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Will Anyone Be Able To Beat Shelby Valley In 15th Region?
I know that the Wildcats are big pre-season favorites to win the region. What are some teams that could possibly knock them off if any.
I don't know. One thing I do know is, anything can and usually does happen in February and March. Upsets tend to be the norm that time of year. As of now, they look to be the team to beat, or to put it in tourney language, "It's theirs' to lose."
Johnson Central might be able to make another run if the brackets fall right.
Any thing can happen in all level of play. They will be the biggest favorites in a long time, but will still have to play the games....
I dont think so, but thats why they play the games. Anything is possible.
Johnson Central would be the one team that I'm willing to pick in the pre-season to beat them, if anyone does. You NEVER know what will happen so it could be anyone in the region in a big surprise upset at some point.

i say no if they play ball.jc would be the only one that might
i say I don't think so!!!!!! But who knows????
JC is probly the only team that has a chance of beating them this year.
Any team they play can beat them. This same thing was said last season when everyone was looking forward to a Sv and Paintsville final in the All A. Same thing as against Betsy Layne in the regionals. But as long as they dont think they cant be beat they should be ok. Look over any team and upsets can happen.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
In one word No. However, like last year, injuries can derail a team. If they have the Newsome kid, I don't think they get beat in the region. A lot of basketball is to be played, but they are as big a favorite to get to Rupp as this region has had in a long time.
joethegreek Wrote:I know that the Wildcats are big pre-season favorites to win the region. What are some teams that could possibly knock them off if any.

Nobody will come close to SV this year in the 15th
Johnson Central is prolly the only team that has a legit chance.. but who knows upsets can happen on any given night
On paper, Shelby Valley shouldn't lose in the region. That's on paper. The games are played for a reason, and like someone mentioned earlier, anything can happen come February and March. But if I had to pick a team that could potentially knock of Valley it would be Johnson Central.
Anything can happen. Just ask UL, who got beat by double digits last night by
i think valley is one of the best teams thats been in the 15th for a while. but anyone can b upset.
The Betsy Layne game in the regional tourney 2 years ago should be all the reminder SV needs to remember that anything can happen. Valley was a HUGE favorite to win that game, but they struggled all night until barely pulling out a win in the end.

I do think that if SV plays well on a given night, no other regional team can beat them. If SV has an off-night, then you never know.

If Valley stays healthy and keeps their heads on straight im going to say no. I look for them to win the region this year and next.
3 teams has the players to beat them 2 teams in the 58th and JC
I say some one will upset him, but you never know. Anything can happen.
The thread title should be, "Will Anyone in the 15th Region Be Able to Keep it Within 20 Against SV?"

In all seriousness though, Pikeville, Johnson Central, Betsy Layne and Prestonsburg are capable of keeping it close but none will be able to knock off Valley.
the only team that can come close will be JC. Shelby Valley was the best team in the region last year, but they blew it. I think they go undefeted in the region this year.
Valley should win the Region easily...........But sometimes upsets happen... Personally I think Valley with their defense and addition of offseason size could...................With a favorable draw mind you, play on Saturday in Rupp. And win or lose once you get there. Isn't that what every HS BBall player in KY is dreaming of in preseason? Good luck to Valley and their fans.............Unless them and Elliott meet in the all "A", or at Rupp!
a tight box and chaser if anyone could keep up with justice could beat them in a slow down game. hatfield and justice are the difference makers on this team. imo hatfield could play small school div 1
sponci Wrote:a tight box and chaser if anyone could keep up with justice could beat them in a slow down game. hatfield and justice are the difference makers on this team. imo hatfield could play small school div 1

Why would you put the chaser on Justice? Curious.........
The only team that will beat Valley, is Valley.
You can say JC might beat them, but there is no way. Yes i agree that JC is the 2nd best team in this region, but that is not saying they are in the same league as valley. Valley is head and shoulders above everyone this year including JC. They might have one or two scares this year, but no one will knock them off. Elisha is just too tough.
JC will not beat valley....after seeing them play against dunbar i dont think any of the teams in the region have anything to worry about
It's tough to say that any team will go undefeated on their schedule. It would be hard pressed for any team in the 15th to pull the upset but a number of factors (that have already been mentioned) could do it. Injury, having an off night in general, foul trouble, anything can happen.

thats ture :Thumbs:

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