Poll: Estill Co @ Lee Co Dec9th
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Estill Co
Lee Co
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Estill County @ Lee County - 12/9
Estill Co goes back to Beattyville Tue night Dec 9th this should be a good one dont forget last years game at Beattyville. Can Estill pull this one out. And dont forget to go by dairy Queen for a ice cream after the game.
Lee wins this one
Have to take Lee by 12. Will be a great game to watch after what happened last year when these two teams met up at Lee.
Estill has a good chance in this one. They play good team ball. Lee is tall and athletic but this early in the season may not have it all together. The lack of a true point guard may hurt Lee.
Im going to take Lee in this one. IMO Lee is just to big and athletic for Estill. Dont get me wrong Estill is a great team but I jsut dont think they can match up with Lee.
This should be a great game two good teams not sure if This game will show how clost these two teams are foorball slowed Estill down a little.
Lee will win this one.
Lee County by 12.
Lee Co. will dominate
Lee Co will not dominate Estill Co will match up good with Lee Co i hope that Lee players think they will dominate if they overlook this team they might be in trouble.
Estill will win this one.
If Edwin Cheaterhands is still keeping the clock up in the Beattyville Time Zone, Lee County will win.
I saw a score for this game on the Lex. Hearald web site. It is dated for last night. Any info! Or is this a misprint?
misprint the game is tonight
Lee by 11

thecavemaster Wrote:If Edwin Cheaterhands is still keeping the clock up in the Beattyville Time Zone, Lee County will win.
It was the ref who put the time on the clock and said to start on the touch. The dispute couldn't not be more than 1 second so I do not believe anyone cheated. Lets play this year and forget last year. It will be a good game as usual to watch and my friends from Estill are always spirited and I hope we cna always be friends.:letsparty
JOBAKKA Wrote:It was the ref who put the time on the clock and said to start on the touch. The dispute couldn't not be more than 1 second so I do not believe anyone cheated. Lets play this year and forget last year. It will be a good game as usual to watch and my friends from Estill are always spirited and I hope we cna always be friends.:letsparty

As far as i concern it was over after the game just took a few mins to get my breath. A a big ice cream from dairy queen. Hope both teams play there best and if they do this will be a great game. GO NEERS
i will take Lee in this one
Lee by 5.
is this game going to be on the radio and if it is what station?
I think this will be a good game. Estill needs to stop Pelphrey to win this game. Also Charles.
[quote=Bluecat]I saw a score for this game on the Lex. Hearald web site. It is dated for last night. Any info! Or is this a misprint?

It was a joke played by some guys at the local VFW. It got by the crack staff at Herald Leader though!

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