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Should Ball Games Be Played When School Is Called Off?
This thread will probably stir the pot. Just want to hear everyone's opinion. I will share mine. I have said it for years on the radio if it is too bad to go to school then it is too bad to dribble a basketball. This is coming from a person that loves sports.
joethegreek Wrote:This thread will probably stir the pot. Just want to hear everone's opinion. I will share mine. I have said it for years on the radio if it is too bad to go to school then it is too bad to dribble a basketball. This is coming from a person that loves sports.

I agree! Especially considering that most high school athletes either drive themselves to games/practice or ride with a teammate. If there are any slick spots out there, teenagers are ill-equipped to handle driving on them. Too little experience behind the wheel for those conditions, in my opinion.
Yeah, why not. It's Basketball, it has nothing to do with school
Mr. Cross-over Wrote:Yeah, why not. It's Basketball, it has nothing to do with school

basketball is a extra-curricular school activity so it has a lot to do with school
joethegreek Wrote:This thread will probably stir the pot. Just want to hear everone's opinion. I will share mine. I have said it for years on the radio if it is too bad to go to school then it is too bad to dribble a basketball. This is coming from a person that loves sports.

I think it all depends on how the weather is at the time of the contest. Many times there is snow of a morning and it melts off quickly. If you canceled every game because there was no school, then teams schedules would get jammed up with makeups, or teams may not play enough games. In no instance is it alright to play a game if the conditions are bad or even questionable. I have been to games that were played when, IMO, they should not have been.
Yes the show must go on.
i agree with bucslover68.
If the roads are safe to travel on at the time of the game then yes they should play. A lot of times it will be bad in the morning but the weather gets better as the day goes on.
I think this really depends as well. If the question is "Should ball games be played when school is called off because of weather" then I think you use the same process for when you cancel school. If the weather is still bad then cancel, if not, let them play.

However, when schools close for stuff like illness, I think that is a different situation. That's when the kids' health is more of a concern. Because you don't need to get the kids out when everyone is sick and try and make them play basketball. They'll get sicker.
Inuyashafan13 Wrote:I think this really depends as well. If the question is "Should ball games be played when school is called off because of weather" then I think you use the same process for when you cancel school. If the weather is still bad then cancel, if not, let them play.

However, when schools close for stuff like illness, I think that is a different situation. That's when the kids' health is more of a concern. Because you don't need to get the kids out when everyone is sick and try and make them play basketball. They'll get sicker.

well stated
it seems like schools close everytime it flurries so u cant cancel games when theres no school otherwise u would never get them in
Some days schools are closed because the side roads are slick. The main roads may be in good condition. So games can generally be played. The only argument I would see with this, though, is that to get to the bus to go to the game the players have to travel on some of those slick side roads.
Lol,they Call School Off Sometimes Because Of A Heavy Frost Or It's Like 0 Degrees So It Depends On The Weather Later Smile
HORNET POWER Wrote:Lol,they Call School Off Sometimes Because Of A Heavy Frost Or It's Like 0 Degrees So It Depends On The Weather Later Smile
It doesn't take much snow to make driving in the mountains treachrous.
Depends on weather and road conditions before game time
No school...No Game...cannot expect parents to transport players to the game if the district has deemed it unsafe for buses to transport students to school...
I know some counties outside of Kentucky that has the policy if school is called off due to weather or sickness no extra ciricular activities
You can't play a season that way in some counties.
There's usually a big difference in the roads from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.
It's one of those lines people use to show they are "serious" about academics, but it means nothing in the big picture as far as academics.
I agree with most people. Sometimes last year, we would have school canceled and practice around 10, and the sun would be shining already. Although the roads can get bad and i dont see the problem with how they call school off, i think as long as the roads are okay by around 4-5 PM then the game should go on. You cant call off a 7:30 game for weather at 7 in the morning.
runninrebs21 Wrote:I agree with most people. Sometimes last year, we would have school canceled and practice around 10, and the sun would be shining already. Although the roads can get bad and i dont see the problem with how they call school off, i think as long as the roads are okay by around 4-5 PM then the game should go on. You cant call off a 7:30 game for weather at 7 in the morning.

I agree, They should at least wait till 4 or 5 to call the game, because sometimes the roads do become dry.
Just chiming in with the concensus but here in Jefferson County they NORMALLY do a good job of preventing school from being cancelled in general. But you have to think about this too. Most times the road conditions worsen at night, when it is coldest and there is less traffic...which leads to schools being closed because the road crews cannot clear the roads in time for schools to open in the morning. Given that games are played after crews have had time to work on the roads I feel that they should make it a wait and see decision.

On the flip side of this argument, when leaving the is now night again and the roads have a chance to worsen, making the trip home from the game possibly worse than the trip there.

Case by case basis...but I think the game should be a seperate matter from school being cancelled.

Another aspect we face in Louisville is public schools and private schools, sometimes JCPS and the Archdiosces of Louisville have differing opinons on the closings of schools, but thats another issue.
As long as the roads are safe then they should be able 2 play
I think it depends on what its like before the game.
Most schools in Central KY and Northern KY cancel the games if there is no school. If the schools in Eastern KY canceled all the games when school was out, there wouldn't be any games played from January to the end of February.

Man, they miss a lot of school in the winter!:eek:

I also believe if it's too bad to go to school, the games should be canceled. The reason school is canceled is because the administrators think the roads are unsafe to to transport students. I would imagine they would not want to put the athletes, family members, fans and students in a situation where they are driving on roads when they are too bad to go to school. JMO
Play ball!.....You can tack on school days at the end of the year but basketball ends in March.....not to mention the money you lose at the gate and concession...bottom line....we play ball on snow days for the same exact reason we don't go to school on snow days....nobody wants to lose alot of MONEY!...
goodguy Wrote:I also believe if it's too bad to go to school, the games should be canceled. The reason school is canceled is because the administrators think the roads are unsafe to to transport students. I would imagine they would not want to put the athletes, family members, fans and students in a situation where they are driving on roads when they are too bad to go to school. JMO

The roads can be bad at 6 a.m. and clear at 6 p.m.
palmer Wrote:The roads can be bad at 6 a.m. and clear at 6 p.m.

Good point, but school is usually closed the day after the game tooBig Grin

Here in E. KY a hard rain ends up canceling schoolSmile Just kidding.

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