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12-30-2008, 04:49 PM
Mongo Wrote:The sniper is right in there was no clear cut winner but he was shooting more orange balls than green ones while Mongo was shooting nothing but green balls. Before we even got started though The Sniper was trying to make excuses not to duel. It started with I don't like this mask and then it went to we might go to jail for this. I told him there was no jail big enough to hold me down and that if going to jail meant that i got to shoot the sniper in the head then I was all for it.
Although I will give The Sniper credit for walking down and dueling. I can't say the same about his yella witness who was in the room sawing logs dreaming of the day when his name will be called to go into The Hall of Fame right beside his good friend.
If Wyatt can claim a victory for the Sniper (which we all know by now he can tell some good ones) then you must have had less paint on you which I will claim makes you the winner. What does Wyatt know he was asleep? That doesn't surprise me that the Sniper would resort to making excuses they do that every week after they lose......well our guns messed up, our masks fogged up, we ran out of air....we've heard'em all brother!!!
12-31-2008, 12:16 AM
Johnny Ringo Wrote:If Wyatt can claim a victory for the Sniper (which we all know by now he can tell some good ones) then you must have had less paint on you which I will claim makes you the winner. What does Wyatt know he was asleep? That doesn't surprise me that the Sniper would resort to making excuses they do that every week after they lose......well our guns messed up, our masks fogged up, we ran out of air....we've heard'em all brother!!!
Again Johnny Ringo your character has come to question :confused:???? You, my little 'huckleberry' where over a 150 miles away, which is almost as far as Amun Ra stays from a fight

NOW, that we cleared that up Johnny Ringo, ask yourself one thing brother, just---one---thing, can you say the same? :dontthink Johnny Tyler has done everything but get down on his hands & knees and begged you to walk that isle, step up like a man and duel, and your still ducking and dodging! In fact don't take my word for it brother, I talked to him tonight on the phone brother, so ask him yourself if you can build the nerve WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
12-31-2008, 12:25 AM
Mongo Wrote:The sniper is right in there was no clear cut winner but he was shooting more orange balls than green ones while Mongo was shooting nothing but green balls. Before we even got started though The Sniper was trying to make excuses not to duel. It started with I don't like this mask and then it went to we might go to jail for this. I told him there was no jail big enough to hold me down and that if going to jail meant that i got to shoot the sniper in the head then I was all for it.
Although I will give The Sniper credit for walking down and dueling. I can't say the same about his yella witness who was in the room sawing logs dreaming of the day when his name will be called to go into The Hall of Fame right beside his good friend.
Everyone knows Mongo doesn't know all his colors yet

The Sniper was challenged and the Sniper more than responded
The Sniper was styling and profiling every step of the way brother
The Sniper had to use Mongos pathetic gun and mask
The Sniper still has a perfect record of never giving an inch on the battle field, unlike the day the Sniper charged into enemy fire and made Mongo surrender, when Mongo was hiding in a cave! the sniper has never surrendered and never will brother
Wyatt was the only actual eye wittness so he is the only other person who knows what happened besides the Sniper and the Mongo

