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Who is the best coach in 3A football?
Protect_This_House26 Wrote:McGlone, Haywood, amd Holcomb. Whitaker is making his way there.

Decisions like this are about the same as saying...which are better? Blondes,brunettes,red heads etc.... All are great at what they do. Most of these coaches can beat you with his team or take your team and beat you with yours. Something like that....its late. You get the idea.Smile
The thing I dislike about Buchanan's coaching is he likes to run up the score on weaker teams.(or at least it seems that way) He is a good coach and has really built the Mason program into a fine program. He still has a way to go before he is in McGlone's :rockon: or Haywood's class.
Scroggins Louisville Central gets my vote. What he has done with that team is phenominal.
Won't give a name as much as another question. Since the realignment who is the only 3A coach who has not yet lost a 3A football game either regular season or playoff game. I'd say that coach goes to the top of the list.
phdballer Wrote:Won't give a name as much as another question. Since the realignment who is the only 3A coach who has not yet lost a 3A football game either regular season or playoff game. I'd say that coach goes to the top of the list.

Ty Scroggins
Pigskinman53 Wrote:I honeslty think ALL privates should be forced to play up in classification

What does that have to do with Highlands?
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Take these names:
- Haywood
- Holcomb
- McGlone
- Larkey
- Buchanon
- Scroggns
- Cobb
- Hager

Place them in a hat and whoever you draw will be a very, very, very good coach for your school.

3A may also have three of the Top 5 Assistant Coaches in the state in Belfry's Mickey, Russell's Morris, and Breathitt's Chapman.

Hager is a good thought....makes a lot of bad decisions with such good talent
Haywood and Belfry's assistants
tradition Wrote:Scroggins Louisville Central gets my vote. What he has done with that team is phenominal.

I agree, especially in the land of the Rocks and the X. They usually have a lock on most of the good talent around Louisville. You still gotta go with some tradition though. Haywood has more wins than anyone else in 3A plus some state championships of his own.
Dudley Hilton by far. Been traveling the state for over 40 years now watching High School football and he does a awesome job. How many coaches goes to a School that was 0-30 over 3 seasons, never won a district title and win the state championship in the first year? He has three under his belt now with a few more on the way. Just my opion.
Dr. Truth Wrote:Dudley Hilton by far. Been traveling the state for over 40 years now watching High School football and he does a awesome job. How many coaches goes to a School that was 0-30 over 3 seasons, never won a district title and win the state championship in the first year? He has three under his belt now with a few more on the way. Just my opion.
Any guy that can win as many games as he has and go to a school like Bourbon County and win a State title has to be good.........
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There are so many variables involved. It all depends on what criteria you use to evaluate them. Fopr me, the the bottom line would be state titles, longevity, and successful programs. would include Holcomb, Haywood, Hilton, McGlone, from the Mts., in no particular order. Scroggins has done wonders in a short period of time in a tough environment at Central. I don't think it's possible to say which one is best.
xwarrior Wrote:Wel, they only won one game, don't know much football, but the kids really like them.

:ChairHit: actually brad allen knows alot about football and yea the kids like him alot and they really work hard for him actually the hardest they have ever worked under any coach up there they lift everyday after school and he conditions them well...the reason they lost games were just the fact of coaches before hand didnt have them strong enough to compete with their schedule...they did play letcher central, belfry, sheldon clark, and a decent shelby valley team...and alot of the coaches before didnt work fundamentals very well which led to some missed tackles or not being strong enough to drive the extra yard!!!
mandan Wrote:There are so many variables involved. It all depends on what criteria you use to evaluate them. Fopr me, the the bottom line would be state titles, longevity, and successful programs. would include Holcomb, Haywood, Hilton, McGlone, from the Mts., in no particular order. Scroggins has done wonders in a short period of time in a tough environment at Central. I don't think it's possible to say which one is best.
I don't think McGlone is considered a "Mountian Team" coach.
FBALL Wrote:Judging from some of the Russell and Belfry fans you can't put McGlone or Haywood on the list. They each have over 300 wins but both are now old and can't call plays anymore.Wink

I think David Buchanan would get my voter right now. He does a great job and has built the Mason County program from scratch. A very good offensive mind and I have not met anybody with a negative word to say about the guy.

This thing about McGloan and Haywood not being able to call plays right is a crock of of bad apples. The ones that have been bad mouthing those two need an education in high school football. They call the plays that they think will work. Period. Both coaches are #1 in my book. The play calling was not the down fall of Russell this past season it was a few bad apples dressed up as football players.
Tyrran Scroggins - Central
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Tyrran Scroggins - Central
Must agree!! I am a Belfry supporter, but what he has done with that program is amazing to say the least. To answer the question posted in the title, recently, it would have to be Scroggins. The best coach in 3A history? I don't know. There are several very qualified candidates.
ZoneRead Wrote:Haywood and Belfry's assistants

Thanks for recognizing the entire coaching staff. It takes a team effort to get ready for Friday night. I know I have driven by Belfry's Athletic Complex as late as 10pm and as early as 8am on a Saturday and have seen different coaches cars there. Coach Mickey has been an assistant at Belfry for 30+yrs. His winning record surpasses even Coach Haywood!
Pond Creek Wrote:Thanks for recognizing the entire coaching staff. It takes a team effort to get ready for Friday night. I know I have driven by Belfry's Athletic Complex as late as 10pm and as early as 8am on a Saturday and have seen different coaches cars there. Coach Mickey has been an assistant at Belfry for 30+yrs. His winning record surpasses even Coach Haywood!

Show me a successful Head Football coach and he will have top notch assistant coaches. A successfull football program is not a one man show.
I can't believe Ivan is even being considered. There are atleast 5-10 coaches in 3A who are much better. Anyone who's played through the Russell system knows this. Its a joke. Only the old timers will try and defend him because of some misplaced pride. If you know the kids, as I played 7 years ago so I know jsut about everyone who has played there in the past 15+years, Ive yet to talk to anyone who on a personal level thinks Ivan is a good coach. Sure in public they are not gonna diss him to random people they dont know. But on a personal level most think he is a joke at best.
Jeepman Wrote:This thing about McGloan and Haywood not being able to call plays right is a crock of of bad apples. The ones that have been bad mouthing those two need an education in high school football. They call the plays that they think will work. Period. Both coaches are #1 in my book. The play calling was not the down fall of Russell this past season it was a few bad apples dressed up as football players.
Too many individuals and head cases in 2008 let's hope 2009 doesn't have any of those problems.
im going to go with the obvious and say haywood
Holcomb to me is ok. I mean he won those 3 state titles a while back but he got them back to the state title game this year so I guess its alright but he should have won that game though.
No doubt Holcomb and his staff makes the top of the list,with Ty and Haywood 2 and 3 ,Ty has so many athlete too choose from he should never get beaten,and you take Haywood he has a much better sorce than Breathitt Co. to get athlete South Williamson is over the hill, so yes Holcomb #1 would take it every year if he had the athletes they get.

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