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Prestonsburg 63 Allen Central 52
Congrats Blackcats. We had the Running Rebels running out of the gym. Hail Blackcats.
Congrats P-Burg
Big district win for Pburg
Hail blackcats baby.. great win tonight
To be honest, both these teams looked HORRIBLE tonight. Burchett played terrible for pburg, he needs to move back to the SG or SF position and they need to let jody run point. He probably had 10 turnovers himself. Logan and Hunter played well for AC, but Hunter was in foul trouble the whole game and it limited his time. Logan really played well though. The other AC players need to realize Logan is the leader and not to come up the floor late in the game and just throw shots up. I think pburg will win the district, but its not saying much as the 58th is very down this year.
I predicted P-burg would beat AC. I just don't see AC being very good this year. Average at best. IMO phs is probably an early season favorite in the 58th followed closely by BL. I do think all this could change at the drop of an eye. Still a long way to go
ac is rlly hurting losing hammonds and crum......pburg is decent but their not gonna beat betsy layne...ive not seen a team play that together in a long time ...junior newsome has done a great job
i think that it was a good game and i think P-Burg will take district this year
jolly rancher Wrote:ac is rlly hurting losing hammonds and crum......pburg is decent but their not gonna beat betsy layne...ive not seen a team play that together in a long time ...junior newsome has done a great job

We will find out Tuesday!
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:We will find out Tuesday!

yeap i cant wait
Congrats Blackcats!
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

How did Steven Patrick play for Pburg tonight?
He rebounded decent, and when he got a rebound he put it back in, but other than that he did nothing on offense. He was a decent presence on defense, but i think he still has a lot of work to do. He is very athletic but he just needs to get more experience and realize to not jump on pump fakes.
Patrick for PBurg fouled out with about 6 points. He crashed the boards hard though, and played great defense. Tacket led all scorers with 28. Allen Central needs more to win than just Logan and Hunter Crowder who had about 14 and 10 respectively. Justin Jackson had 12 in the first half, but NOTHING in the second. Both teams made careless passes across the court, long passes up court, just not really making smart passes, but all in all, Prestonsburg outplayed Allen Central, as they had the better TEAM effort tonight. Congrats Black Cats! They're are my early pick for winning District (after seeing all 4 district teams).
I agree with you strikeoutking. Jody might have had 28, but his percentage wasnt very good. He needs to work a little on his shot selection, and not get so overexcited. But for pburg to do anything outside of the district, Burchett has to be moved back to his original position he is definitely not a PG.
How did Gearheart play?
bad lol. like i expected, him and seth setser are strong and all that, but have NO basketball talent. setser fouled out and probably didnt play but like 10 minutes. not bashing them, its just pburg ppl acted like they were going to be dominant and great players, it its not gonna happen
runninrebs21 Wrote:bad lol. like i expected, him and seth setser are strong and all that, but have NO basketball talent. setser fouled out and probably didnt play but like 10 minutes. not bashing them, its just pburg ppl acted like they were going to be dominant and great players, it its not gonna happen

There going to get better remember they just got out of football something AC don't know about because they never go farther than the first round.
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:There going to get better remember they just got out of football something AC don't know about because they never go farther than the first round.
And Prestonsburg can only make it to the 3rd round. I'm a Prestonsburg fan and all that, but enough with the football crap. The football team is good for this area, but when they start playing real teams, we see what happens to them.

As far as this game goes, it was just ugly. Burchett probably had 12 turnovers, Patrick is the tallest kid on the court and only scores 6 points, Setser fouled out after about 8 minutes of play, Gearhart, well, should stick to football, and Tyler Hall or whatever his name is should be banned from shooting a basketball. I have attended both the Pikeville and Allen Central game and he has yet to hit an outside shot.

I see some real potential with this team, but until they can get things under control, they will be lucky to win 10 games this year. Burchett is a great player and he just had a bad game. We can let that slide because it happens. He still managed to score probably 20 points. Jody Tackett is a fantastic PG. He can shoot, attack a zone, and finish inside the paint. I still stand by my previous statement after last game that the football players are just getting in the way. Gearhart does give you a body in the paint, but his athleticism just isn't made for basketball. Setser is still in football mode by tackling everyone who has the ball. Hopefully, once they get more time under their belt, they will improve, and I expect they will. They have the coach that will teach them everything they need to know.
BCF4L Wrote:but his athleticism just isn't made for basketball. .

That may be one of the dumbest things I've ever read in my life. You can never have too many athletic kids on your basketball team ESPECIALLY in this area. It can make up for lack of pure basketball ability. A kid that can run and jump like Gearheart is going to help you. On my way home from work I turned the radio on and it was halftime and they were talking on the radio how Gearheart had altered a lot of shots the first half and was causing some problems for AC in the paint.

Nobody is claiming that Setser and Gearheart are basketball studs, but they are big strong athletic kids that can and will give you solid minutes. But they just need a little more time to get the football out of them. And I know people get tired of hearing it but how long have they been with basketball? 9 days? I say just give it some time...
Patrick fouled out again? I have said this before but I think he is really going to cause problems for people at the end of the year, he just has to play a little smarter on D.
gish Wrote:Patrick fouled out again? I have said this before but I think he is really going to cause problems for people at the end of the year, he just has to play a little smarter on D.

He looked "a little" better on D last night, but AC really didn't challenge the paint by having their guards drive the hoop. They did early, then got away from it. Patrick had 7 rebounds last night.

