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Sarah Palin Responsible for Death Threats against Obama
From the BBC:

Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama

Sarah Palin's attacks on Barack Obama's patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign.

The Republican vice presidential candidate attracted criticism for accusing Mr Obama of "palling around with terrorists", citing his association with the sixties radical William Ayers.

The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric.

But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to go even further.

The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: "Why would they try to make people hate us?"

The revelations, contained in a Newsweek history of the campaign, are likely to further damage Mrs Palin's credentials as a future presidential candidate. She is already a frontrunner, with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, to take on Mr Obama in four years time.

Details of the spike in threats to Mr Obama come as a report last week by security and intelligence analysts Stratfor, warned that he is a high risk target for racist gunmen. It concluded: "Two plots to assassinate Obama were broken up during the campaign season, and several more remain under investigation. We would expect federal authorities to uncover many more plots to attack the president that have been hatched by white supremacist ideologues.

Irate John McCain aides, who blame Mrs Palin for losing the election, claim Mrs Palin took it upon herself to question Mr Obama's patriotism, before the line of attack had been cleared by Mr McCain.

That claim is part of a campaign of targeted leaks designed to torpedo her ambitions, with claims that she did not know that Africawas a continent rather than a country.

The advisers have branded her a "diva" and a "whack job" and claimed that she did not know which other countries are in the North American Free Trade Area, (Canada and Mexico). They say she spent more than $150,000 on designer clothes, including $40,000 on her husband Todd and that she refused to prepare for the disastrous series of interviews with CBS's Katie Couric.

In a bid to salvage her reputation Mrs Palin came out firing in an interview with CNN, dismissing the anonymous leakers in unpresidential language as "jerks" who had taken "questions or comments I made in debate prep out of context.

She said: "I consider it cowardly. It's not true. That's cruel, it's mean-spirited, it's immature, it's unprofessional and those guys are jerks if they came away taking things out of context and then tried to spread something on national news that's not fair and not right.

She was not asked about her incendiary rhetoric against Mr Obama. But she did deny the spending spree claims, saying the clothes in question had been returned to the Republican National Committee. "Those are the RNC's clothes, they're not my clothes. I asked for anything more than maybe a diet Dr Pepper once in a while. These are false allegations.

Speaking as she returned to her native Alaska, Mrs Palin claimed to be baffled by what she claims was sexism on the national stage. "Here in Alaska that double standard isn't applied because these guys know that Alaskan women are pretty tough, on a par with the men in terms of being outdoors, working hard," she said.

"They're commercial fishermen, they're pilots, they're working up on the North slopein the oil fields. You see equality in Alaska. I think that was a bit of as surprise on the national level.
Ever thing she said is true and you will see in the long run. So get over it.
She should be hanged along with all her followers for Treason IMO.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Sounds like she is a threat to the "good-ole" boy network in Washington and they are trying to malign her. SARAH PALIN 2012!
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:This is absolutely ridiculous. Sounds like she is a threat to the "good-ole" boy network in Washington and they are trying to malign her. SARAH PALIN 2012!
You mean like Obama?

How pathetic. Really its sad.:p
DevilsWin Wrote:She should be hanged along with all her followers for Treason IMO.

Pathetic.Rolleyes You really need to seek professional help to deal with your hate.

The article was obviously written by political hacks. Blaming Palin for threats against Obama is only something the far-left loons could dream up.
It wouldn't matter if Sarah Palin called him everything but a milk cow. There are some crazy people out there and its not going to matter to them what Sarah Plain says.
DevilsWin Wrote:She should be hanged along with all her followers for Treason IMO.

Hey DW.....back so soon. I thought you were going on a vacation? Smile

I knew you couldn't stay away very long. lol
Yea everything is Palin and Bush fault, Democrats are Perfect! Smile
jetpilot Wrote:Pathetic.Rolleyes You really need to seek professional help to deal with your hate.

The article was obviously written by political hacks. Blaming Palin for threats against Obama is only something the far-left loons could dream up.
The Secret Service said it not some far left loon.Smile
Old School Wrote:Hey DW.....back so soon. I thought you were going on a vacation? Smile

I knew you couldn't stay away very long. lol
I couldn't resist.:o
DevilsWin Wrote:You mean like Obama?

How pathetic. Really its sad.:p

Who said anything about Obama? I was speaking of Republicans who see Palin as a threat in 2012. Stop putting words in my mouth.Rolleyes
DevilsWin Wrote:The Secret Service said it not some far left loon.Smile

The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

And coinciding with the election getting nearer. An ultra left-wing loon said it, and anyone with an IQ of over 10 knows it's bull. The Dems bashed Palin much worse than Obama got bashed, and you don't hear Republicans acting like a bunch of crying sissies.Rolleyes
Anyone care to read this???
jetpilot Wrote: The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

And coinciding with the election getting nearer. An ultra left-wing loon said it, and anyone with an IQ of over 10 knows it's bull. The Dems bashed Palin much worse than Obama got bashed, and you don't hear Republicans acting like a bunch of crying sissies.Rolleyes

beetle Himself has threatened to leave the Good Ole USA ASAP because of Obama being elected. If that isn't being a sissy I don't know what is Jetpilot.
DevilsWin Wrote:IS THAT A FACT?

beetle Himself has threatened to leave the Good Ole USA ASAP because of Obama being elected. If that isn't being a sissy I don't know what is Jetpilot.

