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Pikeville Football
I attended my first game in about 4-5 years last night and I have to say that every aspect of the program is WAY down.

First, the team. I believe they had around 20-25 players? Where's the pride of wearing the Maroon and White? I've heard all about the strength and conditioning that they players have gone through so I won't question that, but I also heard talk last night that the players didn't have contact in practice? I can't doubt this after the miserable tackling attempts they had all night by just diving at Hazard's feet.

Second, the atmosphere. A couple of years ago, if you went to a PHS game the stands would be packed, as well as the railing surrounding the field (especially for a regional championship game). Last night the student section consisted of what looked like 15 people? The band had 10 people? The rest of the bleachers were about 50% full? Not to mention the area between the pool and the field had what, 20 people standing? Also, the fences used to be covered in signs. There were maybe 5 or 6 up last night. The only strong part seemed the be the load of cheerleaders on the sideline.

So what has happened the the Pikeville program? I'm not talking about state championships every year (those days are behind us) but at least being a strong contender to make it to the final 4 like we did in the late 90s-mid 2000s (should be easier now then ever with 6 classes). I haven't been around the program in years so I really don't know what is going on. Was there loss of community involvement? Has something happened with the coaching staff (I know they've gone through a couple in the last few seasons)? Is the tallent just not there like it used to be?

Is this something that you think can be corrected in the next couple of years or do Panther fans have many seasons of this in the future? :confused:

Please don't turn this into a bashing thread but simply answer the questions in a mature way.
pikeville is just down..hopefully the will get players and coaches that want to get back on track,sad to say but its almost if not know time to end the pikeville/belfry series,what 7 in a row for the pirates with one close game..
UKCATS Wrote:I attended my first game in about 4-5 years last night and I have to say that every aspect of the program is WAY down.

First, the team. I believe they had around 20-25 players? Where's the pride of wearing the Maroon and White? I've heard all about the strength and conditioning that they players have gone through so I won't question that, but I also heard talk last night that the players didn't have contact in practice? I can't doubt this after the miserable tackling attempts they had all night by just diving at Hazard's feet.

Second, the atmosphere. A couple of years ago, if you went to a PHS game the stands would be packed, as well as the railing surrounding the field (especially for a regional championship game). Last night the student section consisted of what looked like 15 people? The band had 10 people? The rest of the bleachers were about 50% full? Not to mention the area between the pool and the field had what, 20 people standing? Also, the fences used to be covered in signs. There were maybe 5 or 6 up last night. The only strong part seemed the be the load of cheerleaders on the sideline.

So what has happened the the Pikeville program? I'm not talking about state championships every year (those days are behind us) but at least being a strong contender to make it to the final 4 like we did in the late 90s-mid 2000s (should be easier now then ever with 6 classes). I haven't been around the program in years so I really don't know what is going on. Was there loss of community involvement? Has something happened with the coaching staff (I know they've gone through a couple in the last few seasons)? Is the tallent just not there like it used to be?

Is this something that you think can be corrected in the next couple of years or do Panther fans have many seasons of this in the future? :confused:

Please don't turn this into a bashing thread but simply answer the questions in a mature way.
All of this is very true.
UKCATS Wrote:Was there loss of community involvement?
I'm from over in Letcher County and was shocked when I came over to watch a game between our 7th/8th grade teams. I kind of thought our coach bit off a bit more than he could chew when he schedule Pikeville but was amazed at how easily we beat your guys. I have always had the highest respect for Pikeville and have kept up with them for many years. I know the Howard family well and came over with them when Hillard was coaching over there. There was always so much excitement and pride along with support from the community and it was impressive. I think that a few down years has shocked the big money boosters and the people that used to show the most support for the team. I think you all need to call upon all those ex-players that still live int he community and try to get them involved with the booster program that I read about from one of the other posters a week or so ago and get them involved. Dig up some of that old tradition and make those people feel welcome and needed and you may get this team headed in the right direction. It was always fun for me to watch sports overtime and see that Pikeville had beaten another team that people said they were not supposed to beat. But after watching that 7th/8th grade game I think you need to focus on the feeder system first and foremost. Our team beat them by something like 50 points and you all barely had enough players to have a team, I felt bad for the kids because I don't think some of them know what kind of tradition Pikeville has. I found myself wishing our coach would pull of the dawgs and realized it was only in the 2nd qtr. That's not Pikeville football and I know you guys will get the ship back on the right track, just keep working and showing support for the program and good times will roll back around.
Pikeville has many talented players coming back for next year. If they dont produce a regional title in the next 2 or 3 yrs. they are in trouble because with the players they have someting good should come from it.
Lambert #1 Wrote:I'm from over in Letcher County and was shocked when I came over to watch a game between our 7th/8th grade teams. I kind of thought our coach bit off a bit more than he could chew when he schedule Pikeville but was amazed at how easily we beat your guys. I have always had the highest respect for Pikeville and have kept up with them for many years. I know the Howard family well and came over with them when Hillard was coaching over there. There was always so much excitement and pride along with support from the community and it was impressive. I think that a few down years has shocked the big money boosters and the people that used to show the most support for the team. I think you all need to call upon all those ex-players that still live int he community and try to get them involved with the booster program that I read about from one of the other posters a week or so ago and get them involved. Dig up some of that old tradition and make those people feel welcome and needed and you may get this team headed in the right direction. It was always fun for me to watch sports overtime and see that Pikeville had beaten another team that people said they were not supposed to beat. But after watching that 7th/8th grade game I think you need to focus on the feeder system first and foremost. Our team beat them by something like 50 points and you all barely had enough players to have a team, I felt bad for the kids because I don't think some of them know what kind of tradition Pikeville has. I found myself wishing our coach would pull of the dawgs and realized it was only in the 2nd qtr. That's not Pikeville football and I know you guys will get the ship back on the right track, just keep working and showing support for the program and good times will roll back around.

Pretty good analysis for the most part. I also wonder why they only have 15 or 16 on the 7th/8th grade team. The kids that did play, I commend them for having guts and heart. They were not loaded with talent by no means, but still toughed it out.
I would like to ask you a question, since you are from Letcher County. It seemed like your boys were all a head taller and just alot bigger than our kids, even at the skill positions. I hope you will be honest when I ask, how many holdbacks did you guys have on your squad? I happen to think it's fine to hold kids back and even let 6th graders play on the middle school team. But, at Pikeville, holding kids back is frowned upon by the administration and if you hold a kid back from fourth grade on, they can't play sports that year. At Pikeville, the administration doesn't even want 6th graders playing middle school football.
Basically if the entire community wants someone to blame. We (myself included) need to look in the mirror to find the one at fault. Our community support SUCKS! and we all should be ashamed of ourselves. I dont care if you dont think the team is gonna win or if you dont like the coaching staff or whatever the reason is. There is absolutely no excuse for our fan turnout (or lack thereof) throughout this season. Its gotta be disheartening for these kids to run out on the field and 20 people be on the home side of the stands. That is a downright DISGRACE!!! And to all you snot nose crybaby parents who say that "football isnt fun anymore at Pikeville" or "My boy just feels like its too much of a job" or the ultimate gutless cop out "We dont like the Coach" I say this. Get your little spoiled rich boys out from in front of the xbox and get them on the field where they can at least learn a little about being a man because they sure arent learning it from you! For the first time in my life Im ashamed of the Pikeville community and it has nothing to do with what happened on the field last night. I hate to use this example but I remember watching Belfry play in the mid 90s while they were down and their stands were still packed every friday night no matter how poorly the team was playing. Did you ever stop and think that maybe our boys might just play a little harder if they knew their community gave a flying crap?
Three words sum this up...economy, culture, and soccer.

