01-14-2005, 06:07 AM
Shes young, shes good and has a rotten attitude. Lets hear some opinions about Haley Ratliff from Pike Central
01-14-2005, 06:10 AM
"BrickHouse" Wrote:Shes young, shes good and has a rotten attitude. Lets hear some opinions about Haley Ratcliff from Pike CentralNo matter what her attitude is, shes a player
01-14-2005, 06:11 AM
Yea..she is good
01-14-2005, 06:25 AM
Yeah, shes good i'll give her that, but I think she'd be twice as good if she got rid of her attitude problem
01-14-2005, 12:11 PM
She does have a attitude problem, and thats because she knows that she's good.
01-14-2005, 12:20 PM
"BallaBaby" Wrote:She does have a attitude problem, and thats because she knows that she's good.
Isn't that the truth smiley_59:
01-14-2005, 04:17 PM
"15thRegionCrazy" Wrote:"BallaBaby" Wrote:She does have a attitude problem, and thats because she knows that she's good.
Isn't that the truth smiley_59:
:lol: Sure is :lol:
01-14-2005, 11:43 PM
She's good, and she's still in high school. So naturally she is probably going to have some kind of attitude problem. Most high school stars do.
01-15-2005, 02:11 AM
"crazytaxidriver" Wrote:She's good, and she's still in high school. So naturally she is probably going to have some kind of attitude problem. Most high school stars do.
01-15-2005, 02:59 AM
High School Star???? She is good but not the best. I mean if I played and took 100 shots a game I have to at least make 25 of them right? And everyone is right she does have a attitude problem and personally most colleges dont look for that attitude they look for a ball player. So she need to get rid of the attitude before she leaves or she wont be goin no where....and its not pike cenral .....its THE HALEY SHOW!!! Who else scores?????HAHAHA
01-15-2005, 03:07 AM
"blhsballers`" Wrote:High School Star???? She is good but not the best. I mean if I played and took 100 shots a game I have to at least make 25 of them right? And everyone is right she does have a attitude problem and personally most colleges dont look for that attitude they look for a ball player. So she need to get rid of the attitude before she leaves or she wont be goin no where....and its not pike cenral .....its THE HALEY SHOW!!! Who else scores?????HAHAHA
You are wrong.............. schools and college coaches look at a players attitude.
01-15-2005, 04:00 AM
"blhsballers`" Wrote:High School Star???? She is good but not the best. I mean if I played and took 100 shots a game I have to at least make 25 of them right? And everyone is right she does have a attitude problem and personally most colleges dont look for that attitude they look for a ball player. So she need to get rid of the attitude before she leaves or she wont be goin no where....and its not pike cenral .....its THE HALEY SHOW!!! Who else scores?????HAHAHAI AGREE
01-15-2005, 04:04 AM
"blhsballers`" Wrote:High School Star???? She is good but not the best. I mean if I played and took 100 shots a game I have to at least make 25 of them right? And everyone is right she does have a attitude problem and personally most colleges dont look for that attitude they look for a ball player. So she need to get rid of the attitude before she leaves or she wont be goin no where....and its not pike cenral .....its THE HALEY SHOW!!! Who else scores?????HAHAHA
A high school star usually is the person who takes a million shots and scores 35 pts a game or whatever. They are the star because they have the point avg. Don't get me wrong there are some players who do have a good shot percentage, and still score a bunch. But in most cases, you get press by scoring, and you score by taking a lot of shots.
01-15-2005, 09:11 PM
And in college do u think they will recruit someone who is scoring 50 points a game and no one else scores and the shooting perecentage is like 25 or someone who has a shooting percentage of 50 and scoring 50 points a game and everyone else helps....like I said shes blew way out of proportion she needs an attitude adjustment....looks like the haley show didnt work at state last year....even tho they did beat us!!!!
01-16-2005, 12:44 AM
Haley is a player, But she has a attitude
01-16-2005, 01:21 AM
"blhsballers`" Wrote:Yeah colleges look for players with good attitudes not look at me im a bas ass attitude. And in college do u think they will recruit someone who is scoring 50 points a game and no one else scores and the shooting perecentage is like 25 or someone who has a shooting percentage of 50 and scoring 50 points a game and everyone else helps....like I said shes blew way out of proportion she needs an attitude adjustment....looks like the haley show didnt work at state last year....even tho they did beat us!!!!
SHE is the reason they beat BL in regionals last year!
Colleges wont recruit people who can't spell!
01-16-2005, 01:25 AM
5. There is no grammer rule except if its not legible a mod will remove the post...
01-16-2005, 02:40 AM
i don't care what anyone says...an attitude IS and will ALWAYS be a problem...it doesn't matter if you are good or not. nobody likes anyone with an attitude.
