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01-10-2009, 01:45 AM
What do you think is better? My personal opinion is that no matter what people will find a way to drink, so why not make it legal, and bring in some money for the county. A lot of counties could sure use the business generated by becoming a wet county or even just allowing the sales of alcohol in the city limits.
01-10-2009, 02:29 PM
Dry (and/or "moist") counties are stupid, IMO.
I live in Madison County (which is the closest wet county for a lot of people that live south of here), so I see people from counties South of us traveling up here all the time just to buy their alcohol. You should have seen Liquor World on New Years Eve. People from Somerset, London, Williamsburg, all driving an hour or 2 in some cases just to buy their booze.
Couldn't these counties make more money and keep it in their county if they were selling it in their own county? IDK, a county being dry is a little outdated IMO.
I live in Madison County (which is the closest wet county for a lot of people that live south of here), so I see people from counties South of us traveling up here all the time just to buy their alcohol. You should have seen Liquor World on New Years Eve. People from Somerset, London, Williamsburg, all driving an hour or 2 in some cases just to buy their booze.
Couldn't these counties make more money and keep it in their county if they were selling it in their own county? IDK, a county being dry is a little outdated IMO.
01-10-2009, 03:03 PM
I also think it is retarded to have dry counties. All it is doing is giving other wet counties all the money we could be making in our dry county. Also it would attract some restaurants and businesses that wont come into our towns because they cant sale alcohol in them. But you have all the religious freaks against it and all the bootleggers who don't want it to happen.
01-10-2009, 10:08 PM
I am undecided on this. But I do agree that a lot more businesses/restaurants would open if the county was wet
01-10-2009, 10:36 PM
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:I am undecided on this. But I do agree that a lot more businesses/restaurants would open if the county was wet
Wouldn't you rather have it being sold in a licensed store, then from a bootlegger who might sell it to minors? I think they should get rid of all these silly alcohol bans...let the county sale it and bring in some much needed revenue.
01-10-2009, 11:30 PM
Wet counties.
01-11-2009, 02:30 AM
Do it for your counties economy and to keep them people that drove to another county to get it off the roads faster. I would imagine those making a quick trip in their own county typically wait until they get where they are going to consume it but if it's a half an hour drive back to their house they may be more like to crack a couple open on the road. People will drink anyway, might as well make every county wet.
01-12-2009, 11:07 AM
Wet counties are better imo. Like it or not, it brings in more revenue for the county in more ways than one. You would have people just straight up buying alcohol, and you could have bigger restaurant chains move in if you had a bar (ie. Outback, Applebees, etc.) Plus, you can drive to another county to get booze if you live in a dry county. I don't see the point in it personally.
01-12-2009, 11:22 AM
Where I live the city of Ashland is wet. The county of Boyd just went moist recently. Kind of a strange situation. It has been dry until about 6 months or so ago. They are also in the process of making Russell moist to attract a new dining establishment. Right now I have to drive to Ohio to by any drinks I may chose to consume because it is the closest place from to home to purchase.
On a side note:
Any of you from Russell ever went to CVS in Ironton to buy alcohol? I did for New Years Eve. I went in and grabbed all my stuff and got in the line to pay. I waited there for several minutes and when i got close to the registerf they had a big sign up that stated "All alcohol sales are cash only" I for one never carry cash so I had to put everything back up and drive to Ashland to use my debit card.
On a side note:
Any of you from Russell ever went to CVS in Ironton to buy alcohol? I did for New Years Eve. I went in and grabbed all my stuff and got in the line to pay. I waited there for several minutes and when i got close to the registerf they had a big sign up that stated "All alcohol sales are cash only" I for one never carry cash so I had to put everything back up and drive to Ashland to use my debit card.
01-12-2009, 03:27 PM
But wouldn't you lose money also from running the ambulance service to take care of all the achohol related wrecks?
