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Wyatt we'll see who's squeeeeelin sunday, and who's not. I am coming for you first thing. I don't care if i go out first , it will be worth it to see the look on your face when the ref sneaks up behind you and and shoots you in the back of that big head of yours then blows his whistle and walks off in triumph . Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Wyatt you've been talking trash all week, just becasue you shot an inexperienced first time player. Well I got news for you, I have a little red and yellow paintball sitting a little dish with your name written all over it. I'll give you a closer look at it come Sunday when I shoot you right between your eyes! :moon: :BigLaugh:
Well the Sniper has his gun back now so maybe he will try and use it this weekend. But it won't help because he will still lose. Maybe he can get his wife to baby him some more like he has been doing during his time off.
As for Wyatt he is no danger to anyone but himself. Jack frost will get him this weekend.
hey Amun you remember how i was talking= about that gun? well they said that i need to program something before the trigger will shoot. do you know what its talking about?
it may have a rampage board in it. Is it set up for full automatic.
Fellas, You guys can't be serious about trying to get me and the Sniper. No way are we going to let you back into the winners circle. You had your chance to get on the good guys side Jack Frost but no you made the wrong decision. You could have been there watching all of the whinnnnnneing from the Gibby Brothers and Amun-Ra kickin field goals with his painted helmet during the massacre. Judge has aces up his sleeve for sunday and it's gonna be special. OH YEA!!!!Cool
Back in the winners circle??? We never left. Sunday ended in a draw or is your age really affecting your mind that bad. Even the Judge says that.
Amun-Ra Wrote:it may have a rampage board in it. Is it set up for full automatic.

umm all i know is that its a Tippman 98 Custom Pro
THE REF 37 Wrote:Wyatt we'll see who's squeeeeelin sunday, and who's not. I am coming for you first thing. I don't care if i go out first , it will be worth it to see the look on your face when the ref sneaks up behind you and and shoots you in the back of that big head of yours then blows his whistle and walks off in triumph .

Ref, lets face it, your a squeeler! You've squeeled before & you'll be squeeling again soon as the Sniper returns Big Grin

Amun-Ra Wrote:Well the Sniper has his gun back now so maybe he will try and use it this weekend. But it won't help because he will still lose. Maybe he can get his wife to baby him some more like he has been doing during his time off.
As for Wyatt he is no danger to anyone but himself. Jack frost will get him this weekend.

Oh yes, yes she has Cool
Another little run to Wal Mart last night and with the new view it is just one of the better things that is going to happen for us sunday. Weather is going to be perfect and hopefully Cordell has the stamina to make at least a showing. Calamity Jane should be there as well as Mongo for you guys which in return will only help us. Get well soon Sniper because if the doctor doesn't release you we cannot allow you back for the kills no matter how bad you want to get Amun-Ra. Don't worry he will still be there in the back of the pack( excluding the Ref of course ) so just bring the doctors note. That's the rule of my policy board.Cool
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Fellas, You guys can't be serious about trying to get me and the Sniper. No way are we going to let you back into the winners circle. You had your chance to get on the good guys side Jack Frost but no you made the wrong decision. You could have been there watching all of the whinnnnnneing from the Gibby Brothers and Amun-Ra kickin field goals with his painted helmet during the massacre. Judge has aces up his sleeve for sunday and it's gonna be special. OH YEA!!!!Cool
We are serious & you can bank on that & we never left the winners circle...we own it. Jack Frost made the right decision & got up to speed on how we roll last week....the week he'll be one of the main players in your demise. You guys better hpoe I don't make it back from Tennessee in time to play Sunday...the Judge may have an ace up his sleeve but I'm bringing back a can of whoopass & pouring it all over Wyatt & Co.
You can't pour something on someone's outfit if you can't see em Ringo. We've been workin out and are now faster than ever. Combine that with the superior brain power and you YELLA BELLIES have 0 chance. I think that going to Tennessee and looking for Davy Crockett just ain't goona happen Ringo. I hope you get down there and it snow's you in, I will drive down and get the rest of your family and leave you there unless Amun-Ra wants to come and get you which his Mom won't let him out or The Ref in which he has never driven outside Floyd County by evidence when he didn't know how to get to Pikeville. I think I stated before that RN09 only knew how to drive back and forth to the gravel pit. Jack Frost only knows how to go north or south so he won't be a factor, we will put up a couple of makeshift goal posts and throw him off. Best thing you boy's could hope for is that the Judge can't find all of his material for the "Manhattan Project". Sunday at 1 and if you don't show then a CSF is definitely in order.Cool Sniper if you show make sure you have the Doctors note or I can't let you play. That's the rules for everyone and just because you are our best player doesn't mean we can break those rules. I bet Amun is hoping it is like Lebron not showing up for a basketball game one on one. OH YEA!!
Wyatt the only workin out that you and your little sniper friend do is runnin that mouth. If you boys truely had any brain power you would know that you cowards would only stand a chance of winning if only 1 young gun showed up.
Wyatt which color suites you best, green, pink, or orange?

