12-13-2008, 02:46 AM
Of course it was a special ball, Phelps ordered it just for this game ha ha but I don't know how they got used to it since they just practice 40 min. a day like I've been reading, and if they missed 15 freethrows it couldn't have been called very one sided. I would like to commend the young ladys that played the game, very good sportsmanship was displayed in a gama that could have gotten ugly. Be proud of yourselves, we adults that post problably would have ended up fighting over something!!!!:thatsfunn
12-13-2008, 02:53 AM
You Bring Up A Good Point!!! The Girls Were Very Nice To Each Other.....i Also Noticed That......that's What It Is All About.....after All It Is Their Future At Hand, No Need To Be So Physical And Nasty Toward Each Other.....
Going To Bed........good Night All!!!!!
Going To Bed........good Night All!!!!!
12-13-2008, 03:07 AM
Everybody played a really good game! Congrats Hornets! PC get the lead out of your shoes. Did anybody notice only 2 players besides the starting 5 were subbed in by PC?
12-13-2008, 04:34 AM
PHS#1 Wrote:nothing mercer and fields said it wasnt stamped and wasnt a girls ball they got a girls ball and compared them and they was the same size and they blew it WAY out of proportion the refs pick the balls.
I dont know why they made such a big deal about the ball. And even if it was a boys ball, and how everybody was talking about how good pike central was, the hawks should have been fine. But whatever kind of ball it was, great performance by both teams.
12-13-2008, 08:54 AM
chop1990 Wrote:AD......14
abby coleman.... 3
kayla pennington.... 5
holly harris......15
hannah thompson......13
Bri Hotmaker.....4
Jasmine Hall......7
Katlyn Riley......11
Marissa Pruitt.......22
Jonda Whitt........15
Kayla Ratliff.......9
Marissa Hensley.......3
I'm pretty sure this is correct........
57 of Phelps points came from transfers. Interesting.................
12-13-2008, 08:59 AM
flordia_fan15 Wrote:A ball's a ball.
It doesnt matter,
They just had a better game.
Thats all you can say.
You must be a male because females all know that ball size does matter.
12-13-2008, 10:34 AM
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:When did Phelps start pulling away in this one?firt quarter ..central was down by 1 and at the half they were down by 10.. in this one pc never had the lead....
also in the first half alone ...phelps had 12 fouls to pc's 8 so refs called on it on both sides of the floor and as for the ball?? it was a GIRLS ball..AND IT WAS THE SAME BALL USED IN THE JV GAME.... SO why didn't the "BALL PATROL" (sorry.. lol had to say it) catch it then?
it was a great game and as for bad calls ... there were bad calls on both teams
it's a great win for the LADY HORNETS
crawdad Wrote:It was a boys ball and J. R. knew it. Actually the ref refused to change the ball at halftime and said the game would be completed with the same ball. Phelps has too good of a team to resort to such tactics. They are loaded with talent and should not think they have to rely on trickery to aid their game. I cannot help but wonder if P.C. would have missed fifteen free throws with girls ball. These teams will play again at P.C. and will most likely use one. It should be a good game.
lol... The refs picked the ball used it in the JV game as well ....and as for the ball being switched by the ref at half time, they DID NOT CHANGE
and the Pike Central JV girls were shooting the lights out!! lol .....
12-13-2008, 11:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2008, 02:44 AM by More Cowbell.)
snoopin Wrote:lol... The refs picked the ball used it in the JV game as well ....and as for the ball being switched by the ref at half time, they DID NOT CHANGE
and the Pike Central JV girls were shooting the lights out!! lol .....
The accusation that was made earlier that Coach VanHoose KNEW the ball was different is rumor/speculation. Please DO NOT speculate or post false information concerning anything on BGR. IT IS A RULE VIOLATION!!!
IMHO, I agree with snoopin... The ref's chose the ball so they were the ones at fault IF it were a different ball. From what has been said on here though, it was the same deminsions when placed next to a "marked" ball. Let it go, the game was played, completed, and evidently the girls didn't do too bad between each other.
If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
12-13-2008, 11:42 AM
OH MY.......We won and it really wouldn't matter what size ball we used they would say we cheated or something anyway.....It is going to be the same way when we go to Pike Central also....If Phelps wins over there what will be the excuses and if Pike Central wins , the REF cheated.....SO EVERBODY GET OVER IT.....ITS just a ballgame.......As for the transfers, IS PHELPS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS TRANSFERS........LMAO...I THINK NOT....SO GET OVER THAT TO.... :}
12-13-2008, 12:04 PM
Yea everyone forgets about _ _ Slone...
12-13-2008, 12:09 PM
Just Ball It Wrote:It was a boys basketball!!!