01-12-2009, 06:09 PM
blitz43 Wrote:But wouldn't you lose money also from running the ambulance service to take care of all the achohol related wrecks?
It's not like people don't drink right now. If anything it will be better for us because people will be closer to the stores, that way they will wait to get home to drink, instead of drinking on the way back because its so far away.
01-13-2009, 01:54 AM
ComfortEagle Wrote:Dry (and/or "moist") counties are stupid, IMO.
I live in Madison County (which is the closest wet county for a lot of people that live south of here), so I see people from counties South of us traveling up here all the time just to buy their alcohol. You should have seen Liquor World on New Years Eve. People from Somerset, London, Williamsburg, all driving an hour or 2 in some cases just to buy their booze.
Couldn't these counties make more money and keep it in their county if they were selling it in their own county? IDK, a county being dry is a little outdated IMO.
Couldnt agree more, I personally don't drink, but almost all my friends do, and in order to get any alcohol they have to drive at lest 10-20 miles. It would just make sense to make the county wet, and keep the profit here.
01-13-2009, 02:22 AM
If I lived in a dry county I would move.
01-13-2009, 03:40 AM
I'm a supporter of a Wet county because the good majority of people in my county (Morgan) drink and a lot of our money as a result goes to businesses in surrounding counties so I believe it would be wiser to make a county wet becasuse it keeps money in the county and helps local businesses out too. And another thing, what is more ethical, a drunk driver driving a mile or two to get a beer or a drunk driver driving twenty miles to get a beer?
01-13-2009, 10:24 AM
If the county was wet, more people would drink cause it would be readily available. However, a dry county would detur some kids from driving far away to buy alcohol. If being a dry county can stop just a few few from drinking, I am for it. I could care less about the revenue it would produce. Go talk to a family that has lost a member of it's family due to a alcohol related death. I'd bet a dollar to a dime that they would rather have the family member back that all the money in the world.
01-13-2009, 06:36 PM
blitz43 Wrote:If the county was wet, more people would drink cause it would be readily available. However, a dry county would detur some kids from driving far away to buy alcohol. If being a dry county can stop just a few few from drinking, I am for it. I could care less about the revenue it would produce. Go talk to a family that has lost a member of it's family due to a alcohol related death. I'd bet a dollar to a dime that they would rather have the family member back that all the money in the world.
First of all, from what i know it is illegal for kids to buy alcohol. As far as alcohol related deaths, just because it is a wet county does not mean there will be more deaths. I guess you want to outlaw four wheelers and dirt bikes too, because they cause just as many deaths to people around our parts.
01-14-2009, 03:35 PM
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:First of all, from what i know it is illegal for kids to buy alcohol. As far as alcohol related deaths, just because it is a wet county does not mean there will be more deaths. I guess you want to outlaw four wheelers and dirt bikes too, because they cause just as many deaths to people around our parts.You are taking it out of conext. Underage drinking is my concern. If this Co.(Powell) were a wet county, I have no doubt that there would be a lot more under age drinking going on. Thus, a greater chance for alcohol related wrecks/deaths. Since this is a dry Co. the underage drinkers are less likely to go get it in another Co. Your other comment is crazy. Four wheelers don't kill people. Crazy people on 4-wheelers kill people.
01-14-2009, 05:44 PM
blitz43 Wrote:You are taking it out of conext. Underage drinking is my concern. If this Co.(Powell) were a wet county, I have no doubt that there would be a lot more under age drinking going on. Thus, a greater chance for alcohol related wrecks/deaths. Since this is a dry Co. the underage drinkers are less likely to go get it in another Co. Your other comment is crazy. Four wheelers don't kill people. Crazy people on 4-wheelers kill people.
So your saying just because the county is wet there will be more underage drinking going on??? The kids cant buy the alcohol anyway, so its not like they will be able to go buy it at the liquor store. Either way they have to have someone 21 to buy it for them, being a wet or dry county makes no difference. I'm in high school, kids party all the time. If our county went wet there would not be a huge rush of kids trying to drink, it would be the same kids, doing the same stuff.