Economy - All of those great players of years past haven't been able to come home and raise a family (to produce more great players) because the job market hasn't allowed it.

Culture - Kids don't grow up wanting to play football or do anything that requires physical ability because of technology and all of the laziness that it implies.

Soccer - Kids who would have been practice competiton or instrumetal substitutes have taken their abilities to this other sport that they have a more important role in. Personally, I'd rather watch paint dry than play soccer, but to kids their is something about being a "starter" that makes soccer more appealing to them.

I'm not from Pikeville, but I've seen these three things hit all area sports and it will affect all areas sooner or later. Unfortunately, the negative affect of these three things has hit the small community of Pikeville football first.
SportsKing Wrote:Pretty good analysis for the most part. I also wonder why they only have 15 or 16 on the 7th/8th grade team. The kids that did play, I commend them for having guts and heart. They were not loaded with talent by no means, but still toughed it out.
I would like to ask you a question, since you are from Letcher County. It seemed like your boys were all a head taller and just alot bigger than our kids, even at the skill positions. I hope you will be honest when I ask, how many holdbacks did you guys have on your squad? I happen to think it's fine to hold kids back and even let 6th graders play on the middle school team. But, at Pikeville, holding kids back is frowned upon by the administration and if you hold a kid back from fourth grade on, they can't play sports that year. At Pikeville, the administration doesn't even want 6th graders playing middle school football.

I will say this..if it looks frowned upon to hold kids back in this day and age at Pikeville...Then continue to keep going in the direction that you are headed because you are a head below everyone when you are now facing all kids whom are 18 and some an early 19 instead of a young 17-18. Believe it or not, that year makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD! You can't compete anymore without having a majority of the kids being held back in sports, ESPECIALLY IN FOOTBALL because of the physicality of the sport!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Basically if the entire community wants someone to blame. We (myself included) need to look in the mirror to find the one at fault. Our community support SUCKS! and we all should be ashamed of ourselves. I dont care if you dont think the team is gonna win or if you dont like the coaching staff or whatever the reason is. There is absolutely no excuse for our fan turnout (or lack thereof) throughout this season. Its gotta be disheartening for these kids to run out on the field and 20 people be on the home side of the stands. That is a downright DISGRACE!!! And to all you snot nose crybaby parents who say that "football isnt fun anymore at Pikeville" or "My boy just feels like its too much of a job" or the ultimate gutless cop out "We dont like the Coach" I say this. Get your little spoiled rich boys out from in front of the xbox and get them on the field where they can at least learn a little about being a man because they sure arent learning it from you! For the first time in my life Im ashamed of the Pikeville community and it has nothing to do with what happened on the field last night. I hate to use this example but I remember watching Belfry play in the mid 90s while they were down and their stands were still packed every friday night no matter how poorly the team was playing. Did you ever stop and think that maybe our boys might just play a little harder if they knew their community gave a flying crap?
I am sorry, but I really dont get posts like this. It isnt the community. It is the players on the field. Until the community can put on pads and take the field, it is the boy on the battleground that makes the difference. If they have a couple good years where they can make it to the semi's or finals, the fan support will be there. People tend to follow winners. They are playing threw the motions and not playing like the did in what a lot of Pikeville fans and community wants, the old days. I personally know a lot of the players on the high school championship teams or at least met them a time or two. they played with a little thing called PRIDE more than talent, even though they was in my opinion the most talented team in Eastern Kentucky history. But their hearts and pride would swallow their talent and leave it for dead on the field.

Dont blame the community, coaches, hold back rules, weather, if your helmet isnt as shiny as the other players. Put the blame where it should be, lack of heart, determination, and basically the will to go the extra step to stop someone or get that 1/2 extra yard. I know I am going to get bashed for placing the blame on the players, (kids), but the fact is, they are the one on the field. Until they get the pride back and the true desire to not only win, but distroy, Pikeville better get used to being where they are now. Myers towers is filled up, so no place to put the transfers from Texas. Almost every school in the area has turf now, so that isnt a draw in. The city boys needs to get a toughness in them that has long been gone in Pikeville football.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Bingo.