Nah if my country is gonna get turned into a communist one, I'm leaving. I have no particular attachment to this country if it is going down that path. Since there is no chance of anytype of revolution this day and age, might as well move to where the grass is greener. Germany and France already found out the kind of policies Obama and his Dems want to put in don't work.
jetpilot Wrote:Anyone care to read this???
Michelle Malkin is not someone in which I would place any amount of faith.
jetpilot Wrote: The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

And coinciding with the election getting nearer. An ultra left-wing loon said it, and anyone with an IQ of over 10 knows it's bull. The Dems bashed Palin much worse than Obama got bashed, and you don't hear Republicans acting like a bunch of crying sissies.Rolleyes

Barack Obama, as the first African American President, will be subjected to an intensity of hatred by some perhaps not felt since Abraham Lincoln.
Governor Palin suggested Obama was a terrorist sympathizer, non-patriotic fraud, and out to grab guns from hunters. And here we have the "did AC/DC music lead a few kids to commit heinous crimes"? The unstable can be spurred on by inflammatory speech and/or music. Can we deny that?
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama, as the first African American President, will be subjected to an intensity of hatred by some perhaps not felt since Abraham Lincoln.
Governor Palin suggested Obama was a terrorist sympathizer, non-patriotic fraud, and out to grab guns from hunters. And here we have the "did AC/DC music lead a few kids to commit heinous crimes"? The unstable can be spurred on by inflammatory speech and/or music. Can we deny that?

So Obama and Biden's inflammatory speech could get Palin murdered, right? There is always inflammatory speech in election campaigns!!!
DevilsWin Wrote:Michelle Malkin is not someone in which I would place any amount of faith.

She is reporting the investigation into what happened! Not her findings, but as usual you want to avoid the facts! Typical. Look into the investigation and you just might accidentally learn something.Rolleyes
Obama has friends which are questionable. Most of his friends are. Who are his friends that when we hear their names, we are like man, that guy is a true American. NONE. I'm not talking about people he has become buddy buddy with since running for President. People he was around and ran with when he was a nobody. Like the saying goes "you run with dogs, you get fleas"
jetpilot Wrote:So Obama and Biden's inflammatory speech could get Palin murdered, right?
All we accused Palin of was being unqualified and ignorant. Not by any means grounds for murder.

Obama on the other hand has been characterized as a terrorist, communist, socialist, Marxist and anything else his opponents could come up with to scare the voting populace away from voting for him. There have been plots to kill Obama, I don't recall hearing about plots to kill Palin.

Radical Libs don't kill people, we take to the streets.

The same can't be said for radical conservatism.
jetpilot Wrote:She is reporting the investigation into what happened! Not her findings, but as usual you want to avoid the facts! Typical. Look into the investigation and you just might accidentally learn something.Rolleyes
Not the truth if it comes from MM.
DevilsWin Wrote:All we accused Palin of was being unqualified and ignorant. Not by any means grounds for murder.

Obama on the other hand has been characterized as a terrorist, communist, socialist, Marxist and anything else his opponents could come up with to scare the voting populace away from voting for him. There have been plots to kill Obama, I don't recall hearing about plots to kill Palin.

Radical Libs don't kill people, we take to the streets.

The same can't be said for radical conservatism.

Get help. I'm going to quit wasting our time so I can get back to work and you can get back to watching "The View."
DevilsWin Wrote:Not the truth if it comes from MM.

What part of not her findings did you fail to grasp?Rolleyes It is coming from the Secret Service agents at the rally, as reported by many, many others. Get a clue.
jetpilot Wrote:Get help. I'm going to quit wasting our time so I can get back to work and you get back to watching "The View."

Abusive ad hominem is a recognized logical flaw in debate. A flaw which makes the threads of your thought close to ripping out.
jetpilot Wrote:Get help. I'm going to quit wasting our time so I can get back to work and you can get back to watching "The View."
thecavemaster Wrote:Abusive ad hominem is a recognized logical flaw in debate. A flaw which makes the threads of your thought close to ripping out.

Please stay on topic and answer my previous question to you.
jetpilot Wrote:Please stay on topic and answer my previous question to you.

Well, if people are out there who would kill a Vice-Presidential female candidate for "not prepared to lead this nation," I guess so. Can you give an example of inflammatory rhetoric used by Obama or Bident as directed at Governor Palin?
thecavemaster Wrote:Well, if people are out there who would kill a Vice-Presidential female candidate for "not prepared to lead this nation," I guess so. Can you give an example of inflammatory rhetoric used by Obama or Bident as directed at Governor Palin?

No because she doesn't pal around with extremely shady characters, some of whom are terrorists anyway you look at it. Who even as recently as 7 years ago said they regret nothing which they did back in those days.

Am I saying they drink tea and talk on the phone everyday? No.
But how many of you are even acquintances with terrorists, or would even consider being their friend. I would whip Ayers butt if given the chance for stuff he did way way way before I was born. Just because he needs it. Its not somebody I would even be okay with being around. If I was on a board for an organization and he was on it. I would either be saying get rid of him or I'm gone. If they chose him then so be it. It shows the character of those people. Just as we see the character of Obama by who he keeps in company.

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