It was even found in warm ups....
One of the girls found it and took it back....
Every girls basketball has 28.5 on it this ball did not!!!
And one of the Phelps players did mention it to a lady hawk that they have practiced with a boys ball..Why no one knows....Unless they would want to throw pc's shot off!!! IDK???
It was a girls ball, i walked over at half time and was talking to the announcer and when the assistant was questioning it the ref brought the game ball and another ball over to the scored table and both balls were stamped 28.5 even pike centrals own score book keeper said it was a girls ball and he is a ref anyways pike central didnt have a problem in the b-team game when they won by 20 or 30 did they
12-13-2008, 12:44 PM
crawdad Wrote:It was a boys ball and J. R. knew it. Actually the ref refused to change the ball at halftime and said the game would be completed with the same ball. Phelps has too good of a team to resort to such tactics. They are loaded with talent and should not think they have to rely on trickery to aid their game. I cannot help but wonder if P.C. would have missed fifteen free throws with girls ball. These teams will play again at P.C. and will most likely use one. It should be a good game.
Yeah- J.R. Knew It! And next time he is going to grease the floors and order the Phelps players special shoes. Give me a break! If you actually knew J.R. and knew his character you wouldn't be saying things like this. J.R. is a great coach and person- a real class act!
How about just getting on here and congratulating the Phelps team on an awsome win or encouraging the Pike Central team to keep their heads up for the season ahead? Is having sportsmanship that much to ask?
12-13-2008, 01:18 PM
Congrats Phelps, I thought they played a good game,I am a Pike Central fan , But the truth is Phelps out played our girls, you can get mad if you want to, But its the truth, As far as transfers go, Well PCC, has 2 from Pikeville, Hatmaker, and Hamilton, and Slone from Phelps,and I think a few of their girls if they would have went to school were the was suppose to they would be at Betsy Layne, So who cares about that stuff,As for the ball being a boys ball well then .......... Why did our JV beat them by like 30 points with the same ball if it was a boys ball, does that mean the JV is better than the varsity??????, I think it was a good game, But they just out played us.., end of story, And I did wonder why coach Fields only played 7 girls the whole game, Didn't make good sense to me, Keep your heads up girls you have alot of talent and you all will get them next time, ........ps ... KK you did a great job I miss you girl, It was hard seeing you in their colors, But I'm just glad you are happy , thats what matters most , good luck girl.
12-13-2008, 01:35 PM
yea Slone did transfer to pcc from phelps and ratliff did transfer and so did puritt and whitt and the list goes on and on...who cares, I think both teams played a good game...slone is only one girl that transfered, Phelps has at least 3 out 5 on the floor that are transfers but again who cares there is alot of talent on both teams and pcc is in no means down for the count, the season is just starting so lets not count our chickens before they hatch!!! I agree with Smiley we should show sportsmanship...
12-13-2008, 01:41 PM
M3TALLIK4 69 Wrote:Not 2 take anything away from the lady hawks but how are they # 5 out of 20 in the eastern KY girls teams and phelps is not even in the rankings?i agree!
phelps doesnt get enough credit
12-13-2008, 01:47 PM
kingjames23 Wrote:Phelps came out ready to play tonight but the story hasnt been told. they played with a boys basketball the whole first half...it was noticed in the second quarter and the refs did nothing about it..at half time a central coach got a technical because she argued with the ref that the ball was a guys ball. after it was over the ref gave her a technical and switched the balls. from a very good source the phelps team has been practicing with a guys ball all weak and this was all planned...i think that everyone is tired of going to phelps to play because no matter what there is always problems but no one seems to take it in...keep it up central i hope that the game at your place will be played with the right ball...you cant do anything about stuff like that so just keep up the hard work and fight to get the win back..it was not a boys ball...
&& why would vanhoose want us 2 practice with boys balls?
i mean really, boys balls are way harder 2 shoot with than girls balls.
you people need 2 grow up && realize that phelps really can play good ball, and every time we win a game doesnt mean that we cheated.
if anybody cheated last night it would have been the refs..
they made awful calls agianst phelps.
12-13-2008, 01:51 PM
Just Ball It Wrote:It was a boys basketball!!!nope, it was a girls ball.
It was even found in warm ups....
One of the girls found it and took it back....
Every girls basketball has 28.5 on it this ball did not!!!
And one of the Phelps players did mention it to a lady hawk that they have practiced with a boys ball..Why no one knows....Unless they would want to throw pc's shot off!!! IDK???
&& i know for a fact that none of phelps' players told one of PC's that they practiced with a boys ball.
thats ridiculous..
