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Russell 2009
Lets try it again.
We need to feed these boys this winter!!! Encourge them to "hit" the weight room. Teach them to have pride in themselves and others on the team. One person cannot make a team. Discourage, "parent politics" let the coaches do their job. TEAMWORK!
I do think we as fans have gotton spoiled these past few years, but anyone that has younger kids have to be excited about the players coming up. I think pride can be a big part of any good football team. Something that all of us on here posting have quite alot of. We need to get bigger, faster, and stronger, but have to find a leader who will take over for next year. Just doing alot of yelling doesnt make a leader. Some percieve it as just another player bullying. When I played eons ago if player "X" yelled at me, it was just yelling in which I paid no mind to. But if a player I respected yelled at me it took on a whole new meaning. Anyone who has played has been there in the huddle when all the finger pointing goes on. In no place it says the leader has to be a senior either. It's gonna be a new year and I believe an exciting one.
Will somebody in the know please man up and answer? Will Ivan :rockon: be back in 09?
kybaseball Wrote:Will somebody in the know please man up and answer? Will Ivan :rockon: be back in 09?
Unless something unforseen happens, yes.
I think Sparks, Rice and K. Smith will provide most of the leadership for next year.

One player that I think most should pattern themselves after, at least in how he plays on the field, is Stapleton. He plays hard all the time and finally got a shot midway through this past season.

I think 2009 will be a pretty good year.
FBALL Wrote:Unless something unforseen happens, yes.

Thanks FBALL.
I do not see Sparks being a leader. I will be suprised if Sparks even starts. I do agree that the other 2 will be leaders though.
RedDevil86 Wrote:I do not see Sparks being a leader. I will be suprised if Sparks even starts. I do agree that the other 2 will be leaders though.
He may not start. But he has a good head on his shoulders and does exactly what is asked of him. Thats a pretty good example to follow.
kybaseball Wrote:Thanks FBALL.
Your welcome.
Thanks FBALL.
So who all do you think will be filling in the positiion spots this year? Like end, tackle, couple backfield spots, and several on defense.
RedDevil86 Wrote:So who all do you think will be filling in the positiion spots this year? Like end, tackle, couple backfield spots, and several on defense.
Ends - Rogers & Dehoff
Tackles - Smith & Peterman or Fyffe
Backfield - Rice, Jones & White. Probably a few more seeing some time as well.
QB - I don't really know. I do think Sparks will get the first shot at it.

Defense - Stapleton and Rice at LB. Jones and K. Smith at DE. Rogers at Safety. I think it will be a smaller quicker group. We will have to see who works in the off season and comes in ready to play.
Weightlifting starts today so I figured this would be a good time to start discussing how next season may pan out.
I hope they don't field a team next year, and they should play the game at Raceland every year..........Whooop Whooop!!!!:p
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:I hope they don't field a team next year, and they should play the game at Raceland every year..........Whooop Whooop!!!!:p
Do you really want to get me started on that?

Don't worry they will be fielding a team. Weight lifting turnout has been pretty good this week from the 8th graders to the seniors.
:wieghts: I always hated when they say "weight lifting started". I think it should be a 365 day thing. I think it should never have an ending.
KYstraydog Wrote::wieghts: I always hated when they say "weight lifting started". I think it should be a 365 day thing. I think it should never have an ending.

I can't say that I disagree with you on that. But it has started officially.Big Grin
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:I hope they don't field a team next year, and they should play the game at Raceland every year..........Whooop Whooop!!!!:p

Don't let FBALL fool ya about the part of the game being played at Raceland he would love to see that too.Smile
kybaseball Wrote:[

Don't let FBALL fool ya about the part of the game being played at Raceland he would love to see that too.Smile

Yeah, about as much as I would want to be castrated.:eek:
FBALL Wrote:Yeah, about as much as I would want to be castrated.:eek:

Smile Smile Smile :thatsfunn
So far the weight and conditioning turnout has been very good. Alot of 8th graders and Next years Freshmen showing up as well learning proper lifting technique and running.
Good to see that Ironton is back on the Red Devil schedule for two years. Those Tigers have been getting awful hungry for RED meat.

YOURTIGERBAIT Wrote:Good to see that Ironton is back on the Red Devil schedule for two years. Those Tigers have been getting awful hungry for RED meat.


I always loved playing Ironton even if we always seemed to come up short. Makes for a good game and good ticket sales also.
RedDevil86 Wrote:So who all do you think will be filling in the positiion spots this year? Like end, tackle, couple backfield spots, and several on defense.

I don't know without K Peterman and Mabes it will be tough.
FBALL Wrote:Yeah, about as much as I would want to be castrated.:eek:
I know thier is something funny I could say about this statement............Smile but I will let it alone.
Lets keep on the topic of Russell Football and not start arguing about other teams.
Do you think it's time for Russell to step up to the new era of Football? That is to prepare these kids for hurry up offenses and use of "clock management". The wing T is arguably one of the best at teaching steps in blocking and running assignments. The fundementals that it produces has always been noted. But why not mix it up and introduce the spread, "the wildcat" etc...? Some of our area's teams have greatly improved but some haven't. I believe its due to coaching inabilities for those who haven't been able to make it work. The wing T only works when you have the players/atheletes who can do it. If they can't what kind of offense can? I only ask out of curriosity.
YOURTIGERBAIT Wrote:Good to see that Ironton is back on the Red Devil schedule for two years. Those Tigers have been getting awful hungry for RED meat.

You mean the Lawrence Co. All-Stars?:eek:
jgrubby Wrote:Do you think it's time for Russell to step up to the new era of Football? That is to prepare these kids for hurry up offenses and use of "clock management". The wing T is arguably one of the best at teaching steps in blocking and running assignments. The fundementals that it produces has always been noted. But why not mix it up and introduce the spread, "the wildcat" etc...? Some of our area's teams have greatly improved but some haven't. I believe its due to coaching inabilities for those who haven't been able to make it work. The wing T only works when you have the players/atheletes who can do it. If they can't what kind of offense can? I only ask out of curriosity.

I would love to see Russell introduce the spread into the program. My biggest question to that would be! Does Russell have a qb that can run a complex offense? I don't think so. It takes a very good qb with size to run it properly. I think that that is the major draw back. If a kid shows up on Russells door step with the talent to run it I'm sure the coaches will see it and introduce it.

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