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No More Apple Bowl
The Guru is like this, "the boys" only have a 4 year period for these games. in recent years, PHS boys have been humbled by JC football. They are not jaded and know that if PHS can get their program turned back around that they could very well play with JC. Even win a game every now and then. Look at it like this.....Like me, a lot of kids grew up watching PHS be the football stud in Johnson County. We were ready to assume our roles as the Studs when we got old enuff to play. These memories are very faint if at all to the kids at PHS now, and even the younger kids can't even remember the last Tiger win. So no.....they are not giving up....just regrouping. Retreat doesn't mean surrender.
Really........, even when your told who your staff is going to be no matter how bad it hurts the program? That day will never come again.
The Guru Wrote:Yeah...coulda been worse.....stopped at 50 some with a minute and a half left in the game....and please don't say it was just the JV and frosh...cause there is video. LOL
And go ahead and tell us what Paintsville did.....I am really curious. PM if you like.
I was being a little sarcastic at the first of this post, but really do want to know just what a lot of JC fans think PHS did. Or is it just what they have been told. I know I saw a video a JC student put online that really shows very little class and a whole bunch of slanderous remarks during a rally for this game. It wouldn't bother me to see these teams never play each other again in any sport because people don't know how to enjoy what it could be and would rather try and humiliate kids all with the blessings of people supposedly in charge. Befor the game was even played this year, there was talk of PHS not playing JC in anything unless it was tourney. You say you won't mention it on here.....why not??? You have insinuated that PHS has done something wrong.....back it up.
Most of us know what you won't say. Just because JC broke KHSAA rules and apparently someone with PHS connections called it on them you all want to believe what the very birds that broke the rules say when they tell you that PHS is evil. Like they are the ones that were wronged.
Look at it this way....if you see someone break the law and you call the police and the police arrest the person and they get sentenced to it your fault that they went to jail? Some would have you believe so, but they are the very ones in jail.
Here are some plausible reasons for PHS not playing the Apple Bowl again:
1) In recent years JC has absolutely whipped the pants off of PHS.
2) JC has never, ever signed a release for a player of any sport to play at PHS, even though there has been hundreds that PHS had signed to go to JC.
3) Pep Rallys for this game at PHS has never tried to embarrass or humiliate anyone from JC, especially kids. JC has several times tried only to mock, make fun of and even do and say horendous things about kids from PHS during their rallys. Good enuff reason on it's own to never play a school like that again in anything.
4) PHS will not let JC ever get the most wins in the Apple Bowl.
There is four reasons not to play. Can't wait to see one in particular try and make it about BMR.....he always finds a way to blame everything on him.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :goofy:
The Guru Wrote:I know all about the so called TOP 10 LISTS, And they are the most disgusting things I have ever wittnessed. Trust me in that neither of my kids were a part of any lists except being named in the JC ones. Those things were done by kids and don't exactly have the best judgement sometimes. The things that upset me the most are when admin. was asked to not let the skits done at JCHS during their pep rally be hurtful or slanderous against kids from PHS. The admin. promised there wouldn't be anything like that and they lied. The rally skits were hurtful, tasteless and meaningless to say the least. Heck, they even poked fun at a girl from PHS because she is pregnant and JC even has a daycare for their students kids for crying out loud.
PHS as a school has never and will never allow their kids to partisipate in anything that is just being done to try and hurt kids from another school. I am not trying to be mean here or anything but who in their right minds could support a school system that allows their kids to not only think like that but condones that behavior? That has to be the biggest thing that people who have kids attending JC would be embarrassed about that their school does. I wouldn't stand for it for one second.

We all know that it was more than kids doing these lists!
The Guru Wrote:When I say school, I am not talking about the kids....they are a product of the school. I am talking about administrators and people in charge. You have actually wittnessed PHS administrators poking fun or allowing kids to act like that? I have not and I am one that would look them in the eye and tell them that that is not right and they need to leave. I would let everyone that would stand still and listen about it too. So if you know anything like that where there is proof and not just hearsay, please let me know.

