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Veterans Day
As a veterans grandson, i want to thank all of the veterans out there who make it possible for us to sit and talk up the hype and discuss the sports in our great state/country. Mr. Wendall Morris, my former shop teacher, is in Afghanistan as we speak, fighting terror so we don't have to face it hear. There are a few other Raceland Alum(my former HS) that are or have been over seas and i want to say thank you to them as well. May god be with those fighting and with those who have fought. As i read somewhere earlier today....

if you are reading this...thank a teacher
if you are reading this in english....thank a soldier.

God bless the United States of America.
Thanks for serving our Country!!!

How about a shout out from the vets here on the BGR. Just list your branch of service, (rank optional). MOS and dates if you like.
I personally would like to thank all of you who served, and I understand what you all went through!

(SPC) E-4
46N Pershing 2
Thanks to all the men and women who have sown the seeds of freedom throughout the world with their blood, sweat, and tears. Our freedom to have the "Friday Night Lights", to argue about sports, and to live,pretty much, as we please, is due to the sacrifices and lives given by the heroes of the USA. Thank you, and God Bless you and be with you always.
We had a VERY nice program at school that included the area veterans. The kids put on several little pieces of things aimed towards showing their respect. They were personally ALL announced and honored. I really enjoyed it and actually loved looking at the medals (especially the purple heart) that they had on display!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
A big thanks for the bottom of my heart for all of the veterans and our present soliders. RIP Papaw and come home safely Daniel!!!

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