Burchett had quite a few turnovers and I agree with other posters that he doesn't need to be at the point. However, someone has to take that position and allow Jody Tackett to play the 2 where he can get himself set for the outside shot or create. Jody is the best offensive player they have. Burchett is the best all-around player.

As for football players getting in the way, maybe it's just me, but you never allow athletic players to walk and not be part of the team. Gearheart and Setser may not be skill players, but coming off the bench (Gearheart started last night), both could be effective against very physical teams and do the dirty work in paint against quick/finesse teams like Shelby Valley who may not want to be pushed around in the paint.

Allen Central still had 20 turnovers, most of those late in the contest. I like the decision of starting Jackson at the point. Jarrell will settle into his own as the season progresses. And if Logan is going to be effective, he needs to learn to create his own shot because last season, he fed off of Crum/Hammonds and many times, opponents would leave Logan open along the perimeter concentrating on the backcourt and that led to some easy looks for Logan. That's not going to happen this season and he has to create/take better shots. No Josh Prater last night, that's probably for the best. It was disappointing to see AC getting beat on the fast break - something you didn't see with Johnny. Yet I understand what Mark wants to do and that's have his kids concentrate on defense first instead of streaking down the floor for easy buckets. If the kids will buy into that philosopy, the benefits of working on defense will pay off come March. Mark is working on the big picture and Rebel fans just need to give him time.

Good luck to both teams!!! Play hard.
BCF4L Wrote:As far as this game goes, it was just ugly. Burchett probably had 12 turnovers, Patrick is the tallest kid on the court and only scores 6 points, Setser fouled out after about 8 minutes of play, Gearhart, well, should stick to football, and Tyler Hall or whatever his name is should be banned from shooting a basketball. I have attended both the Pikeville and Allen Central game and he has yet to hit an outside shot.

Realize that they've only had 2 weeks of practice together. I've played ball with these boys my entire life and they all have potential, but it seems to me when they get in games, they just lose it all. When the ball team had open gym during the summer, Gearheart, IMO, was the second best player behind Michael. I'd like to see him get back in basketball form because I know he has it.
blackcat Wrote:Realize that they've only had 2 weeks of practice together. I've played ball with these boys my entire life and they all have potential, but it seems to me when they get in games, they just lose it all. When the ball team had open gym during the summer, Gearheart, IMO, was the second best player behind Michael. I'd like to see him get back in basketball form because I know he has it.

Yeah I had heard the same thing. He started all last year didn't he?
jammin' jamey Wrote:He looked "a little" better on D last night, but AC really didn't challenge the paint by having their guards drive the hoop. They did early, then got away from it. Patrick had 7 rebounds last night.

Burchett had quite a few turnovers and I agree with other posters that he doesn't need to be at the point. However, someone has to take that position and allow Jody Tackett to play the 2 where he can get himself set for the outside shot or create. Jody is the best offensive player they have. Burchett is the best all-around player.

As for football players getting in the way, maybe it's just me, but you never allow athletic players to walk and not be part of the team. Gearheart and Setser may not be skill players, but coming off the bench (Gearheart started last night), both could be effective against very physical teams and do the dirty work in paint against quick/finesse teams like Shelby Valley who may not want to be pushed around in the paint.

Allen Central still had 20 turnovers, most of those late in the contest. I like the decision of starting Jackson at the point. Jarrell will settle into his own as the season progresses. And if Logan is going to be effective, he needs to learn to create his own shot because last season, he fed off of Crum/Hammonds and many times, opponents would leave Logan open along the perimeter concentrating on the backcourt and that led to some easy looks for Logan. That's not going to happen this season and he has to create/take better shots. No Josh Prater last night, that's probably for the best. It was disappointing to see AC getting beat on the fast break - something you didn't see with Johnny. Yet I understand what Mark wants to do and that's have his kids concentrate on defense first instead of streaking down the floor for easy buckets. If the kids will buy into that philosopy, the benefits of working on defense will pay off come March. Mark is working on the big picture and Rebel fans just need to give him time.

Good luck to both teams!!! Play hard.

"No Josh Prater last night, that's probably for the best".

Sorry Jamey- but I would have to disagree on that one. Prater has been a starter for AC for most of the 4 seasons he spent playing their. He may have been the 11 point difference that AC needed to pull the win off last night. Let's face it- when Hunter Crowder fouled out- there was no one to replace him. With Prater playing- he and Hunter share the fouls underneath and both finish the game.
gotcha2 Wrote:"No Josh Prater last night, that's probably for the best".

Sorry Jamey- but I would have to disagree on that one. Prater has been a starter for AC for most of the 4 seasons he spent playing their. He may have been the 11 point difference that AC needed to pull the win off last night. Let's face it- when Hunter Crowder fouled out- there was no one to replace him. With Prater playing- he and Hunter share the fouls underneath and both finish the game.
Prater is the ONLY senior on that team, and he didn't even start last week against Pike Central, and he only scored 6 points or so. Don't get me wrong, Prater is an excellent athlete and a great kid, but if he's not going to go into basketball season giving his all every minute of every day, then it may be best for all involved that he not play at all.
jammin' jamey Wrote:Mark is working on the big picture and Rebel fans just need to give him time.
I couldn't have said it better, JJ!
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:There going to get better remember they just got out of football something AC don't know about because they never go farther than the first round.

I couldn't have said it better said myself

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