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Test in football
blackcatfan4life Wrote:Great job QQ. I love it.

thanks Blkf thumpsup.g
torQQue Wrote:Yes Bat.. I would appreciate it..

Then set it up thumpsup.g
Bat Masterson Wrote:Then set it up thumpsup.g

Woo welcome BAT another great mod member.......
Man I love this site. So much easier on my eyes. I can get used to this.
its gonna to be a slow friday. .Looks like some people still having trouble loggin in
Yea, it took me forever seems like but after i figured it out, we worked together and changed alot of things
I didn't have a problem at all. I wizzed right through it. Lucky for me. Smile
yeai was confused at 1st how to get my Pms and stuff and my avatar and change the time simple things
I'm trying to find me a good avatar. Any help would be great.
Mr Torqque, I would be willing to help out.
I'm sure QQ would be very excited to have some help. He has a lot on his shoulders right now and any help is greatly appreciated. We here at BGR's really appreciate your attempt Willie. And also welcome to the site. We're glad to have ya aboard.
I havent been on here in a while and it looks different. Something to get used to...So where is everyone's avatar. This is my test to see if mine works Smile
crap..doesnt work..I guess I'll have to ask the guy sitting beside of
and he replied..told me I needed to check it in my user profile to view avatar. So those of you who do not see any avatars:

Go to your user CP then options then go to the bottom and check them to view avatars, images, signatures...
Nice avatar BGG. Wow whoever gets the privilage of sitting next to the girl in the avatar is one lucky cat. Smile
blackcatfan4life Wrote:Nice avatar BGG. Wow whoever gets the privilage of sitting next to the girl in the avatar is one lucky cat. Smile
shh.gif rockon.gif
blackcatfan4life Wrote:Nice avatar BGG. Wow whoever gets the privilage of sitting next to the girl in the avatar is one lucky cat. Smile

Too bad he thinks its more of a "chore" than a priviledge... lol....Smile
I HIGHLY doubt that BGG...
This is hard to get used to...........
Its not showing my avatar....hmmm
BelfryPride Wrote:Its not showing my avatar....hmmm
Yes it is, you need to go to User CP then your options and check that you want to see avatars, images, and signatures.
yeah..i see it BP...

BGG..wheres QQ?...he better not be sleepin again
no he's not sleeping. We are getting ready to leave.
LOL. How could he think of you as a chore. I would think more a necessity (sp?). Smile
BCF4L !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Boy !!!!! Where have ya been buddy.......I missed ya
I see them now amanda....Thanks
BelfryPride Wrote:BCF4L !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Boy !!!!! Where have ya been buddy.......I missed ya
Hiding out in the wood works. I'm a busy cat now. They've got me working football games, festivals, weekends, weekdays, etc. I'm a busy little beaver.
theQuru Wrote:i felt the board needed some type of RU.. LMAO

so meet my alter ego.. theQuru..
Give QQ a few days to figure everything out...this move is for the best and is going to make the site even more better....I love it QQ...GOOD WORK BRO!!

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