. No, I do not. But the point being, during the time when interracial marriage was the "hot topic" people used the Bible to "prove their point". In my view, it was an misinterpretation back then, because now, the church does not think of interracial marriage as a "bad thing" it's no longer the "hot topic" of the times. Was this misinterpretation intentional? Is interracial marriage as "wrong" today as it was back in the 70's or was it just the period in time when Christians chose to use their misinterpretations of the scriptures to prove their point about something that was nothing at all, like gay marriage is today?

And you are right, this thread is not just about the church and homosexuals, but it has taken the forefront of this discussion, due in part to peoples strong opinion about this topic. Religious groups/churches are fighting the gay community on the right to marry, just as they did back when interracial marriage was the topic of discussion. It does make me wonder what band wagon/agenda/people the churches will discriminate against next.

These Genesis, Leviticus and Deuteronomy quotes are from the Old Testmament and were meant to try and keep the Jewish people pure. Of course the New Testament changed all of that with the Gentiles being brought into the fold. As for the quotes from Jeremiah and Acts, I don't take them to mean that inter-racial marriage is a sin. Sorry but I don't see the connection. And yes you did have some old line churches and even some modern day churches that use the Bible and quote out of context to make their beliefs appear to be factual when they may not be. You just have to read the Bible in the context of the quote and make your own determination.

As for homosexuality, the government can do whatever it likes. It is only a civil union under our laws anyway. But it is wrong and also unnatural IMO. Homosexuals cannot even reproduce the last time I checked. What sort of family units are we wanting to create? Of course with the way people treat marriage now I guess it doesn't matter anyway. The majority of kids come from broken families and single parent households. No wonder people are like they are now and the morals of our society are in decline. We could even go further and allow people to marry their pets. What do you think about that idea? Seriously, I know there are people that would and if you allow homosexual relationships to be recognized, then these people would have an argument to make as well.
Just want to point out tha Dw was wrong, we are not a constitutional democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic, big difference when it comes down to it.

Currently there are 25 states with active movements for seccession. These are not radical groups who call that state home. These are legally elected officials in state govts moving for the discussion of secession from the Union. In quite a few states large portions of the population support seccession. Most notably Texas who is above 70%. Oklahoma is also over 60%. And I would venture to say most midwest and southern states are around the same numbers. Our own state being one of them.

Why do you ask? Because of the molestation and abuse and/or pure disregard for our Constitution which is the law in which our govt is supposed to be ran. As of noon today we will have a usurper serving as our President, and the Supreme court has bisically given up all responsibility as they will not demand a BC for fear if he cannot provide one there will be major civil unrest. The thought that our SC will not uphold laws for fear of civil unrest is absurd and a complete violation of this countries fundamental laws. As of noon I only consider myself a Kentuckian until this is resolved. I will also not recognize any call to service unless called upon by our current Gov.

FYI this has not been talked about in the mainstream media, but having many many friends and family in the armed forces, they mention quite a bit that there will be issues with some/alot soldiers not obeying any commands from Obama due to them believing he has no right to serve as President. They are sworn to uphold the Constitution and they believe without further proof his Presidency violates that.
Beetle01 Wrote:Just want to point out tha Dw was wrong, we are not a constitutional democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic, big difference when it comes down to it.

Currently there are 25 states with active movements for seccession. These are not radical groups who call that state home. These are legally elected officials in state govts moving for the discussion of secession from the Union. In quite a few states large portions of the population support seccession. Most notably Texas who is above 70%. Oklahoma is also over 60%. And I would venture to say most midwest and southern states are around the same numbers. Our own state being one of them.

Why do you ask? Because of the molestation and abuse and/or pure disregard for our Constitution which is the law in which our govt is supposed to be ran. As of noon today we will have a usurper serving as our President, and the Supreme court has bisically given up all responsibility as they will not demand a BC for fear if he cannot provide one there will be major civil unrest. The thought that our SC will not uphold laws for fear of civil unrest is absurd and a complete violation of this countries fundamental laws. As of noon I only consider myself a Kentuckian until this is resolved. I will also not recognize any call to service unless called upon by our current Gov.

FYI this has not been talked about in the mainstream media, but having many many friends and family in the armed forces, they mention quite a bit that there will be issues with some/alot soldiers not obeying any commands from Obama due to them believing he has no right to serve as President. They are sworn to uphold the Constitution and they believe without further proof his Presidency violates that.

Let me understand you correctly, Beetle: You are saying that Barack Obama is not a rightful President, that the United States Supreme Court has abdicated its role in this issue for fear of riots, that you renounce your designation as a United States citizen, that you deny any right of this President to call up National Guard or troops in general? Is that about right?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Probably explains why it's in such a mess.

Mr. Kimball, you naughty boy!!! I knew I would find you here. :lmao:
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