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12-10-2008, 09:36 PM
Today while at subway, one of the workers making my sub, decided to ask me what christmas was. I replied it's about presents, figuring he would just shut up and go on with his work. Instead he continued to ask me about my beliefs and what christmas really means. He even asked me if my name was on jesus's list for when he returns. I think it was totally unprofessional on his part to intrude on my beliefs and question me like that. The more i think about it the angrier i get. I should have told him i dont want to discuss my beliefs with a stranger, but he kept pushing. What do you think i should do? Personally i feel like going back there and cussing the man out and tell him to mind his own @#$T business.
12-10-2008, 09:40 PM
It was unprofessional in my opinion but no sense is going back to curse someone out over it. That's a bit ridiculous on your part. Let it be.
12-10-2008, 10:08 PM
Possibly the subway worker forgot to take their meds before they reported to work!!!!
12-10-2008, 10:16 PM
I would not go back and cuss out the Subway worker, that would be unprofessional as well.
If you feel you must do something, then I would maybe call and ask for the manager. Explain to the manager that it made you uncomfortable when the worker started asking about your beliefs.
Most likely, the manager will tell the worker to keep that kind of stuff to his or herself.
If you feel you must do something, then I would maybe call and ask for the manager. Explain to the manager that it made you uncomfortable when the worker started asking about your beliefs.
Most likely, the manager will tell the worker to keep that kind of stuff to his or herself.
12-10-2008, 10:27 PM
Yes, it was unprofessional. And quite rude. Then again, you did answer the questions so maybe they thought it was okay.
12-10-2008, 10:33 PM
I think i will call his manager. As far as talking back to him yes i did, but you could clearly tell i didnt want to discuss the subject, he just would not quit.
12-10-2008, 10:36 PM
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:I think i will call his manager. As far as talking back to him yes i did, but you could clearly tell i didnt want to discuss the subject, he just would not quit.
Where was this?
12-10-2008, 10:39 PM
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:Where was this?
12-11-2008, 08:54 AM
The guy was making sandwiches at SUBWAY...How much professionalism did you expect?

12-11-2008, 09:18 AM
I doubt this really even happened, judging by most of your posts Ive seen.
That being said if it bothered you so much, you would have kindly said you wished not to discuss it. Not throw some hissy fit like a 4year old kid who didn't get the toy they wanted in their happy meal.
That being said if it bothered you so much, you would have kindly said you wished not to discuss it. Not throw some hissy fit like a 4year old kid who didn't get the toy they wanted in their happy meal.
12-11-2008, 10:13 AM
i don't see what was so wrong with it... as a Christian myself if i was a Subway sandwich maker then that would be the perfect way to spread the gospel... small talk....
12-11-2008, 10:32 AM
ACB&JAM Wrote:i don't see what was so wrong with it... as a Christian myself if i was a Subway sandwich maker then that would be the perfect way to spread the gospel... small talk....
That is absolutely correct and I commend the Subway worker for beig a true witness. If someone is offended by this, then maybe they need to do some soul searching and get right with God.
12-11-2008, 10:40 AM
Why would you be uncomfortable answering this question? The Bible says if you are ashamed of me then I will be ashamed of you. "IF' you are a Christian, you should most definitly not be ashamed to answer these types of questions. What's wrong with spreading a little cheer? I am sure the person did not mean any harm.
12-11-2008, 10:40 AM
ImagineThat! Wrote:That is absolutely correct and I commend the Subway worker for beig a true witness. If someone is offended by this, then maybe they need to do some soul searching and get right with God.
that is exactly how i feel.... I am a proud student at Kentucky Christian University and i know that Christ works through all kinds of people whether it be a minister or a subway worker
12-11-2008, 11:38 AM
Well was the sandwich good? Lol.
12-11-2008, 02:16 PM
-STAT- Wrote:Well was the sandwich good? Lol.
ahhh Stat always finds the silver lining lol
12-11-2008, 02:28 PM
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:I think i will call his manager. As far as talking back to him yes i did, but you could clearly tell i didnt want to discuss the subject, he just would not quit.
I think it really depends on how you both handled the situation. If it was me and I was asking you those questions and you were being nice and answered back kindly, then there is no problem in that. I agree with everyone else on that.
BUT, if you did come out and say that you didn't want to talk about it and you were offended then yes, he should have toned it down. I do believe that there is nothing spreading the gospel, but I don't like when people keep pressing and pressing it upon others. That will only make them hate it and give them the wrong idea. There is a wrong way and a right way to do this in my opinion.
12-11-2008, 04:35 PM
I think that with most jobs, you shouldn't be discussing religion in small talk with your customers. Just a personal opinion.
12-11-2008, 05:23 PM
It is every Christians duty to spread the Gospel.If a Christian shares it with someone and they are not accepting of they look uncomfortable then it is time to back off. The seed has been planted let God do the rest. There is nothing unprofessional about talking about religion.Just be polite when doing so.
And one more thing Christians aren't perfect just forgiven.
And one more thing Christians aren't perfect just forgiven.
