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Obama to create 2.5 million jobs and rebuild America by 2011!
This is why we elected this guy!
Sounds good, and I'll admit if I was wrong and he fixes the situation.

My only question is, what happens when all the roads and everything get rebuilt? What happens to all the jobs that were created for that purpose?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Well, with what he has planned, it don't seem like we will have to worry about that for awhile. I really hope that this does come to light and hopefully, this will quieten some of the "nay-sayers".

As with any new President, or any politician for that matter, we can only hope that they are able to do what they say they are going to do. So, for the sake of our country, let's keep our fingers crossed and keep America close to our hearts!!!
BFritz Wrote:Sounds good, and I'll admit if I was wrong and he fixes the situation.

My only question is, what happens when all the roads and everything get rebuilt? What happens to all the jobs that were created for that purpose?
They have to be maintained silly.
Well America cant wait 2 and 1/2 years to get rebuilt
If...Then Wrote:Well America cant wait 2 and 1/2 years to get rebuilt

LOL....what's 2 - 2 1/2 compared to the 8 years that we've just went throught??? Wink
About all I see is an outline of a plan, Obama even admits that they are still working out the details, (like where the money is coming from), and why will it take 2 years to even see these jobs, sounds like to me he already just trying to buy time.
Old School Wrote:About all I see is an outline of a plan, Obama even admits that they are still working out the details, (like where the money is coming from), and why will it take 2 years to even see these jobs, sounds like to me he already just trying to buy time.

Well, you have to start with a plan....and for Pete's sake....the man's not even if office yet....sure don't see our current administration trying to do anything!!!!!
cheerdad Wrote:Well, you have to start with a plan....and for Pete's sake....the man's not even if office yet....sure don't see our current administration trying to do anything!!!!!

They have keep you free and safe does that not mean anything? So your freedom means nothing to you? I bet you have 2 cars or more and has never missed a meal. I'm not sure will be able to say that in 2 years.
cheerdad Wrote:LOL....what's 2 - 2 1/2 compared to the 8 years that we've just went throught??? Wink

True anything is better than that.

Well the only way he can get the money is raise taxes. Yet he is convincing America that he is cutting them
cheerdad Wrote:Well, you have to start with a plan....and for Pete's sake....the man's not even if office yet....sure don't see our current administration trying to do anything!!!!!

He's been preaching he has a plan for a year and a half now, I for one would have thought he would have had the details worked out by now. This should have been finalized 4 or 5 months ago.
courtdog Wrote:They have keep you free and safe does that not mean anything? So your freedom means nothing to you? I bet you have 2 cars or more and has never missed a meal. I'm not sure will be able to say that in 2 years.

DevilsWin Wrote:They have to be maintained silly.
But how much work time and how many of the initial workers will be required to do that?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:But how much work time and how many of the initial workers will be required to do that?
Do you really think that anyone knows that already?

Come on!

Thank God none of you are in charge of anything but yourselves because nothing would ever get done..

The notion that we shouldn't build because after the building was done some of those workers would be out of a job. LOL Ridiculous!
^^^Another gem. Smile

No "change" in anything Obama has said or done. Getting mostly the same old Dem retreads to run things. Haven't seen any new ideas yet.
Still behind him though...
jetpilot Wrote:^^^Another gem. Smile

No "change" in anything Obama has said or done. Getting mostly the same old Dem retreads to run things. Haven't seen any new ideas yet.
Still behind him though...
:thanks: :lmao:
Good comeback! Back to the thread title - What new US President has NOT said he was going to create jobs? What did you expect Obama to say - that he was going to eliminate jobs?Smile You can keep guzzling all the Kool-Aid you can. The rest of us are going to wait for results, and not just the same ol' rhetoric...
I hope he does, and I hope he can do it faster than 2 or 3 years. We need it before then.
We already have the system in place to repair our roads... how much Federal and State tax have you been paying on every gallon of gas you buy??? There is nothing new here people...
Let us say that Obama does start some sort of Work Placement Program, using it to improve decaying infrastructure... what if workfare becomes more the order of the day than welfare... what if men and women, currently unemployed or underemployed, find jobs in the WPP, then the economy picks up, private sector jobs (maybe in alternate energy) pick up... these people have new skill sets with which to work. I would think conservatives would rather have a WPP (workfare) than welfare. Some negotiating could happen to make welfare much more difficult to receive if WPP jobs were available in the area.
jetpilot Wrote:We already have the system in place to repair our roads... how much Federal and State tax have you been paying on every gallon of gas you buy??? There is nothing new here people...
Nevermind all the bridges that are totally unsafe. Right?

