11-30-2008, 12:45 AM
Protect_This_House26 Wrote:FYI, David Hawkins worked his *** off. There wasn't a practice or a minute that this kid didn't work his *** off. He was one of the hardest working players if not the hardest working. To say that he didn't work hard is stupid!! He was always talking about how hard he practiced and how much he put into it.
If you are a hard worker, believe me, people will notice. You won't have to always "talk" about what a hard worker you are.....IT WILL SHOW. Makes me think of how leary I am of people who tell me what a fine Christian they are. You know the type. My opinion is...if you are a Christian, it will show and there's no need to announce it. It's kinda the same thing, IMO. :AngelPray
11-30-2008, 12:52 AM
KYHeavyLifter Wrote:If you are a hard worker, believe me, people will notice. You won't have to always "talk" about what a hard worker you are.....IT WILL SHOW. Makes me think of how leary I am of people who tell me what a fine Christian they are. You know the type. My opinion is...if you are a Christian, it will show and there's no need to announce it. It's kinda the same thing, IMO. :AngelPray
Well whenever someone would talk to him after a practice, he was wore out. He could barely do anything from how hard he worked.
11-30-2008, 12:54 AM
blitz43 Wrote:Many of the posters on this board know these guys personally. You should probably get their side of the story before all this speculation. You should also try and get Coach halls side too. I doubt we'll ever know the real reason.
I quit my Sr. season of basketball at Gilbert, WV. It was the 1st time I ever quit anything. It was a huge mistake. I went to Coach Smith & apologized & the team also. When I quit, that left our team at 7 players. He let me back on the team, after a lot of running. In the end, I learned that the Coach had the betterment of the team in mind. The team was bigger than just me or my playing time. Once I got back on the team, I learned where my place was and the season ended up being a pretty good one. I wish them the best of luck!
Good for your coach for making you run ALOT. He probably just let you back on because he felt you had learned a lesson...and he needed another player on the team. But, regardless, it was important that you learned a lesson from it. The point is, these boys quit pretty often and then are allowed to return. And you know it's true with football, too. They have gotten away with it too many times and it not only sets a bad example for younger players, it is only hurting them because they are not going to be able to deal with consequences later in life. :lame:
11-30-2008, 01:01 AM
bluegrassballa Wrote:Agreed. Crowe and Hawkins were a big part of this team. And without them, they will have a tough time winning. Hawkins and Crowe both love the game of basketball. They would never quit without a good reason.
Are you kidding me? You'd think you would be a bit more knowledgable about this seeing how many penalty calls you guys had because of Crowe's mouth. :confused:
11-30-2008, 01:06 AM
BAMA#1 Wrote:Its because coach hall doesnt know what the HE11 hes doing and cant coach, but thats only what ive heard...
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. You boys have alot to learn about life in the real world. I hope you soon realize why they were wrong for quitting and what the coach was probably trying to teach them.
11-30-2008, 01:06 AM
history in da makin1 Wrote:yea i heard brian hall was a crappy coach and that had a big part in all of it...its not the last time you will see these two though...hawk will play at a small college and crowe already has football offers
Crowe better learn how to be coached before he thinks of playing college ball.
11-30-2008, 01:09 AM
KYHeavyLifter Wrote:Are you kidding me? You'd think you would be a bit more knowledgable about this seeing how many penalty calls you guys had because of Crowe's mouth. :confused:
What? From what I saw, his mouth didn't get us no penalties.
11-30-2008, 01:28 AM
Protect_This_House26 Wrote:What? From what I saw, his mouth didn't get us no penalties.
Were you napping during the games? :lmao:
11-30-2008, 02:28 PM
If I recall...Livelys first year as coach, Powell went down Shelby Valley and played a SCRIMMAGE!!! They got butts handed to them, and the "best" players didnt play the whole game, but did anyone quit...NO. Powell ended up winning the 56th district and having a pretty decent season, and they did with a totally new style of play. So before you go blaming the coach, you might wanna think twice.
11-30-2008, 02:30 PM
As a matter of fact i think powell got beat by about 40 points...
11-30-2008, 11:56 PM
courtdog Wrote:Were did all the fans go? I know Powell Co and the fans will be there pulling there team on.
Well i kno me and my bros won't! B/c we will be where ever Crowe and Hawkins are pulling them on and their NEW team!
11-30-2008, 11:58 PM
Good4Three Wrote:If I recall...Livelys first year as coach, Powell went down Shelby Valley and played a SCRIMMAGE!!! They got butts handed to them, and the "best" players didnt play the whole game, but did anyone quit...NO. Powell ended up winning the 56th district and having a pretty decent season, and they did with a totally new style of play. So before you go blaming the coach, you might wanna think twice.
Well the players actually like Lively.
11-30-2008, 11:59 PM
KYHeavyLifter Wrote:Were you napping during the games? :lmao:
Lol no. But I couldn't watch it due to the fact we was getting beat!!
12-01-2008, 12:02 AM
Protect_This_House26 Wrote:Well the players actually like Lively.
True that, he was actually sane.
12-01-2008, 11:21 AM
bobcat034 Wrote:all i no is.... its not hall he's a great guy and coach... they just didnt respect him... they talked bout him behind his back all the time.... this is the best thing that could happen 2 powell.... they also made creech play like****.... they picked on him in the loocker room... and plus they still have Arvin, Rice and conley... there good big men down low.... and Arvin can step out and hit three's... he's the best player now... so he's got 2 step it up.....
Arvin is still not their best player. Rice and Conley both are much better players down low then Arvin. I hate to say it but its going to be a long year for Powell.
12-01-2008, 11:28 AM
courtdog Wrote:Very well said . me me me is what has hurt Powell for years.
Hawk isnt a me me person, an if u knew him than you wouldnt say that bs, an Crowe isnt eather. They arnt the only ones who doesnt like the way powells new coach runs the team.
12-01-2008, 11:36 AM
courtdog Wrote:Very well said . me me me is what has hurt Powell for years.
When was ME ME ME hurting Powell? Powell has had two succesful seasons the last two years under Coach Lively. Both of those teams worked very hard together and their was no ME.
12-01-2008, 11:49 AM
well both crowe and hawkins will play against powell this year. Crowe moved to Estill an hawkins is going to Wolfe. I do know crowe will be released to play before december 12th.
12-01-2008, 12:08 PM
GO Engineers and Wolves!
12-01-2008, 12:12 PM
BAMA#1 Wrote:Hawk isnt a me me person, an if u knew him than you wouldnt say that bs, an Crowe isnt eather. They arnt the only ones who doesnt like the way powells new coach runs the team.
True that man, i could make a list of people who do not like the way Coach Hall is coaching.
12-01-2008, 05:09 PM
Canttopthis Wrote:well both crowe and hawkins will play against powell this year. Crowe moved to Estill an hawkins is going to Wolfe. I do know crowe will be released to play before december 12th.How do you KNOW this?
12-01-2008, 05:26 PM
Canttopthis Wrote:well both crowe and hawkins will play against powell this year. Crowe moved to Estill an hawkins is going to Wolfe. I do know crowe will be released to play before december 12th.
neither will end up eligible.. i just hope they know that... both coach creech and coach tiller will say nething to get players to play on their side... i know that for a fact..and from wat has happened in the last yr or so everyone in this region has had to sit out a whole yr no matter who they are.... but we will just to have to wait and see i hope that they can play bc id sure like to have yrs left to play high school basketball and both players really need to learn now b4 they even think about college sports... its not as easy as they may think trust me...

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