12-31-2008, 02:01 AM
Sniper shot orange balls
Wyatt was snoring so loud that the front desk asked me shoot him cause they were getting so many complaints about him being to loud
The Sniper was using the same kind of gun that he would have used at home
I have never surrendered unlike the day The Sniper said I QUIT
I also offered the duel to Wyatt who declined the second I was done talking
Now Wyatt feel free to accept the challenge of a duel any time you want
Sniper anytime you want to duel again and can drag your yella bellie back to death valley then we will get it on again in front of many wittnesses that are not as suspect to streatch the truth
Sniper shot orange balls
Wyatt was snoring so loud that the front desk asked me shoot him cause they were getting so many complaints about him being to loud
The Sniper was using the same kind of gun that he would have used at home
I have never surrendered unlike the day The Sniper said I QUIT
I also offered the duel to Wyatt who declined the second I was done talking
Now Wyatt feel free to accept the challenge of a duel any time you want
Sniper anytime you want to duel again and can drag your yella bellie back to death valley then we will get it on again in front of many wittnesses that are not as suspect to streatch the truth
12-31-2008, 02:09 AM
Mongo Wrote:Fact
Sniper shot orange balls
Wyatt was snoring so loud that the front desk asked me shoot him cause they were getting so many complaints about him being to loud
The Sniper was using the same kind of gun that he would have used at home
I have never surrendered unlike the day The Sniper said I QUIT
I also offered the duel to Wyatt who declined the second I was done talking
Now Wyatt feel free to accept the challenge of a duel any time you want
Sniper anytime you want to duel again and can drag your yella bellie back to death valley then we will get it on again in front of many wittnesses that are not as suspect to streatch the truth
BAD MONGO!!! :ape:
Mongo, your brain injury is distorting your memory again!
The Sniper has NEVER, said quit! :dontthink :dontthink The Sniper said if your team is not going to engage after 2 hrs & 45 minutes (Amun Ra) then we won the game due to cowardness! Oh by the way who killed Mongo that day! :moon:
Mongo, next time we play the Sniper will show Mongo the spot Mongo surrendered to the Sniper!
As for the dueling, the Sniper is always ready!
12-31-2008, 11:30 AM
See what I mean Mongo about them adding to stuff, it's now went from the original 2 hrs they claim to 2 hrs & 45 min which was all their fault to begin with because they weren't where they said they would be. On that paticular day they went to hide first & said we're just going around the curve (WRONG) so we go looking for them (just around the curve) and they were actually a quarter mile past the curve. So there's no loss due to cowardness our guys were still on the move when the SNIPER, YES I SAID THE SNIPER & WE ALL HEARD IT SAID, WE QUIT IT'S TAKING TOO LONG. It wasn't the Judge, Wyatt, or any of the other guys that were there that day it was the SNIPER. If there's a loss to be recorded it's for them the Sniper speaking on their behalf said they quit!!! It's no shock that Wyatt won't accept the duel invite & as for Johnny Tyler he's never begged for anything except permission from the little woman to attend the weekly fights which must not be going too good because he hasn't been back since he left early the day we were suppose to duel and has never returned so it would appear to me & everyone else that has some common sense that he's afraid to come back. On that day JT & Wyatt said we need to wait on the Sniper so he won't miss it to which I replied "We can have another duel when he get's back let's get this show on the road", but they still wanted to wait so that's the TRUE STORY ON THE DUEL!!! Then he gets on here after Christmas bragging I got a 98, I got a 98....well JT bring your 98, 48, 58, 68 or whatever the **** number you want to call it to death valley & see what happens. I got news for you can take that 98, shine it up real, real nice....turn that SOB sideways and stick it straight up your candy ***!!!!
12-31-2008, 01:08 PM
He Might Shine it up and stick it in ur candy A$$
12-31-2008, 01:35 PM
BigJ Wrote:He Might Shine it up and stick it in ur candy A$$
:thatsfunn Careful there littlej, you just might be making yourself a marked target for next time.

12-31-2008, 03:56 PM
You called down the thunder Ringo and it will surely happen with dastardly deeds and propoganda about our play. Sniper had all right to call off the fight when You Yellas would never show up and the best I can remember calamity quit when she heard a mouse run thru the weeds. It is easy to get a fight going if you Yellas would only show up to fight, This ain't WEST SIDE STORY where they play it out mister. This is paintball and no holds barred. I would love to duel with any of you Yella Belly low down snake crawlin weasel wimpin skunks but I promised myself not to get involved in duels against lesser minds.

12-31-2008, 08:20 PM
Johnny Ringo Wrote:See what I mean Mongo about them adding to stuff, it's now went from the original 2 hrs they claim to 2 hrs & 45 min which was all their fault to begin with because they weren't where they said they would be. On that paticular day they went to hide first & said we're just going around the curve (WRONG) so we go looking for them (just around the curve) and they were actually a quarter mile past the curve. So there's no loss due to cowardness our guys were still on the move when the SNIPER, YES I SAID THE SNIPER & WE ALL HEARD IT SAID, WE QUIT IT'S TAKING TOO LONG. It wasn't the Judge, Wyatt, or any of the other guys that were there that day it was the SNIPER. If there's a loss to be recorded it's for them the Sniper speaking on their behalf said they quit!!! It's no shock that Wyatt won't accept the duel invite & as for Johnny Tyler he's never begged for anything except permission from the little woman to attend the weekly fights which must not be going too good because he hasn't been back since he left early the day we were suppose to duel and has never returned so it would appear to me & everyone else that has some common sense that he's afraid to come back. On that day JT & Wyatt said we need to wait on the Sniper so he won't miss it to which I replied "We can have another duel when he get's back let's get this show on the road", but they still wanted to wait so that's the TRUE STORY ON THE DUEL!!! Then he gets on here after Christmas bragging I got a 98, I got a 98....well JT bring your 98, 48, 58, 68 or whatever the **** number you want to call it to death valley & see what happens. I got news for you can take that 98, shine it up real, real nice....turn that SOB sideways and stick it straight up your candy ***!!!!
blah, blah, blah, --- excuses, excuses, excuses
Ringo was already dead that day and Amun Ra was given every opportunity to fight for over two hours and failed to do so. The Sniper even gave away his position and called, no begged, Amun Ra's yella hide out to fight time & time again. The Sniper pleaded over & over for him to come get some & he didn't. Don't think it's every took any of us ol'timers more than 5 or 10 minutes to engage. The Sniper thinks Amun Ra was so far behind the rest of the yella bellies it took him over an hour to get to the fight