12-13-2008, 02:02 PM
AV22 Wrote:It was a girls ball............if it had been a boys ball there would not have been a T on the coach. They were they same size.......it was even round.......we practice atleast an hour and a half every day...
Phelps had a 4 point lead at the half.......okay if they had practiced with A BOYS BALL, they why did they streach out the lead to 17 in the second half? Simple, it was a girls ball...............
This is on topic...........Phelpps won, even though their D was a little off, and their rebounding was just a little lax.......Once their coach gets them to practice more than 40 minutes a day they will be real tough. *G*
12-13-2008, 02:10 PM
ukbadmammajamma Wrote:57 of Phelps points came from transfers. Interesting.................it takes a whole team 2 win a ball game,
&& phelps was playing team ball last night.
who cares if the transfers made most of the points?
A.D. made most of the points 4 PC and she's a transfer from PHELPS.
so quit making up excuses and grow up !
12-13-2008, 02:19 PM
JUST_SAY_IT Wrote:Congrats Phelps, I thought they played a good game,I am a Pike Central fan , But the truth is Phelps out played our girls, you can get mad if you want to, But its the truth, As far as transfers go, Well PCC, has 2 from Pikeville, Hatmaker, and Hamilton, and Slone from Phelps,and I think a few of their girls if they would have went to school were the was suppose to they would be at Betsy Layne, So who cares about that stuff,As for the ball being a boys ball well then .......... Why did our JV beat them by like 30 points with the same ball if it was a boys ball, does that mean the JV is better than the varsity??????, I think it was a good game, But they just out played us.., end of story, And I did wonder why coach Fields only played 7 girls the whole game, Didn't make good sense to me, Keep your heads up girls you have alot of talent and you all will get them next time, ........ps ... KK you did a great job I miss you girl, It was hard seeing you in their colors, But I'm just glad you are happy , thats what matters most , good luck girl.
12-13-2008, 02:28 PM
Chrissy23............I know you practice more than 40 minutes a day, I put a grin at the back. I was trying to make a joke since it was mentioned yesterday that Coach V didn't practice you enough. It was said that PCC would run you out of the gym because you're not in shape..........it was a joke........keep working hard and don't pay a lot of attention to things that are posted on here. Most of us are want-to-bes or never-were............so keep learning, listening and working hard.
You have a GREAT Coach, trust me when I say that cause I know him better than you ever will.........and you have a team that can build a foundation of winning, but to do that you must ALWAYS play as a team, and remember no one person is GREATER than the team. I remember a group of young men in 1996 that learned to be a team and went on to win a State Championship. The future is unknown for the 2008-2009 Lady Hornets, but you and others can see a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel.............all of you have to decide if you want to see what the light is shining on. Is it shining on the Hornets? It might be but the light is still far off in the future. You have to want it, you have to be able to taste it, you have to dream the dream.........can you do that? We'll find out in February and March.............but remember.......dreams do come true.
You have a GREAT Coach, trust me when I say that cause I know him better than you ever will.........and you have a team that can build a foundation of winning, but to do that you must ALWAYS play as a team, and remember no one person is GREATER than the team. I remember a group of young men in 1996 that learned to be a team and went on to win a State Championship. The future is unknown for the 2008-2009 Lady Hornets, but you and others can see a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel.............all of you have to decide if you want to see what the light is shining on. Is it shining on the Hornets? It might be but the light is still far off in the future. You have to want it, you have to be able to taste it, you have to dream the dream.........can you do that? We'll find out in February and March.............but remember.......dreams do come true.
12-13-2008, 02:37 PM
Best message that has been posted so far.......Good Game both teams......They will be turn arounds as the season goes on.....Everybody is nervous when the season begins........
12-13-2008, 03:46 PM
AV22 Wrote:Chrissy23............I know you practice more than 40 minutes a day, I put a grin at the back. I was trying to make a joke since it was mentioned yesterday that Coach V didn't practice you enough. It was said that PCC would run you out of the gym because you're not in shape..........it was a joke........keep working hard and don't pay a lot of attention to things that are posted on here. Most of us are want-to-bes or never-were............so keep learning, listening and working hard.
You have a GREAT Coach, trust me when I say that cause I know him better than you ever will.........and you have a team that can build a foundation of winning, but to do that you must ALWAYS play as a team, and remember no one person is GREATER than the team. I remember a group of young men in 1996 that learned to be a team and went on to win a State Championship. The future is unknown for the 2008-2009 Lady Hornets, but you and others can see a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel.............all of you have to decide if you want to see what the light is shining on. Is it shining on the Hornets? It might be but the light is still far off in the future. You have to want it, you have to be able to taste it, you have to dream the dream.........can you do that? We'll find out in February and March.............but remember.......dreams do come true.