Were making Pikeville signs and going around town just sticking them on every business window we can find, see if that will put a spark in their step. They'll say the team isnt any good when 75% of the town has probably never even seen the field!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Basically if the entire community wants someone to blame. We (myself included) need to look in the mirror to find the one at fault. Our community support SUCKS! and we all should be ashamed of ourselves. I dont care if you dont think the team is gonna win or if you dont like the coaching staff or whatever the reason is. There is absolutely no excuse for our fan turnout (or lack thereof) throughout this season. Its gotta be disheartening for these kids to run out on the field and 20 people be on the home side of the stands. That is a downright DISGRACE!!! And to all you snot nose crybaby parents who say that "football isnt fun anymore at Pikeville" or "My boy just feels like its too much of a job" or the ultimate gutless cop out "We dont like the Coach" I say this. Get your little spoiled rich boys out from in front of the xbox and get them on the field where they can at least learn a little about being a man because they sure arent learning it from you! For the first time in my life Im ashamed of the Pikeville community and it has nothing to do with what happened on the field last night. I hate to use this example but I remember watching Belfry play in the mid 90s while they were down and their stands were still packed every friday night no matter how poorly the team was playing. Did you ever stop and think that maybe our boys might just play a little harder if they knew their community gave a flying crap?

Amen and Amen.

Theres too many kids who just don't want to play sports these days. Your exactly right, they all just sit at home playing xbox live and take a food break in between after school everyday. Yes I have heard from some players that they dont like the coach as a coach but as a man he's great. I was also told that Hillard Howard is probably stepping back in. AKA the man who got the program so great but worked you like a mule. Which means players quit
It all starts with the head coach. I.M.O. Pikeville has not been the same since Hillard left.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Basically if the entire community wants someone to blame. We (myself included) need to look in the mirror to find the one at fault. Our community support SUCKS! and we all should be ashamed of ourselves. I dont care if you dont think the team is gonna win or if you dont like the coaching staff or whatever the reason is. There is absolutely no excuse for our fan turnout (or lack thereof) throughout this season. Its gotta be disheartening for these kids to run out on the field and 20 people be on the home side of the stands. That is a downright DISGRACE!!! And to all you snot nose crybaby parents who say that "football isnt fun anymore at Pikeville" or "My boy just feels like its too much of a job" or the ultimate gutless cop out "We dont like the Coach" I say this. Get your little spoiled rich boys out from in front of the xbox and get them on the field where they can at least learn a little about being a man because they sure arent learning it from you! For the first time in my life Im ashamed of the Pikeville community and it has nothing to do with what happened on the field last night. I hate to use this example but I remember watching Belfry play in the mid 90s while they were down and their stands were still packed every friday night no matter how poorly the team was playing. Did you ever stop and think that maybe our boys might just play a little harder if they knew their community gave a flying crap?
:Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
Finally someone said it. I think everyone at Pikeville thinks complaining about something automatically makes their team better. If this is what makes a team better then Pikeville would have 8 or 9 state championships. I think this program has been on a steady decline since coach Macnamee got booted out. I think Pikeville needs to just get behind their team and give it a chance to develop. I think the Panthers really over achieved this year to get 7 wins. Maybe Pikeville doesn't need to schedule the Lex Cath's and Corbin's for a few years until they get their program back up. I honestly think if the players and the community will buy into the system for two or three more years then they will be rewarded.
If...Then Wrote:Amen and Amen.