hey Mongo I found a good avatar for you Smile
The Sniper Wrote::goofy:

hey Mongo I found a good avatar for you Smile
I think you found that in the Yella Bellies clubhouse Sniper. That's their sign after we shoot em.Cool
Sniper that is an uncanny resemblace to Mongo.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Sniper that is an uncanny resemblace to Mongo.

I know! it's yella and it looks just like him Smile
say what you will sniper but the fact of the matter is that you haven't showed up in a month, some people might call you yella
Judge has been up all night working on The MANAHATTAN PROJECT and that spells doom for you boys ( get someone to explain that to you Ref ). I can't wait and Calamity you will forget about gettin shot a few weeks ago. I S M E L L T R O U B L E in the air for a bunch of low down,card dealin,wheelin dealin, Yella Bellies.Cool
Oh it was a bad day for the Cowboys. Young Guns went 3-0 with. Dry few casualties.

As I suspected the Sniper was a no show. The Dr. Hasn't given him the okay yet. But be warned Sniper when I say I aim for the scar that's what I hit. Just ask Wyatt about his hand. So the scar on your gut won't be any problem to hit.

No game next week due to many players not able to make it. So in 2 weeks the fight is back on.
Can't say how proud I am of the ol'timers today. Yet AGAIN they fought like warrior poets, charging defiantly into battle out gunned and out manned. Our cowardly opponents wouldn't play if they were out numbered like we were today! Good job!
Amun-Ra Wrote:Oh it was a bad day for the Cowboys. Young Guns went 3-0 with. Dry few casualties.

As I suspected the Sniper was a no show. The Dr. Hasn't given him the okay yet. But be warned Sniper when I say I aim for the scar that's what I hit. Just ask Wyatt about his hand. So the scar on your gut won't be any problem to hit.

No game next week due to many players not able to make it. So in 2 weeks the fight is back on.

You couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a 2 by 4 Smile Smile Smile You always stay 500ft away, and we both know you won't get any closer to the Sniper than that!!! Cool
i believe that i seen some of your team running from the battle. an by the way if your gonna set a trip mine make sure it aint somewhere you can see it in plain site
As far as im concerned im gonna throw in the towel and quit playing...got a good 98 custom 4 sale by the way....it is un fair teams and every one knows it im the only 1 who can climb the hills i think that the teams should be split up because it really aint even fun when you know that you are allways gonna be the last 1 out every game....im not saying that wyatt and his gang aint any good im just saying there over powerd
Hang in there BIGJ. That's not the point in climbin the hills. The majority of the battles take place in the lower area. We will get everybody back before long then the tide will turn. It makes it tough having to go up against so many but we'll be ok, Don't let the Yella Bellies get to ya. Remember we haven't had our full team there since you started playing. I'd rather get shot than be on that other bunches side. Plus with Ringo gone for them it hurt us.Cool
even with your full team you cant beat us Wyatt
Even when the old guys are at full health and the sides are even they still don't stand a chance. The old guys always have an excuse for why they got beat week after week.

The old guys always write big checks with there mouths and are always unable cash in on them
Mongo Wrote:Even when the old guys are at full health and the sides are even they still don't stand a chance. The old guys always have an excuse for why they got beat week after week.

The old guys always write big checks with there mouths and are always unable cash in on them
Stop letting Calamity make up your sayings Mongo. We'll be at full strength next time and quit trying to gwt to our younger guns that are up for Rookie of The Year spots. That's the way you Yella's are, try to break us down emotionally but it ain't gonna work. Couple of tardies and BigJ will be right back on track.Cool
Big J just because you lose every weekend doesn't mean you should quit. Just means you should get better.
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