01-15-2009, 12:07 PM
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:So your saying just because the county is wet there will be more underage drinking going on??? The kids cant buy the alcohol anyway, so its not like they will be able to go buy it at the liquor store. Either way they have to have someone 21 to buy it for them, being a wet or dry county makes no difference. I'm in high school, kids party all the time. If our county went wet there would not be a huge rush of kids trying to drink, it would be the same kids, doing the same stuff.I am anti-wet county. Lets agree to disagree. Drinking alters your mind and judgment. A lot of people can't control theirselves so I just say keep it out of my county.
01-15-2009, 08:31 PM
blitz43 Wrote:I am anti-wet county. Lets agree to disagree. Drinking alters your mind and judgment. A lot of people can't control theirselves so I just say keep it out of my county.
I am Pro-wet counties. Just because one person doesn't want alcohol in their county, everyone else shouldn't have to suffer from it.
01-19-2009, 09:23 AM
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:I am Pro-wet counties. Just because one person doesn't want alcohol in their county, everyone else shouldn't have to suffer from it.I just don't want a lot of people to suffer from alcohol related wrecks. Not to mention, DUI's...our tax dollars footing the bill for their stay in our iron bar motel.
01-19-2009, 02:43 PM
blitz43 Wrote:I just don't want a lot of people to suffer from alcohol related wrecks. Not to mention, DUI's...our tax dollars footing the bill for their stay in our iron bar motel.
Alcohol related wrecks and DUI's are going to happen whether it is a wet county or not.
01-19-2009, 03:17 PM
I think counties should be wet. This allows a chance at bring in new business and keeps alcohol buyers from being on the road so long. A lot of people who drink do so responsibly. You will always have irresponsible people with dry or wet counties and under age drinking is also going to happen, wet or dry. This is a problem parents and police have to help control. Alcohol is being sold in dry counties like it or not. At least let those counties have the revenue and pay taxes on it.
01-19-2009, 03:27 PM
Colonel Kill Wrote:I think counties should be wet. This allows a chance at bring in new business and keeps alcohol buyers from being on the road so long. A lot of people who drink do so responsibly. You will always have irresponsible people with dry or wet counties and under age drinking is also going to happen, wet or dry. This is a problem parents and police have to help control. Alcohol is being sold in dry counties like it or not. At least let those counties have the revenue and pay taxes on it.
Amen to that!
01-19-2009, 05:24 PM
01-20-2009, 03:39 PM
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:Alcohol related wrecks and DUI's are going to happen whether it is a wet county or not.They will increase if it is a wet county.
01-20-2009, 06:00 PM
blitz43 Wrote:They will increase if it is a wet county.
Are you psychic??? How do you know they will increase for sure?
01-21-2009, 09:00 AM
I am sure there are some stats out there..Plus a little common sense. If something is a lot more available, it is more likely that it will be purchased. Simple economics...Supply and demand.
01-21-2009, 09:32 AM
Here is a web site that talks about wet v/s dry.
I can admit when I am wrong. It states that more wrecks happen in dry counties. There are a lot of "fun facts" on this site also.
That still doesn't change my stance on dry v/s wet though. DRY all the way!
Here is a web site that talks about wet v/s dry.
I can admit when I am wrong. It states that more wrecks happen in dry counties. There are a lot of "fun facts" on this site also.
That still doesn't change my stance on dry v/s wet though. DRY all the way!
01-22-2009, 08:44 PM
blitz43 Wrote:
Here is a web site that talks about wet v/s dry.
I can admit when I am wrong. It states that more wrecks happen in dry counties. There are a lot of "fun facts" on this site also.
That still doesn't change my stance on dry v/s wet though. DRY all the way!
This just makes for a stronger argument for wet counties IMO. WET all the way.
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