Theres too many kids who just don't want to play sports these days. Your exactly right, they all just sit at home playing xbox live and take a food break in between after school everyday. Yes I have heard from some players that they dont like the coach as a coach but as a man he's great. I was also told that Hillard Howard is probably stepping back in. AKA the man who got the program so great but worked you like a mule. Which means players quit

It's too easy for players too quit theses days. The going gets tough, a little adversity, you push them to get better, players quit. If a coach is pushing you he obviously sees you can or have the potential to be a football player. If a coach don't push you to give 100% every day then he shouldn't be coaching because he is not doing his job and he is cheating that player and the entire team.
UKCATS Wrote:I attended my first game in about 4-5 years last night and I have to say that every aspect of the program is WAY down.
No offense, but your first statement says it all. You yourself stated you haven't attended a game in a long time. These kids notice this. This is one of the factors JMHO
Warlock Wrote:I am sorry, but I really dont get posts like this. It isnt the community. It is the players on the field. Until the community can put on pads and take the field, it is the boy on the battleground that makes the difference. If they have a couple good years where they can make it to the semi's or finals, the fan support will be there. People tend to follow winners. They are playing threw the motions and not playing like the did in what a lot of Pikeville fans and community wants, the old days. I personally know a lot of the players on the high school championship teams or at least met them a time or two. they played with a little thing called PRIDE more than talent, even though they was in my opinion the most talented team in Eastern Kentucky history. But their hearts and pride would swallow their talent and leave it for dead on the field.

Dont blame the community, coaches, hold back rules, weather, if your helmet isnt as shiny as the other players. Put the blame where it should be, lack of heart, determination, and basically the will to go the extra step to stop someone or get that 1/2 extra yard. I know I am going to get bashed for placing the blame on the players, (kids), but the fact is, they are the one on the field. Until they get the pride back and the true desire to not only win, but distroy, Pikeville better get used to being where they are now. Myers towers is filled up, so no place to put the transfers from Texas. Almost every school in the area has turf now, so that isnt a draw in. The city boys needs to get a toughness in them that has long been gone in Pikeville football.

It is obvious you do not know any of these boys and the hard work they put in this year leadership is what we are lacking and for your information most of the boys are not city boys
The point about laziness and technology (READ: X-Box) is well stated. That appears to be a problem almost everywhere. Why is it that some programs have been able to overcome this? How many kids does Belfry field? I know at other nearby schools like Prestonsburg, the numbers have been in decline for years, community support is way down (stands are never even crowded, let alone packed), and the future is beginning to look bleak. How is it that programs like Belfry, Johnson Central, etc are able (at least to the outsider) to overcome this? The easy answer is "It's the coach", but I'm not so sure that is accurate. Another easy answer is that larger schools have a larger pool to draw players from, and that is also true, but it seems like even some bigger programs are really struggling with this issue. Yes, kids are different now, and times have changed, but it seems like you only hear that line from programs that are having problems with the above points. Is it overwork during practices? It is spring practice? Is is the fact that football now is a year round sport? Don't get me wrong...there is absolutely no substitute for hard work, but if hard work were the only answer, Jack Hall would have ruled the state back several decades ago with his infamously brutal practices.

I know the sport has changed since my playing days decades ago, but it seems like some changes are NOT for the better.

The original poster brought up a great point for discussion that not only applies to Pikeville and other local schools, but also state and dare I say it, nation wide.

The obvious $64 dollar question is how do you fix this problem? If it is truly just a "kids are different" issue, then I guess we are witnessing the downfall of competetive sports at smaller schools, since the pool of kids to draw from that are willing to put in the effort to succeed will continue to decrease over time until there is not enough to field a team. If it is a coaching issue, how can you fix that problem if a program continues to win year in and year out with decreasing numbers and diminishing community support? Is the true measure of success in a high school football program simply how far they advance in the playoffs? Can anyone remember a coach who was fired after going 10-2 or 9-3 just because they began to see a decrease in numbers or community support?