12-31-2008, 08:39 PM
Yella Bellies and Gentleman, Let me introduce my self...............Colonel Kill. Recently returned to the ole home place from many covert missions saving the world, I am looking for a paintball war. First though I would like my brothers in arms to be warriors, cowboys to have a burning desire to fight to the death. Never do I ever and I mean EVER to I wont to look at a teammate and see a yellow streak running down his back or a brother I need binoculars to find. I have stood toe to toe, eye to eye with the reaper himself only to see his knees quiver.
As their reputations of bringing the fight against all odds under any circumstance proceeds them, I would be honored to stand along side the likes of Wyatt & Co. I would love to take the fight to some cowardly, scum sucking, yella bellies.
As their reputations of bringing the fight against all odds under any circumstance proceeds them, I would be honored to stand along side the likes of Wyatt & Co. I would love to take the fight to some cowardly, scum sucking, yella bellies.
12-31-2008, 09:46 PM
Colonel Kill Wrote:Yella Bellies and Gentleman, Let me introduce my self...............Colonel Kill. Recently returned to the ole home place from many covert missions saving the world, I am looking for a paintball war. First though I would like my brothers in arms to be warriors, cowboys to have a burning desire to fight to the death. Never do I ever and I mean EVER to I wont to look at a teammate and see a yellow streak running down his back or a brother I need binoculars to find. I have stood toe to toe, eye to eye with the reaper himself only to see his knees quiver.
As their reputations of bringing the fight against all odds under any circumstance proceeds them, I would be honored to stand along side the likes of Wyatt & Co. I would love to take the fight to some cowardly, scum sucking, yella bellies.
Brother, you made the right choice! WHOOOOO!!! Nothing but Stylin & Profilin going on here!!!!! You don't have to worry about any of that nonsense with us ol'timers brother ---- we're hard core Old-School. We never run, we always fight, we are always close to a fight, and above all else we always STYLE & PROFILE! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-31-2008, 11:19 PM
Well BROTHER that is what the Colonel is all about!!!! The Colonel is, was and always will be old school hard core to the bone. I have been to the top of the highest mountains and the lowest of valleys all while stylin & profilin. What's the yella bellies gonna do when the Colonel brings his gun down on them??????
01-01-2009, 01:03 AM
I am tired of hearing how Wyatt was the only witness to the duel that took place...Calamity was also an eye witness and I have to say Mongo definitely covered the Sniper in places he wouldn't want his mommy to touch him...After leaving my room Mongo wanted to show RNO9 but instead the Sniper ran to his room in shame to hurry and take his clothes off complaining how the paint wouldn't come off his clothes and he was if you ask me brother no one was styling and profiling except for MONGO himself
01-01-2009, 01:15 AM
Sniper we all know you yella farts are old school, just look at your fearful leader Wyatt who likes to follow his leader J.R.. We also know you boys don't run from a fight cause you boys aren't physically able cause you are just to old or cause you have went so far back in the holler that you cant go anywhere else.
01-01-2009, 03:28 AM
Well Colonel i would like to welcome you to Wyatt & Co. you made by far the best choice in your life...the yella bellies dont expect us to win on sunday but they have another thing coming...see after christmas all of our squad got upgrades..i got word that the Judge is gonna have a big suprise for some of u...myself im now going from a stock 98 custom with a 14in barrel to a Tippmann A5 with a Responce Trigger and a 20in sniper barrel it shoots around 15BPS so be ready you yella bellies...
01-01-2009, 03:44 AM
no matter how many upgrades you all make you still cant beat us!