Take the blue binders off please!!!Rolleyes It has went both ways and you can't sit there and say it hasn't.
Eagle Eye Wrote:We all know that it was more than kids doing these lists!
Good thing she wouldn't stand for stuff like that for a second. Smile Talk about being hypocritical. Wasn't it the wife of a PHS coach that authored most of these lists? Rolleyes

Where's the "classy one" when you need someone to patrol what's going on?
I don't see why it's such a big loss to JC that this game isn't being played anymore. The fact someone would say that Paintsville is chickening out? HAHA! I think several people know the reason it has finally been put to an end was due to the "festivities" JC chose to put on this year at their pep rally. Those of which were broadcast on you tube for everyone to see. A sad day in Johnson County? Yes, I think it was a sad day in Johnson County when the administration, teachers, and coaches stood by and watched their students mock and disrespect the Paintsville school system, players, students, and fans. What was also sad is the speech given by the head coach who attempted to relate JC and Paintsville as the Barbarians taking over???Can we say Code of Ethics??Who in their right mind would condone these actions and think that this is okay to treat teenage children this way? I think the Apple Bowl "used to be" a good rivalry and not just b/c Paintsville competed and won some games. It has gotten out of hand and as the administration, who's job is to protect their students, they have stepped up and done the right thing instead of standing by and watching. If this were any other school who acted this way toward their students, they would do the same thing. What's done is done....move on and I think both teams will be better off next season playing teams that benefit their season.
tigerfan13 Wrote:I don't see why it's such a big loss to JC that this game isn't being played anymore. The fact someone would say that Paintsville is chickening out? HAHA! I think several people know the reason it has finally been put to an end was due to the "festivities" JC chose to put on this year at their pep rally. Those of which were broadcast on you tube for everyone to see. A sad day in Johnson County? Yes, I think it was a sad day in Johnson County when the administration, teachers, and coaches stood by and watched their students mock and disrespect the Paintsville school system, players, students, and fans. What was also sad is the speech given by the head coach who attempted to relate JC and Paintsville as the Barbarians taking over???Can we say Code of Ethics??Who in their right mind would condone these actions and think that this is okay to treat teenage children this way? I think the Apple Bowl "used to be" a good rivalry and not just b/c Paintsville competed and won some games. It has gotten out of hand and as the administration, who's job is to protect their students, they have stepped up and done the right thing instead of standing by and watching. If this were any other school who acted this way toward their students, they would do the same thing. What's done is done....move on and I think both teams will be better off next season playing teams that benefit their season.

I note you make no mention of the wife of a coach's actions in all of this Top 10 hubbub. Is that to be condoned, or is that a thing that's OK because it's us? I seemed to remember that that was watched by by the administration, teacher, students, etc etc etc. Can we say Code of Ethics ???? It's alright I presume when the smoke is coming from that direction? Is that what you are saying?

Just curious , whose decision was it to discontinue the series? The coach? The principal? The athletic director? The superintendent? Any other party?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I note you make no mention of the wife of a coach's actions in all of this Top 10 hubbub. Is that to be condoned, or is that a thing that's OK because it's us?

Just curious , whose decision was it to discontinue the series? The coach? The principal? The athletic director? The superintendent? Any other party?

I would say it was the adminisrations decision due to the number of parents threatening to sue your school system over what went on with their children. As far as the top 10 "hubbub", I don't know which coach's wife you are talking about and I will say that I don't agree with whatever was said on that list and I think those lists are silly. I don't believe they were sent out this year and I don't think a top 10 list even compares to what went on this year at JC's pep rally which was during school hours. We can sit here and point fingers at which school did what and why the admin. isn't playing the game anymore but in's not being played again and that's that. Maybe now the county can support each other in fball seasons and if you want to continue to bash each other...there's always basketball I guess.
tigerfan13 Wrote:I would say it was the adminisrations decision due to the number of parents threatening to sue your school system over what went on with their children. As for as the top 10 "hubbub", I don't know which coach's wife you are talking about and I will say that I don't agree with whatever was said on that list and I think those lists are silly. I don't believe they were sent out this year and I don't think a top 10 list even compares to what went on this year at JC's pep rally which was during school hours. We can sit here and point fingers at which school did what and why the admin. isn't playing the game anymore but in's not being played again and that's that. Maybe now the county can support each other in fball seasons and if you want to continue to bash each other...there's always basketball I guess.