12-11-2008, 05:31 PM
How Dare Someone Would Ask Anyone A Question. My Thoughts Are If This Offended You So Much You Need To Get Your Name On The List He Was Asking You About. What Would Have Been Your Thoughts If This Worker(that I Don't Know But Have A Hugh Amount Of Respect For, Standing Up For Christ Like This Person Did) But If They Ask You About Politics, Sports, Family, Or Anything Else What Would Have Be So Different.
Romans 10:13 Whosoever Calls On His Name Shall Be Saved
God Loves You
Romans 10:13 Whosoever Calls On His Name Shall Be Saved
God Loves You
12-11-2008, 05:33 PM
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season!!!!!!!
12-11-2008, 07:04 PM
Actually, if a Subway worker was making my food and starting talking politics and asking me who I voted for and why and telling me all of these things about why I shouldn't vote for him, going on about the other candidates, etc. that is offensive as well.
Small talk is the weather or UK basketball, it's not What are you views? Here are mine, see yours this way.
Small talk is the weather or UK basketball, it's not What are you views? Here are mine, see yours this way.
12-11-2008, 08:26 PM
I think we're forgetting that not everyone in this country is Christian.
For those of you who are saying "well, uh, if you're a Christian then it shouldn't matter."
Let me ask you this: do you ever feel uncomfortable when the Mormons come to your door? Do you invite them in for tea and talk? I think most would say no.
What if the Subway worker had been Muslim and was asking if you knew the true meaning of Ramadan? How would you feel then? Would you be slightly shaken by someone asking such a question in such an awkward setting?
Work is work and IMO needs to fall into one of those times when you witness by example and not by making strangers feel awkward around you. This worker was getting paid to make sandwiches, not to share the gospel. If this worker wants to be paid for doing that, then he/she needs to take up a job in some sort of ministry.
For those of you who are saying "well, uh, if you're a Christian then it shouldn't matter."
Let me ask you this: do you ever feel uncomfortable when the Mormons come to your door? Do you invite them in for tea and talk? I think most would say no.
What if the Subway worker had been Muslim and was asking if you knew the true meaning of Ramadan? How would you feel then? Would you be slightly shaken by someone asking such a question in such an awkward setting?
Work is work and IMO needs to fall into one of those times when you witness by example and not by making strangers feel awkward around you. This worker was getting paid to make sandwiches, not to share the gospel. If this worker wants to be paid for doing that, then he/she needs to take up a job in some sort of ministry.
12-11-2008, 09:09 PM
Mostly ministry jobs only reach people who come to them, more people can be reached out in the community this way?
12-11-2008, 09:17 PM
Impressive Wrote:Maybe the worker is just doing their job as a christian..
Seems like everybody gets offended when somebody says God's name?
We need more people like that in the world who will not be embarrassed to share Jesus with others
It's one thing to be offended, it's another thing to think something is unprofessional.
Just saying, not everyone who walks into a restaurant wants to have a conversation - they just want their food, let alone a conversation about something as touchy as religion.
12-11-2008, 09:18 PM
Impressive Wrote:Mostly ministry jobs only reach people who come to them, more people can be reached out in the community this way?
Again, the worker is not getting paid to minister at Subway, he is getting paid to make sandwiches.
Lead by example, don't weird people out.
12-11-2008, 09:22 PM
True, I can see where you are coming from.
But maybe this guy was just doing his job as a Christian?
This is from the 1st post of the thread...what does going back and cussing the guy out do ? nothing, it just means your cussing out somebody who is working for God... thats always a good idea
But maybe this guy was just doing his job as a Christian?
This is from the 1st post of the thread...what does going back and cussing the guy out do ? nothing, it just means your cussing out somebody who is working for God... thats always a good idea

12-12-2008, 09:32 AM
To me it seems if you are uncomfortable talking about religion, then you obviously feel guilty about something, or are ashamed of something. I would think that you would want to address those feelings more than trying to screw over some guy who's job is to make sandwiches at Subway.
I have no problems discussing Religion, Politics, or anything in that matter. If I make the decision based on how I feel, then I have nothing to be ashamed of. If I'm knowingly doing something that makes me feel guilty, then I am obviously making some bad decisions.
I have no problems discussing Religion, Politics, or anything in that matter. If I make the decision based on how I feel, then I have nothing to be ashamed of. If I'm knowingly doing something that makes me feel guilty, then I am obviously making some bad decisions.
12-13-2008, 08:25 PM
Well i think it was unprofessional. I dont like talking about things i believe in such as my religion to a complete stranger. Also im just 16 so why even bring it up to me, just make my sub and leave me alone.
12-13-2008, 09:40 PM
Whether 16 Or 96 We All Have To Make The Decison To Accept Jesus Or Not. I Do Repect Your Thoughts And Opinions, We As Christians Have A Job To Spread The Word. I Personaly Try My Best Not To Be Pushy, I Think It Is The More Effective Way. (not Saying This Person Was)
Jesus Loves You!!
Jesus Loves You!!
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