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This is a Shame..

There's no sale worth someone's life. Sad.
People act stupid on Black Friday. I mean STUPID!!!!!
I heard a woman died at Paintsville's Wal*Mart. Was this just a rumor?
Wouldn't doubt it. They are crazy there every Black Friday.
Its so sad that some people would put catching a bargain higher up than someone's safety. Idiots. I hope those people think of how petty their presents are while another family is mourning one of their own because of it.
That is ridiculous. "At least four other people, including a woman eight months pregnant, were taken to hospitals for observation or minor injuries" was also in the article, so let's hope everyone including the unborn child is okay. Definitely an unnecessary tragedy.

That is horrible!
Here's the link to another Black Friday tragedy...,2933,458890,00.html
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**


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