If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
12-13-2008, 04:03 PM
AV22 Wrote:Chrissy23............I know you practice more than 40 minutes a day, I put a grin at the back. I was trying to make a joke since it was mentioned yesterday that Coach V didn't practice you enough. It was said that PCC would run you out of the gym because you're not in shape..........it was a joke........keep working hard and don't pay a lot of attention to things that are posted on here. Most of us are want-to-bes or never-were............so keep learning, listening and working hard.
You have a GREAT Coach, trust me when I say that cause I know him better than you ever will.........and you have a team that can build a foundation of winning, but to do that you must ALWAYS play as a team, and remember no one person is GREATER than the team. I remember a group of young men in 1996 that learned to be a team and went on to win a State Championship. The future is unknown for the 2008-2009 Lady Hornets, but you and others can see a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel.............all of you have to decide if you want to see what the light is shining on. Is it shining on the Hornets? It might be but the light is still far off in the future. You have to want it, you have to be able to taste it, you have to dream the dream.........can you do that? We'll find out in February and March.............but remember.......dreams do come true.
Great post! I agree 100%.
12-13-2008, 04:16 PM
crawdad you are ridiculous. PC is the biggest bunch of sore losers I have ever in my entire life laid eyes on. The Lady Hornets had no reason to cheat, it was plain to see not even on their best night they are better than PC. If J.R would've known it was a boys ball I'm sure he would've changed it but the fact of the matter is IT WAS NOT A BOYS BALL! Look at it this way, your girls from PC played the whole first quarter,second quarter or whatever without breathing a word about it. They are the ones playing so do you not think they would be smart enough to mention it if it were a boys ball? I mean they have been playing ball all their life right? You had to have some excuse on why Phelps won, last year if I recall right its because all of your girls were SICK?
It's okay though I'm sure next game the ball will be the one you want, well wait I forgot the REFS CHOOSE THE BALL! ever thought about that? But then again you want to say the refs were on Phelps' side, if that is the case then why did all the leading scores and role players have 3-4 fouls and Katlin fouled out, their whole team was in foul trouble and most of them had 2 fouls in the first quarter, we must've been watching two completely different games.
One post you guys are talking about how classy J.R. is and you are COMPLETELY right. A CLASSY man would not CHEAT ANY KID and he didn't! This was no plan, Phelps didn't need help to beat this team, take your beaten and move on, quit making excuses!

One post you guys are talking about how classy J.R. is and you are COMPLETELY right. A CLASSY man would not CHEAT ANY KID and he didn't! This was no plan, Phelps didn't need help to beat this team, take your beaten and move on, quit making excuses!
12-13-2008, 04:17 PM
[COLOR="Blue"]Does anyone know the amount of fouls called on both teams?
12-13-2008, 04:22 PM
I wouldnt say Pc is the biggest bunch of sore lossers. But I will admit there are alot of excuesses for this game. last year about 12 of our girls had the flu. We were sickQ.! that wasnt an excuse, Welll its not like this is the last time pc and phelps will meet this year, So people just go ahead and get ready for when phelps comes to pc.. MAKE SURE SOMEONE CHECKS THE BALL JUST IN CASE!!!!!
12-13-2008, 04:27 PM
ukbadmammajamma Wrote:57 of Phelps points came from transfers. Interesting.................
AD (transfer from phelps) leading scorer. Interesting...................................................................................
12-13-2008, 04:52 PM
Traintracks55 Wrote:I wouldnt say Pc is the biggest bunch of sore lossers. But I will admit there are alot of excuesses for this game. last year about 12 of our girls had the flu. We were sickQ.! that wasnt an excuse, Welll its not like this is the last time pc and phelps will meet this year, So people just go ahead and get ready for when phelps comes to pc.. MAKE SURE SOMEONE CHECKS THE BALL JUST IN CASE!!!!!
Are you implying that PC is going to do something that shouldn't be done? And 12 girls with the flu?? My goodness how many were on the team?
I'm just curious. It has been discussed to death on here over "the ball".... Basically, the ref's choose the ball, they checked the ball, and continued to play with the ball so evidently, THE BALL was one which was correct for them to use OR it would have been changed!
Now, as far as the NEXT meeting for the two teams, I would love for the fanbase, adults, and bashers to just let the girls play. Both teams are evidently VERY talented and regardless of whom their players are, they are teenagers who deserve to be able to go on the floor and do what they love to do without a bunch of adults losing their minds over the game. There is no need for people to keep dragging the ball situtation on and on and to keep bashing the girls and ref's.
This thread has been moderated to death. Please try to keep it on topic and make it a positive one for both teams!!!!
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