If we had Golden Roads I'm sure you'd be on here saying.
"Well, the price of gold is way down , of course we want gold streets".Smile
All the bridges are totally unsafe? One bridge has fallen in how many years? Again we collect a ton of taxes and have millions of people whose job it is to work on the infrastructure. Obama has now determined he can put 2.5 million more people on it??? I'm going to wait for the details, NONE of which are out there on any of his CHANGE yet. You can assume he is going to fix all our problems, but the simple fact of the matter is that you don't have one single solitary fact to back up anything you say. At least not yet.

But you are drunk on the Kool-Aid.Big Grin
jetpilot Wrote:All the bridges are totally unsafe? One bridge has fallen in how many years? Again we collect a ton of taxes and have millions of people whose job it is to work on the infrastructure. Obama has now determined he can put 2.5 million more people on it??? I'm going to wait for the details, NONE of which are out there on any of his CHANGE yet. You can assume he is going to fix all our problems, but the simple fact of the matter is that you don't have one single solitary fact to back up anything you say. At least not yet.

But you are drunk on the Kool-Aid.Big Grin

....and neither do you Big Grin
jetpilot Wrote:All the bridges are totally unsafe? One bridge has fallen in how many years? Again we collect a ton of taxes and have millions of people whose job it is to work on the infrastructure. Obama has now determined he can put 2.5 million more people on it??? I'm going to wait for the details, NONE of which are out there on any of his CHANGE yet. You can assume he is going to fix all our problems, but the simple fact of the matter is that you don't have one single solitary fact to back up anything you say. At least not yet.

But you are drunk on the Kool-Aid.Big Grin

I would think a reference to Jonestown (Guyana), particularly this close to its anniversary, is a little unwise. Barack Obama will not and cannot fix "all our problems." He CAN gather the best minds he can find, LISTEN (not a strength of Bush/Cheney), and seek to implement policies that will address issues and needs.
Well I wish Obama the best of luck and hope he can pull us out of this mess! But to be honest, I can't figure out how he plans to maintain military operations in 2 countries (even if to a lesser degree); provide for the necessary social security/medicare funding; bail out the banks with all of these government guarantees; do another stimulus package; launch a wide scale re-building of infrastructure; provide health insurance to every American; and provide for the half a dozen other projects he has promised; without leaving our children and grand-children with 30 trillion worth of national debt, a dollar that isn't worth the paper it is printed on, or not raising our taxes to 50%. If he can figure all of that out then he will have my vote the next time around. Otherwise, it is just a pipe dream.
Hey guys Im gonna break the world record in the mile later today at the track. Eventhough all the evidence says I won't, I said it so you all should atleast believe it for awhile.
Beetle01 Wrote:Hey guys Im gonna break the world record in the mile later today at the track. Eventhough all the evidence says I won't, I said it so you all should atleast believe it for awhile.

To quote McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , "Well, at least I {gosh} I tried."
EKY Sportster Wrote:Well I wish Obama the best of luck and hope he can pull us out of this mess! But to be honest, I can't figure out how he plans to maintain military operations in 2 countries (even if to a lesser degree); provide for the necessary social security/medicare funding; bail out the banks with all of these government guarantees; do another stimulus package; launch a wide scale re-building of infrastructure; provide health insurance to every American; and provide for the half a dozen other projects he has promised; without leaving our children and grand-children with 30 trillion worth of national debt, a dollar that isn't worth the paper it is printed on, or not raising our taxes to 50%. If he can figure all of that out then he will have my vote the next time around. Otherwise, it is just a pipe dream. is definitely an interesting time in our history right now. He is acquiring a country that is in total dissaray. He definitely has a lot on his plate and it will be interesting on how he can clear up this mess. There are no quick fixes for any of these problems, and it's going to take awhile to fix it all. Let's just hope and pray that things will start getting better.....and soon because if it don't, we are going to be in a "mell of a hess" (get it?)
Beetle01 Wrote:Hey guys Im gonna break the world record in the mile later today at the track. Eventhough all the evidence says I won't, I said it so you all should atleast believe it for awhile.
I'll cheer you all the way Beetle! I Believe!
DevilsWin Wrote:I'll cheer you all the way Beetle! I Believe!

Obviously you believe anything anyone tells you.Big Grin

j/k with you dw

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