01-01-2009, 08:08 AM
Wyatt & Co. play paintball like sissy girls
01-01-2009, 11:30 AM
Thanks BigJ, you know brother when you're old school, you're old school for life :rockon: From the ation I have been told those yell belly low down cowards never expect to lose :booo: maybe thats because they won't ever engage in a fight even after 2 hours 45 minutes :igiveup: . Old school this is were the power lies BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :letsfight
BigJ Wrote:Well Colonel i would like to welcome you to Wyatt & Co. you made by far the best choice in your life...the yella bellies dont expect us to win on sunday but they have another thing coming...see after christmas all of our squad got upgrades..i got word that the Judge is gonna have a big suprise for some of u...myself im now going from a stock 98 custom with a 14in barrel to a Tippmann A5 with a Responce Trigger and a 20in sniper barrel it shoots around 15BPS so be ready you yella bellies...
Thanks BigJ, you know brother when you're old school, you're old school for life :rockon: From the ation I have been told those yell belly low down cowards never expect to lose :booo: maybe thats because they won't ever engage in a fight even after 2 hours 45 minutes :igiveup: . Old school this is were the power lies BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :letsfight
01-01-2009, 12:32 PM
No game would take to long if Wyatt and Co. would go to the area they say they are going too. Once the battle begins it only takes the young guns 5 to 10 min to take out the old guys. Besides if we take a little while getting to you old guys then we are just giving you all the chance to stay in the game longer and think you might have a chance to win.
01-01-2009, 01:34 PM
Mongo Wrote:No game would take to long if Wyatt and Co. would go to the area they say they are going too. Once the battle begins it only takes the young guns 5 to 10 min to take out the old guys. Besides if we take a little while getting to you old guys then we are just giving you all the chance to stay in the game longer and think you might have a chance to win.
excuses, excuses, blah, blah, blah............excuses :dontthink. As sniper would say BAD MONGO :ape: . A battle would not take as long if you young cowardly, rotten rat scum, dirtly low down, snake in the grass yella bellies would even attempt, JUST ATTEMPT to GROW A PAIR, boy up and make a move to take a postion held by the hardcore old school ol'timers brother, woooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:letsparty
01-01-2009, 05:17 PM
WELCOME COLONEL!!!!!!!! Just another A+ recruit for The Company. I can already see that a world traveler and no doubt battler will work out in our favor. Everything that I have prophesized has come to pass. We now have the speed and above all the one's with courage to dismantle the Yella Bellies once and for all. Calamity you were asleep when the Sniper and Mongo came back from the duel because you were afraid of gettin shot like Ned Pepper when Rooster Cogburn shot him in the lip!! The Sniper is a trained Paintballer and takes no prisoners no matter how Mong
ish they are. I can't wait to watch when the stylin and profilin happens sunday at 1. The Sniper back from close to death and the rest of us just itchin to hear the sound so familar from you low down miserable snake crawlin lilly livered snail paced skunks. The Valley of Death awaits the Yella one's.

01-01-2009, 09:27 PM
Well boys the old man got his gun today and he may join the battle on Sunday.
01-01-2009, 10:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2009, 12:26 AM by Wyatt Earp.)
JackFrost Wrote:Well boys the old man got his gun today and he may join the battle on Sunday.Great news again for our gang Jack Frost. I hate to see a daddy wear their son out but it has to be done. Just be on the guard because we are on the wall.

01-01-2009, 10:58 PM
So we down to play Sunday?
01-01-2009, 11:25 PM
It's on for sunday and I for one am glad you got on here Amun-Ra with the chance that The Sniper may be online. He is going to have to be out for this week but should definitely return the following week.

01-01-2009, 11:44 PM
Wyatt how many new recruits do you all have now................................IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MANY RECRUITS YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What it comes down to to is if you can play or you can't play and it appears to me and the rest of the team THAT YOU ALL CAN'T PLAY DEAD IN A WESTERN..It's so bad that Big J wanted to throw in the towel in a couple weeks ago:igiveup: What lie did you tell him to get him to stay?
You boys want to say you style and profile, you want to walk the walk and talk the talk. We know you do all of that cause every week you talk the talk that you boys are playing and your gonna win. Then every week you walk the walk right out of the holler while the young guns finish off your teammates.
What it comes down to to is if you can play or you can't play and it appears to me and the rest of the team THAT YOU ALL CAN'T PLAY DEAD IN A WESTERN..It's so bad that Big J wanted to throw in the towel in a couple weeks ago:igiveup: What lie did you tell him to get him to stay?
You boys want to say you style and profile, you want to walk the walk and talk the talk. We know you do all of that cause every week you talk the talk that you boys are playing and your gonna win. Then every week you walk the walk right out of the holler while the young guns finish off your teammates.
01-02-2009, 12:28 AM
Amen mongo preach on brother. let them have all the new recruits they want, its not gonna amount to any more wins, just more target practice for us.

01-02-2009, 12:32 AM
Why Mongo, what an ugly thing to say. I don't believe you realize what you are up against this weekend. Yella Bellies best have everone out on sunday because there is no way that we are gonna give up even one of our gunslingers to even a side up, That's just the way this boat floats. Like it or not and learn to love it because come sunday at 1:00 it will be on. Make sure you bring Calamity and when we catch her and The Ref hidin because of fear they will not be any surrender, point blank shop to you drop warfare.

01-02-2009, 12:36 AM
THE REF 37 Wrote:Amen mongo preach on brother. let them have all the new recruits they want, its not gonna amount to any more wins, just more target practice for us.![]()
I am blasting you right out of the gate...

Can't wait until Sunday.... :Thumbs:
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