Thanks for the clarification, but I will add, that I highly doubt that you are not aware of what was done and by whom, that I mentioned. Thanks again for the "spin" and the "evasion".
This sucks, I always looked foward to this game.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Thanks for the clarification, but I will add, that I highly doubt that you are not aware of what was done and by whom, that I mentioned. Thanks again for the "spin" and the "evasion".

You have serious issues....I am not aware of what you are talking about and if it's so important then why don't you just say it? You just like to sit and attack every Pville supporter for spinning and twisting and whatever ridiculous claims you have. Obviously you know so much about everything that goes on there...why don't you share?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Playing who? Paintsville or JC.

We have scheduled to play Paintsville in week 1 but if we can get the windfield Wva game moved to week 1 we are suppose to play Paintsville in the Apple Bowl.
tigerfan13 Wrote:You have serious issues....I am not aware of what you are talking about and if it's so important then why don't you just say it? You just like to sit and attack every Pville supporter for spinning and twisting and whatever ridiculous claims you have. Obviously you know so much about everything that goes on there...why don't you share?
No need, I think you already know , dont you?
Batpuff Wrote:We have scheduled to play Paintsville in week 1 but if we can get the windfield Wva game moved to week 1 we are suppose to play Paintsville in the Apple Bowl.

The Apple Bowl is gone. You might play on the week that that game was played, but that is not the Apple Bowl.
tigerfan13 Wrote:I don't see why it's such a big loss to JC that this game isn't being played anymore. The fact someone would say that Paintsville is chickening out? HAHA! I think several people know the reason it has finally been put to an end was due to the "festivities" JC chose to put on this year at their pep rally. Those of which were broadcast on you tube for everyone to see. A sad day in Johnson County? Yes, I think it was a sad day in Johnson County when the administration, teachers, and coaches stood by and watched their students mock and disrespect the Paintsville school system, players, students, and fans. What was also sad is the speech given by the head coach who attempted to relate JC and Paintsville as the Barbarians taking over???Can we say Code of Ethics??Who in their right mind would condone these actions and think that this is okay to treat teenage children this way? I think the Apple Bowl "used to be" a good rivalry and not just b/c Paintsville competed and won some games. It has gotten out of hand and as the administration, who's job is to protect their students, they have stepped up and done the right thing instead of standing by and watching. If this were any other school who acted this way toward their students, they would do the same thing. What's done is done....move on and I think both teams will be better off next season playing teams that benefit their season.

First of all I have a bunch of friends from PHS so I don't want to step on their toes but lets get real. Over the years both schools are guilty of some outrageous acts that are not right. To get on here and say that JC is to blame is senseless. JC has been mocked just as much as PHS. In all reality over the years PHS has probably done more to mock JC and ITS STUDENTS than in return. I am sick and tired of people getting on here and saying that the almighty blue has done nothing over the years and how bad JC has acted over the years.Rolleyes Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.:Thumbs:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:No need, I think you already know , dont you?

Man you really do have issues. Anyway...glad this is over so this will be the last thread putting these 2 programs against each other. I think both programs are heading in a good direction and hopefully the community can actually try to support each other instead of disrespect each other. Best of luck to JC next season. GO TIGERS!!
tigerfan13 Wrote:Man you really do have issues. Anyway...glad this is over so this will be the last thread putting these 2 programs against each other. I think both programs are heading in a good direction and hopefully the community can actually try to support each other instead of disrespect each other. Best of luck to JC next season. GO TIGERS!!, your welcome.

Ever need a job? James Carville is always looking for someone who can............ well.... er....ah, do what you do well.