These are all interesting questions that I can't wait to hear some other opinions on.
buster Wrote:It is obvious you do not know any of these boys and the hard work they put in this year leadership is what we are lacking and for your information most of the boys are not city boys
Are you saying that other teams are not working hard also? Working hard in the off season just gets you in shape for the game. Working hard in the off season doest give you enough heart to win games when the talent is pretty much even. It doesnt give you pride in what you do. The teams of old that people want to refer to when Pikeville Football was mentioned had more heart in their little finger than this whole team shows except for one or two players.

And yes, I know most of the boys are not city boys, that is why I made the remark about Myers Towers being full.
EastKyMiner Wrote::Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
Finally someone said it. I think everyone at Pikeville thinks complaining about something automatically makes their team better. If this is what makes a team better then Pikeville would have 8 or 9 state championships. I think this program has been on a steady decline since coach Macnamee got booted out. I think Pikeville needs to just get behind their team and give it a chance to develop. I think the Panthers really over achieved this year to get 7 wins. Maybe Pikeville doesn't need to schedule the Lex Cath's and Corbin's for a few years until they get their program back up. I honestly think if the players and the community will buy into the system for two or three more years then they will be rewarded.


Allen Central (awful)
Betsy Layne (horrible)
South Floyd (pitiful)
Phelps (terrible)
Paintsville (abysmal)
Jenkins (laughable)
Harlan (atrocious)

Who did they over-achieve to beat? It's thinking like this that keeps the program down. This season was a disaster any way you slice it.
it looks like every one is blaming someone. i havent seen anyone step up and take the blame. its always next year. next year has been going on for a few years. find a way to fix the problem and quit griping about it. the ones at the top need to step up and remedy this. they get paid, they better learn how to win. thats what people look at in the long run. theres a lot of good guys being fired for not doing this. next year pikeville will have about the same record or worse. they lose a lot.
Warlock Wrote:Are you saying that other teams are not working hard also? Working hard in the off season just gets you in shape for the game. Working hard in the off season doest give you enough heart to win games when the talent is pretty much even. It doesnt give you pride in what you do. The teams of old that people want to refer to when Pikeville Football was mentioned had more heart in their little finger than this whole team shows except for one or two players.

And yes, I know most of the boys are not city boys, that is why I made the remark about Myers Towers being full.

Heart comes from winning and encouragment from your peers the JV team had no problem beating Belfry at Belfry played Johnson Central to the very end lost buy less than a touchdown so what you are saying is these teams have no heart. It is the coaching staffs job to moviate players
jetpilot Wrote:Smile

Allen Central (awful)
Betsy Layne (horrible)
South Floyd (pitiful)
Phelps (terrible)
Paintsville (abysmal)
Jenkins (laughable)
Harlan (atrocious)

Who did they over-achieve to beat? It's thinking like this that keeps the program down. This season was a disaster any way you slice it.
Let me clear myself on that. They won every game they should've. Did you or anyone else honestly think they were going to beat Lex Cath, Belfry, P-Burg, or Corbin?
Warlock Wrote:I am sorry, but I really dont get posts like this. It isnt the community. It is the players on the field. Until the community can put on pads and take the field, it is the boy on the battleground that makes the difference. If they have a couple good years where they can make it to the semi's or finals, the fan support will be there. People tend to follow winners. They are playing threw the motions and not playing like the did in what a lot of Pikeville fans and community wants, the old days. I personally know a lot of the players on the high school championship teams or at least met them a time or two. they played with a little thing called PRIDE more than talent, even though they was in my opinion the most talented team in Eastern Kentucky history. But their hearts and pride would swallow their talent and leave it for dead on the field.

