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UPDATE::Pike County Schools
As of right now are on a one-hour delay!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Letcher County Schools are on a one hour delay..My road is COVERED!
Pike County is now on a two-hour delay.....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I thought for sure that today I would get a NCAA '09 playday, lol..
Pike County is now CLOSED!!!
Jenkins Ind. is now CLOSED!!!
who has the most snow in pike county?
Thats bullstuff.
It's snowing right now here where I live... The roads weren't covered but they were icy... Can't drive a bus on icy roads!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I sure miss those high school days where it snowed three little flakes and we got out for 3 days!
WOW lol must be nice to get out of school for flurries.
UH.. it more than flurried... It snowed rather hard BUT the hollows were covered and buses coudln't get up them!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:UH.. it more than flurried... It snowed rather hard BUT the hollows were covered and buses coudln't get up them!!

Speaking of which...

When will our local school systems wake up and create a "winter weather plan" to use for mornings like this one ?

There should be a 1 hr. delay and the buses come to the mouth of hollows only. It wouldn't hurt students to walk to catch the bus. This would allow school buses to stay on better roads and have school remain open.
I do agree with you to an extent BUT there are some hollows at Majestic (which is where the kids at Phelps go) that are 3 to 6 miles long. An example is Sunshine hollow where the sun NEVER shines.... very narrow road and it would be dangerous to even get the kids out in their parents automobiles let alone make them have to walk for 2 hours to get to the bus.... It's kind of a win/lose situtation...

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Over at Phelps? lmao

Just playin'
phs1986 Wrote:I do agree with you to an extent BUT there are some hollows at Majestic (which is where the kids at Phelps go) that are 3 to 6 miles long. An example is Sunshine hollow where the sun NEVER shines.... very narrow road and it would be dangerous to even get the kids out in their parents automobiles let alone make them have to walk for 2 hours to get to the bus.... It's kind of a win/lose situtation...

i am sure the majority have 4 wheelers lol just playing...I miss high school for days such as this lol
That is crazy. I remember going to school when there was over 2 inches of snow on the ground. Now it seems school is called off over everything. I understand some kids situations, and I'm sure the roads can get slippery...but if they keep letting school out like this then kids wont get out of school til July
oneijoe Wrote:Speaking of which...

When will our local school systems wake up and create a "winter weather plan" to use for mornings like this one ?

There should be a 1 hr. delay and the buses come to the mouth of hollows only. It wouldn't hurt students to walk to catch the bus. This would allow school buses to stay on better roads and have school remain open.

Yeah that's just silly for the most part. I live about 5 minutes out of the Pikeville City limits in a holler, and I live 2 miles up, and my neighbors ride the bus, and making them walk two miles when its freezing is just crazy. :p Maybe make the parents bring the kids to the mouth of the holler, but if they didn't show up, they wouldn't be counted absent? But they would never do that because no one would go, and they would lose money. Oh well, I guess since Pike is such a big county, they don't really have a choice to cancel it on days like today. I know it seems silly for us almost in the city limits, but we're not the whole county.
*Central_Cheer_Chick Wrote:That is crazy. I remember going to school when there was over 2 inches of snow on the ground. Now it seems school is called off over everything. I understand some kids situations, and I'm sure the roads can get slippery...but if they keep letting school out like this then kids wont get out of school til July

I think part of the reason they do call school off on days like this is because they have the banked days thing. They go longer in the evenings every day and over a period of time, the time builds up. I dont know how many days they have this year, but I know one year they had 12 days before they had to make any up.
oneijoe Wrote:Speaking of which...

When will our local school systems wake up and create a "winter weather plan" to use for mornings like this one ?

There should be a 1 hr. delay and the buses come to the mouth of hollows only. It wouldn't hurt students to walk to catch the bus. This would allow school buses to stay on better roads and have school remain open.

Excellent post, but unfortunately the adults want days off as bad as the kids.
Letcher Co.'s roads were horrible. I don't even live in a 'holler. I think that we wouldn't have had school if we wouldn't have missed school for the water problem in Whitesburg. As we were headed for school we passed a salt truck. Kinda late, huh. Oh well. Plus, in Letcher Co., the days that they're 1 hour delays we have to make it up at the end of the day. So, instead of getting out @ 3:12 we got out at 4:12. Something else, why do we have to get out at such an odd time? I mean why can't we have a nice rounded number like 3:15 or 3:30, oh well it's Letcher Co. what am I supposed to expect...

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