Thanks again.
Eagle Eye Wrote:First of all I have a bunch of friends from PHS so I don't want to step on their toes but lets get real. Over the years both schools are guilty of some outrageous acts that are not right. To get on here and say that JC is to blame is senseless. JC has been mocked just as much as PHS. In all reality over the years PHS has probably done more to mock JC and ITS STUDENTS than in return. I am sick and tired of people getting on here and saying that the almighty blue has done nothing over the years and how bad JC has acted over the years.Rolleyes Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.:Thumbs:

Did I say Paintsville never did anything? Don't put words in my mouth. I simply stated what went on THIS YEAR and THIS YEAR the game was put to an end. I'm sure PHS has done some things and JC has done some things and because of that it finally came to an end b/c it's just getting out of control.
tigerfan13 Wrote:Did I say Paintsville never did anything? Don't put words in my mouth. I simply stated what went on THIS YEAR and THIS YEAR the game was put to an end. I'm sure PHS has done some things and JC has done some things and because of that it finally came to an end b/c it's just getting out of control.
Then why didn't you just say that in the first place? I think that everyone can relate to things put in those terms. You had to put your little "spin" on it .
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Thanks

The Apple Bowl is gone. You might play on the week that that game was played, but that is not the Apple Bowl.

All I know is at the end of the season this year it was still a go to play in the apple bowl...but I guess were not... oh well we still will be playing paintsville.
Mr.Kimball, your welcome.

Ever need a job? James Carville is always looking for someone who can............ well.... er....ah, do what you do well.

Thanks again.

Kimball.....answer me one more question. Why has JC's administration refused to let their feeder schools (which are comparable size to PES) play Paintsville? That's the question no one wants to answer.
tigerfan13 Wrote:Did I say Paintsville never did anything? Don't put words in my mouth. I simply stated what went on THIS YEAR and THIS YEAR the game was put to an end. I'm sure PHS has done some things and JC has done some things and because of that it finally came to an end b/c it's just getting out of control.

I did not. You simply stated that because of what JC had done then the apple bowl is no more. You never stated that PHS was guilty of anything. I have no problem with the apple bowl being over. I just have a problem with JC getting the blame for it being over.:mad:
Great!! Other than filling a spot on JC's schedule their is nothing to gain in playing an opponent that can't compete with you. The 5 years since Coach Matney has arrived the game has never been competitive. Hopefully JC can pick up a quality team to fill the void.
This is what happens. JCHS is a 5A school, Paintsville is 1A. Both are strong teams on a regular basis in their respective classes, but when you have this large of a student population difference, it is going to show.
tigerfan13 Wrote:Kimball.....answer me one more question. Why has JC's administration refused to let their feeder schools (which are comparable size to PES) play Paintsville? That's the question no one wants to answer.
Gosh , i really dont know. Is that why they quit the Apple Bowl?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Good thing she wouldn't stand for stuff like that for a second. Smile Talk about being hypocritical. Wasn't it the wife of a PHS coach that authored most of these lists? Rolleyes

Where's the "classy one" when you need someone to patrol what's going on?

Mr.Kimball, Got Money juts wants you to know its not nice picking on people, and picking on a wife of someone's isn't good. I think you should go back to school and learn some manners!!!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:My, but isn't it wonderful to have 56 different accounts where you can try to camoflauge identities.Smile Do you really think you fool anybody?

I can see why you not worried. There will be some "favorite one" now that can chip in the coffer to compensate for the lost revenue. Boy that'll be a subject for countless thousands of PMs , wont it?
You are just absolutely stupid! How many times have I told people on here what my name is where I live and so on? This is the only account I have and the only one I need. You know who I am. Are you so screwed up that you think i try to use different accounts to try and confuse people or something? Jeez, would you make a list of all the identities you think I am on here.....It would be funny as heck to see the list. I bet you just read post after post and think...."That Buck Cyrus has gone and got another account on here.....he can't fool a super sleuth loike me" Am i close??? Just wondering!!! LOL
GotMoney#1 Wrote:Mr.Kimball, Got Money jus wants you to know its not nice picking on people, and picking on a wife of someone's isnt good you might get a beat down from her husband, i think you should go back to school and learn some manners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If he really only knew the truth!!! LOL
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Really........, even when your told who your staff is going to be no matter how bad it hurts the program? That day will never come again.
Coach Kinner was not told who his staff would be. I, like you, thought that might be the case. So I asked Coach Kinner, and he told me he picked every coach. I believed him, Do you?
Eagle Eye Wrote:Take the blue binders off please!!!Rolleyes It has went both ways and you can't sit there and say it hasn't.
Man...they must really be can't recall a time where administration at PHS did or allowed anything like this... help me out.

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