Dont blame the community, coaches, hold back rules, weather, if your helmet isnt as shiny as the other players. Put the blame where it should be, lack of heart, determination, and basically the will to go the extra step to stop someone or get that 1/2 extra yard. I know I am going to get bashed for placing the blame on the players, (kids), but the fact is, they are the one on the field. Until they get the pride back and the true desire to not only win, but distroy, Pikeville better get used to being where they are now. Myers towers is filled up, so no place to put the transfers from Texas. Almost every school in the area has turf now, so that isnt a draw in. The city boys needs to get a toughness in them that has long been gone in Pikeville football.
Ok so 50 people showing up to a home game isnt the communities fault? Ok then whose fault is it? I guess its a bunch of 15-18 year old kids faults that the ADULTS are acting like a bunch of babies and powting because the football team isnt undefeated? Dont get me wrong Im not leaving the kids completely blameless in this. They still made the commitment to play and do their job and I didnt see that out there friday night from most of them. But its all reciprocal if you think about it. If the majority of the community acts like they could care less then how do you expect the kids who look to us as a community for guidance to act? These arent 27 year old NFL players who are paid to do a job, children immulate what they see. Even the teenage ones.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Ok so 50 people showing up to a home game isnt the communities fault? Ok then whose fault is it? I guess its a bunch of 15-18 year old kids faults that the ADULTS are acting like a bunch of babies and powting because the football team isnt undefeated? Dont get me wrong Im not leaving the kids completely blameless in this. They still made the commitment to play and do their job and I didnt see that out there friday night from most of them. But its all reciprocal if you think about it. If the majority of the community acts like they could care less then how do you expect the kids who look to us as a community for guidance to act? These arent 27 year old NFL players who are paid to do a job, children immulate what they see. Even the teenage ones.
You just dont get it. It is the communites fault that only 50 people are showing up for games. It isnt the communities fault that they are preforming the way they are. If they had the heart of the teams gone bye, they wouldnt care how many people was in the stands. Do you think if any one of the state championship teams was to talke the field and lets say only 18 people was there they would have lost? I dont think so. I dont think from watching them play they give a dang if anyone was there. It doesnt matter if there are only 1 person watching, or 5,000 people there crammed in like sardines. Until the players start playing with pride, and want to compete and dominate the 11 other players on the field. I dont see much changing.

It sounds like basically to me you are saying they are in a down time for the school because not enough people are watching the game?
jetpilot Wrote:Smile

Allen Central (awful)
Betsy Layne (horrible)
South Floyd (pitiful)
Phelps (terrible)
Paintsville (abysmal)
Jenkins (laughable)
Harlan (atrocious)

Who did they over-achieve to beat? It's thinking like this that keeps the program down. This season was a disaster any way you slice it.

So your saying that you feel like Pikeville should have beaten Hazard Friday night.
Crossbones Wrote:No offense, but your first statement says it all. You yourself stated you haven't attended a game in a long time. These kids notice this. This is one of the factors JMHO
Sorry I have been out of the state for the last couple of years and only make it in for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Last team I can remember watching play on Thanksgiving weekend was the 2004 team I believe (back when the State Semis were being held). I don't think the lack of support is because the whole town has moved away.
sportsman Wrote:it looks like every one is blaming someone. i havent seen anyone step up and take the blame. its always next year. next year has been going on for a few years. find a way to fix the problem and quit griping about it. the ones at the top need to step up and remedy this. they get paid, they better learn how to win. thats what people look at in the long run. theres a lot of good guys being fired for not doing this. next year pikeville will have about the same record or worse. they lose a lot.

I have to disagree with you. Pikeville should be better next year, they only lose one lineman on each side of the ball. Losing Harmon will hurt of course, but overall their backfield should be better. The void at the corner position left by Harmon will hurt more. They lose the threat of having Baker, but Taylor Ratliff and Gatlin Clark should be able to fill those shoes.
buster Wrote:Heart comes from winning and encouragment from your peers the JV team had no problem beating Belfry at Belfry played Johnson Central to the very end lost buy less than a touchdown so what you are saying is these teams have no heart. It is the coaching staffs job to moviate players

-Pikeville has a very promising young group of kids on the High School team.
-They have started their Little League program in the right direction this year.
-They have alot of very good athletes in 3rd -6th grades coming through, especially football players.

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