01-16-2005, 05:17 AM
An attitude is a problem, but she's still a good basketball player!
01-16-2005, 02:54 PM
when people get in a hurry they mispell a few things but i wont mispell this.... idiot!!!
01-16-2005, 02:58 PM
"blhsballers`" Wrote:when people get in a hurry they mispell a few things but i wont mispell this.... idiot!!!
Who are you calling an idiot?? And BTW it is misspell not mispell
01-16-2005, 04:12 PM
There is no room for an attitude in a collegiate atmosphere, but then again everyone from here goes to Alice Lloyd, Coastal Carolina, or Pikeville College. Let some of these gals try it at a D-I school.
Posted Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:20 pm:
My bad, Coastal is a D-I school..but then again how many players from this region actually make it there?
Posted Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:20 pm:
My bad, Coastal is a D-I school..but then again how many players from this region actually make it there?
01-16-2005, 06:12 PM
"15thRegionCrazy" Wrote:"blhsballers`" Wrote:when people get in a hurry they mispell a few things but i wont mispell this.... idiot!!!
Who are you calling an idiot?? And BTW it is misspell not mispell

Posted Mon Jan 17, 2005 2:17 am:
"blhsballers`" Wrote:when people get in a hurry they mispell a few things but i wont mispell this.... idiot!!!
Are you talking to yourself?
01-16-2005, 08:24 PM
I dont think the attitude matters. She is one hell of a basketball player. She knows that she is good. She is the leader of that team.
01-16-2005, 11:52 PM
"Daddy" Wrote:I dont think the attitude matters. She is one hell of a basketball player. She knows that she is good. She is the leader of that team.
I agree!!!
01-17-2005, 08:38 PM
"blhsballers`" Wrote:And in college do u think they will recruit someone who is scoring 50 points a game and no one else scores and the shooting perecentage is like 25 or someone who has a shooting percentage of 50 and scoring 50 points a game and everyone else helps....like I said shes blew way out of proportion she needs an attitude adjustment....looks like the haley show didnt work at state last year....even tho they did beat us!!!!
I think the answer to that would be obvious. And I know you are probably exagerating sp? a little, because if someone did that good I would think they would be D-1 material. But I see what you are saying, however, if someone is scoring 50 shooting at 25% then they are obviously not shooting well, however they are getting the job done. Now my question is what are the other teammates doing while this one person is shooting. Are they giving her the ball because they can't shoot any better, or is it because they feel more comfortable when she has the ball.
01-17-2005, 08:41 PM
"crazytaxidriver" Wrote:A high school star usually is the person who takes a million shots and scores 35 pts a game or whatever. They are the star because they have the point avg. Don't get me wrong there are some players who do have a good shot percentage, and still score a bunch. But in most cases, you get press by scoring, and you score by taking a lot of shots.
01-20-2005, 03:35 AM
I hate to tell you but there are plenty of Division 1 players that have serious attitudes. She's not playing basketball to make friends, she plays to win, something she's done so far in her career. Most may not like her, but fact is she gets it done, and nobody seemingly can stop her. And as far as her taking a million shots. If that's what it takes to win. Nobody said it had to be done a certain way. Take Becky Thomas, she shoots it alot, she gets all her points under the goal. Its definately not pretty, but fact is she gets it done. If one team shoots 100 shots and makes 25 and the opposing team shoots 26 shots and makes 24, it doesnt matter if they have a higher shooting percentage or not the team that makes 24 shots loses. Quit hatin on her.
01-20-2005, 03:39 AM
"gish" Wrote:I hate to tell you but there are plenty of Division 1 players that have serious attitudes. She's not playing basketball to make friends, she plays to win, something she's done so far in her career. Most may not like her, but fact is she gets it done, and nobody seemingly can stop her. And as far as her taking a million shots. If that's what it takes to win. Nobody said it had to be done a certain way. Take Becky Thomas, she shoots it alot, she gets all her points under the goal. Its definately not pretty, but fact is she gets it done. If one team shoots 100 shots and makes 25 and the opposing team shoots 26 shots and makes 24, it doesnt matter if they have a higher shooting percentage or not the team that makes 24 shots loses. Quit hatin on her.PDT_002
01-20-2005, 09:19 AM
"Basketballer" Wrote:"BrickHouse" Wrote:Shes young, shes good and has a rotten attitude. Lets hear some opinions about Haley Ratcliff from Pike CentralNo matter what her attitude is, shes a player
I beg the differ Basketballer, Seth Kiser is a baller too and look what his attitude got him, kicked off the team.
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